Patrol Flashcards
What are the objectives of Patrol?
-To preserve the peace by mere presence and by proper action
-prevent crime by opportunity reduction; duty to prevent
-suppress crime by timely response
-apprehend suspect
-regulate non-criminal conduct by obtaining and maintaining good officer citizen relationships
Importance of patrol?
What is the most single most important factor in officer survival?
Mental conditioning
What are some factors involved in psychological preparedness?
-Attitude development and preparation
-sociological and psychological maturity
-formal and informal education
-personal value system
Officers must avoid developing attitudes that are counterproductive of job
performance like?
-Isolationism and ostracizing others
-Becoming paranoid and regarding all people suspiciously or as would-be
-Withdrawing from or failing to be a normal part of the community
Color Codes of awarness
White - Relaxed
Yellow - Alert to Surroundings
Orange - Senses Alerted to something happened
Red- Taking Action
Black - Panic
Truths about the color codes of awarness
The more time spent in white the greater chance to become a statistic
The more time in yellow and orange the greater chance for survival
Condition yellow is a lifetime commitment for peace officers
Color code of awareness- WHITE
Unaware of actions around you
Reading newspaper
Watching TV
Color code of awareness- Yellow
Alert to Surroundings
Paying attention to noises
Actions of others
Color code of awareness- Orange
Senses Alerted to Something Happening
Recognize the threat
Formulate a plan
Prepare to take action
Color code of awareness- Red
Taking Action
Color code of awareness- Black
May be due to lack of training and preparation
May be due to lack of faith in training
Officers should always, be mentally and emotionally prepared for a possible shooting situation…
A state of mental readiness gives professional officers an edge in such a situation. Officers can begin to develope this state of mental readiness with planning or mental rehersals.
Any material that can reasonably be expected to stop the travel of a bullet fired
from small arms such as handguns, shotguns, and rifles that provides an adequate level
of protection from danger/injury (brick walls, automobile engine, etc.) Cover is typically
hardened, thick, bulky material.
Hides you from view but without protection. Any object that prevents a
person from seeing you is concealment. A thick bush, a closed set of window blinds or a
shower curtain all qualify as concealment.
Never approach a potentially dangerous situation without first________________[.
notifying someone
(dispatch, supervisor) and, if needed, without backup.
Never go into a building or structure where criminal activity is suspected___________.
Without backup
Maintain a _____________ of the police sidearm.
Constant awareness
Practice good officer-survival techniques_______________.
Day in and day out
Placing yourself, others, or your patrol unit in a position as to provide the suspect(s)
with a definite identifiable target.
To avoid silhouetting backup units should?
Secure headlights, reds, and ambers upon approach of primary unit.
Avoid holding flashlight toward other officers
If suspect’s hands are already in pocket, instruct them to?
Not remove them
What are the two types of problem area patrols?
Preventative Patrol and Apprehension Patrol
Preventive Patrol
Preventative enforcement: Conduct property checks, question suspicious persons, vary
patrol patterns and predictability and maintain high visibility.
Selective patrol: