Patient Education Flashcards
The right to obtain complete, current, and understandable info about diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis is an example of what?
The Patient Bill of Rights
“RN practice means…care, counsel, and health teaching of ill, injured, or infirm”
This is an example of what?
The Nurse Practice Act (Scope of Practice)
Where are the requirements for nurses to teach found in?
The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO)
What are two things that client education must include according to JCAHO?
Evidence patients + significant others participate in care & decision making
Evidence that client’s understand what they’ve been taught
According to the JCAHO, a nurse must consider a client’s:
Literacy Level
Educational Background
Language Skills (English-Speaking? Comprehension?)
What are the 3 requirements for a nurse to teach?
- Assess the PT’s learning needs, abilities, and readiness to learn.
- Use standards that require nurses to educate clients on meds.
- Have evidence that the PT understands what they’ve been taught.
The Joint Commission’s Speak Up programs helps patients with what?
Understanding their rights
SPEAK UP. What does the S in this abbreviation stand for?
Speak up and ask questions
SPEAK UP. What does the first P in this abbreviation stand for?
Pay attention to the care you receive
SPEAK UP. What does the E in this abbreviation stand for?
Educate yourself about your illness
SPEAK UP. What does the A in this abbreviation stand for?
Ask a trusted friend/ family member to be your advocate
SPEAK UP. What does the K in this abbreviation stand for?
Know which med you take & why you take them
SPEAK UP. What does the U in this abbreviation stand for?
Use a hospital, clinic, surgery center, or other type of healthcare that you’ve researched
SPEAK UP. What does the last letter in this abbreviation stand for?
Participate in the decisions about your treatment
What are the 3 types of people that nurses teach?
Clients & Families
The Community
Other Health Personnel
What does informal teaching mean whenever teaching a patient or client?
Any teaching done with client care (How much to drink, dose of medication, etc.)
What does formal teaching mean whenever teaching a patient or client?
Teaching a group of clients
What does informal teaching mean whenever teaching a health team member?
When a nurse notices an error in procedure, the peer that messed up requires further instruction
What does formal teaching mean whenever teaching healthcare personnel?
Nurses in educator roles at hospital (computer class training for example)
Whenever teaching the community, name two things that you’d teach individuals at home
Wound Care, IV Care
Whenever teaching the community, name three things that you’d teach groups in the community?
CPR Classes
Nutrition to Senior Citizens
What is cognitive learning?
Thinking/ Understanding
All about Knowledge
What is affective learning?
Feeling/ Attitudes
All about the Interpersonal stuff.
What is psychomotor learning?
Motor Skills
All about Performance
What is the mode to transmit cognitive knowledge?
Lecture, discussion, short-answer exercises
What is the mode to transmit affective learning?
Role play, reflection, one-on-one discussion
What is the mode to transmit psychomotor learning?
Demonstration, practice, return demonstration (teach back method), independent projects, games
What is Bloom’s taxonomy from bottom to top?
Remember, Understand, Apply, Analyze, Evaluate, Create
What are the barriers to learning?
Illness, pain, negative emotions
Developmental factors, if not integrated into teaching
Cultural beliefs
Psychomotor ability
Name 5 learning theories
Cognitive Dissonance
Health Belief Model
Transtheoretical Model of Change
Health promotion
What is cognitive dissonance?
Conflicting Beliefs
(Ex: Smoking, people smoke knowing it’s bad for them)
What is the Health Belief Model?
Model used to guide health promotion and disease prevention programs
What is the Transtheoretical Model of Change?
Model noting the 6 stages of change (For Ex: Pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, etc.)
What is self-efficacy?
A person’s belief in their capacity to execute behaviors necessary to produce specific results
What is the learning theory of health promotion?
A learning theory that considers individual behavior and directs the design of intervention strategies to influence behavior change
(For ex: Passive prevention, active prevention, secondary prevention, etc.)
High anxiety is a-
Barrier to learning
Mild anxiety is a-
Stimulus to learning
What are the 6 steps of the teaching process?
Identify a need for info
Establish learning objectives
The nurse conveys info
The PT learns the info
They provide feedback
Evaluate the success of the teaching plan
All steps of the nursing process in order?
How do you determine a toddler’s/pre-schooler’s developmental level?
Observe HOW they play, with whom, and what skills they have
School-age kids typically learn best through-
Psychomotor learning
Adolescents typically learn best through
Affective learning (or affective domain, whatever you wanna call it)
What is typically useful to help older adults learn?
Large print is typically useful
What’s the name of the calculation used to reach the index on any work?
The fog index
What’s the “ideal” FOG index level?
7 or 8
What does the ASL stand for in the FOG index?
Average sentence length
What does the NLW stand for in the FOG index?
Number of long words
How many syllables does a word need to be considered a long word in the FOG Index?
3 syllables
How do you get the ASL in the FOG index?
Divide the number of words (typically 100) and divide by the number of sentences
Noncompliance shouldn’t be used with caution
True or False?
What are 3 verbs for the cognitive domain?
Describes, lists, explains
What are 3 verbs for the affective domain?
Discuss, shares, initiates
What are 3 verbs for the psychomotor domain?
Calculates, demonstrates, measures
What’s a SMART goal?
Attainable/ achievable
Bloom’s taxonomy of objectives is used to do what?
Make objectives:
Clear and specific.
Observable, measurable, and achievable.
An application of major knowledge, skill, and/or attitude.
Reflect skills needed in the professional field and real-world context.