Patient Care Flashcards
To hide or put out of site; provides no ballistic protection is called?
A type of concealment that hides the body and offers ballistic protection is called?
A location where any part of a criminal act has occurred or where evidence relating to a crime may be found is called?
Crime scene
A self defense measure in which the moves and actions of an aggressor are anticipated and unconventional pathways are used during retreat for personal safety is called?
Evasive Tactic
A self defense measure that creates diversion in a person’s attention is called?
Leaving the scene when danger is observed or when violence or indicators of violence are displayed; requires immediate and decisive action is called?
EMS personnel specially trained and equipped to provide prehospital emergency care in tactical environments is called?
Tactical EMS
Patient care activities that occur inside the scene perimeter or hot zone is called?
Tactical patient care
A type of radio signal in the ultra-high-frequency range that allows splitting a frequency into individual talk groups used as communication links with other system users is called?
800 MHz
Recognition given to an EMD center by an independent auditing agency for achieving a consistently high level of performance based on industry best practice standards is called?
Telephone technology used to identify the location of a caller immediately is called?
Automatic location identification (ALI)
Telephone technology that provides immediate identification of the caller’s 10-digit telephone number is called?
Automatic number identification (ANI)
Comparison of operating policies, procedures, protocols, and performance with those of other agencies in an effort to improve results is called?
The elapsed time from the moment a call is received by the communications center to the time the responding unit is alerted is called?
Call processing time
A definable, measurable, skilled task completed by the dispatcher that has a significant impact on the delivery of patient care is called?
Clinical performance indicator
The main dispatch computer in an EMD center; used to complete numerous call-taking, dispatching, monitoring, and electronic communication tasks is called?
Computer-aided dispatch (CAD)
The provision of clinically approved, scripted instructions by telephone by a trained and certified emergency medical dispatcher is called?
Dispatch life support
The science and skills associated with the tasks of an emergency medical dispatcher is called?
Emergency medical dispatching (EMD)
The closest trained persons and vehicle assigned to respond to a call; often the closest available fire department vehicle is called?
First responder unit
A satellite-based geographic locating system often placed on an ambulance to track its exact location is called?
Global positioning system (GPS)
For emergency medical dispatchers, an unstructured, subjective, unscripted method of telephone assessment and treatment; a less-effective process than protocols is called?
A device used in an ambulance or first responder vehicle to retrieve and send call information that has its own memory storage and processing capability is called?
Mobile data computer
A device used like a mobile data computer but without its own memory storage and processing capability is called?
Mobile data terminal
A contractual agreement between the EMS provider and the government authority to provide ambulance response to a particular municipality or region with time requirements for each response and total responses on a monthly basis is called?
Performance-based response system
Clinically approved instructions provided by telephone by a trained and certified EMD is called?
Prearrival instructions
A predictable, reproducible process for addressing a medical problem with specific, sequenced actions and a definable, measurable result is called?
Trained and certified quality specialists who have the knowledge and skills to measure dispatcher performance against established standards accurately and consistently is called?
Quality improvement unit (QIU)
A type of responder with paramedic-level skills but no transport capability is called?
Quick response unit
An approved, consistent plan for responding to each call type is called?
Response assignment plan
A type of response, either with or without lights and sirens use is called?
Response mode
Ad-libbed instructions most often used in EMD centers by dispatchers who have had previous training as paramedics, EMTs, or cardiopulmonary resuscitation providers; strictly relies on the dispatcher’s experience and prior knowledge of a particular situation or medical condition and is considered an ineffective form of telephone treatment is called?
Telephone aid
Classifying patients based on the severity of illness or injury is called?
A type of radio signal used to make two-way radio contact between the communications center and the responders. Now considered old technology compared with more contemporary 800 MHz radio systems is called?
Very high frequency
Telephone technology that gives Internet users the ability to make voice telephone calls is called?
Voice over Internet protocol
Ambulance designed to transport morbidly obese patients is called?
Bariatric ambulance
Principle used when driving an emergency vehicle of ensuring that all other vehicles and citizens in the area see and grant the emergency vehicle the right of way is called?
Due regard
Establishing a single location in a central point to station an emergency vehicle, such as a fire station is called?
Fixed positioning
An airplane is called?
Fixed-winged aircraft
Stretcher or got used to transport patients is called?
Loading a patient into a helicopter while the rotors are spinning is called?
Hot load
A hard-sided or soft-sided bag used by paramedics to carry supplies and medications to the patient’s side is called?
Jump kit
An area used to land a helicopter that is 100x100 feet and free of overhead wires is called?
Landing zone
Disinfected is called?
Medically clean
The geographic area assigned to an emergency vehicle for responding to the sick and injured is called?
Response area
A helicopter is called?
Rotor-wing aircraft
A hospital that has met criteria to offer special care as a burn center, level 1 trauma center, stroke center, or pediatric center is called?
Specialty center
A collapsible, portable chair with handles on the front and back used to carry patients in sitting position down stairs is called?
Stair chair
Free of any living organism is called?
Dynamic process of staffing, stationing, and moving ambulances according to projected call volumes is called?
System status management (SSM)
Regular truck cab and frame with a modular ambulance box mounted on the back is called?
Type 1 ambulance
Van-style ambulance is called?
Type 2 ambulance
A van chassis with a modified modular back is called?
Type 3 ambulance
Mathematic calculation used to determine the effectiveness of an ambulance; on call per hour = 1 UhU is called?
Unit hour utilization (UhU)
An incident involving 100 or more persons is called?
A gathering point for strategic policymakers during an emergency incident is called?
Emergency operations center
The person responsible for providing a cost analysis of an incident is called?
Finance officer
The person responsible for the overall management of an emergency scene is called?
Incident commander
The person responsible for assembling supplies used during an incident is called?
Logistics officer
An incident involving 26 to 99 persons is called?
Multiple-casuality incident
An incident involving two to 25 persons is called?
Multiple-patient incident
Carries out the tactical objectives of the incident commander is called?
Supplies past, present, and future information about the incident is called?
The initial sorting of patients to determine which are most injured and in need of immediate care is called?
Primary triage
The person responsible for ensuring that no unsafe acts occur during the emergency incident is called?
Safety officer
Conducted after the primary search; determines the order of treatment and transport of the remaining patients is called?
Secondary triage
Command type involving one agency is called?
Singular command
The amount of resources that one person can effectively manage is called?
Span of control
An organized set of guidelines distributed across the organization is called?
Standard operating procedures (SOPs)
Command type involving multiple agencies is called?
Unified command
Listening to the words that the patient is saying as well as paying attention to the significance of those words to the patient is called?
Active listening
Asking to speaker to help you understand is called?
A form of interview question that limits a patients’s response to simple, brief words or phrases (e.g. “yes or no,” “sharp or dull”) is called?
Closed-ended questions
The use of words, writing, or other commonly understood symbols by a sender to send a message to a receiver, who then provides feedback that indicates the receiver’s interpretation of the message is called?
Focusing on a particular point made during the interview is called?
Values and perspectives common to a racial, religious, or social group of people is called?
Cultural beliefs
Listening to the words that the patient is saying as well as paying attention to the significance of those words to the patient is called?
Active listening
Asking to speaker to help you understand is called?
A form of interview question that limits a patients’s response to simple, brief words or phrases (e.g. “yes or no,” “sharp or dull”) is called?
Closed-ended questions
Questions that can be answered with short responses such as “yes” or “no” is called?
Direct (closed-ended) questions
Focusing on a particular point made during the interview is called?
Values and perspectives common to a racial, religious, or social group of people is called?
Cultural beliefs
The tendency to impose your beliefs, values, and patterns of behavior on an individual from another culture is called?
Cultural imposition
A practice or set of practices followed by a group of people is called?
Treatment or consideration based on class or category rather than individual merit is called?
The area within 1.5 feet of a person is called?
Intimate space
Identification with and understanding of another’s situation, feelings, and motives is called?
Viewing your life as the most desirable, acceptable, or best, and acting in a manner conveying superiority to another culture’s way of life is called?
Sharing objective information related to the message is called?
Encouraging the patient to provide more information is called?
Stating the conclusions you have drawn from the information is called?
The area within 1.5 feet of a person is called?
Intimate space
The application of a derogatory term to a patient on the basis of an event, habit, or personality trait that may not be accurate about the underlying condition is called?
Expressions, motions, gestures, and body language that may be used to communicate other than with words is called?
Nonverbal cues
Sharing the patients feelings or emotional state in relation to an illness is called?
The area around individuals that they perceive as an extension of themselves. In the United States, personal distance is 1.5 to 4 feet is called?
Personal space
Echoing the patient’s message using your own words is called?
The acceptable distance between strangers used for impersonal business transactions. In Western cultures, social distance is 4 to 12 feet is called?
Social distance
The attribution of some trait or characteristics to one person on the basis of the interviewer’s preconceived notions about a general class of people of similar characteristics is called?
Briefly reviewing the interview and your conclusions is called?
Added to the beginning of a root word to alter the meaning. Usually identifies location or frequency is called?
Rules governing the protection of a patients identifiable information is called?
Health Insurance portability and accountability Act (HIPAA)
Greek- and Latin-based words (typically) that function as a common language for the medical community is called?
Medical terminology
Verifiable findings, such as information seen, felt, or heard by the paramedic is called?
Objective information
In a patient assessment, the signs and symptoms found not to be present that support a working diagnosis is called?
Pertinent negative
In a patient assessment, the signs and symptoms found to be present that support a working diagnosis is called?
Pertinent positive
Added to the end of a root word to change the meaning. Usually identifies the condition of the root word is called?
The report written by the paramedic after the call has been completed. The report becomes part of the patients permanent medical record is called?
Prehospital care report
In medical terminology, the part of the word that gives the primary meaning is called?
Root word
The set of procedures a paramedic is allowed and expected to perform is called?
Scope of practice
Information told to the paramedic is called?
Subjective information
The review of a PCR written by a paramedic by a peer or a third party is called?
Trip audit
Added to the end of a root word to change the meaning. Usually identifies the condition of the root word is called?
The report written by the paramedic after the call has been completed. The report becomes part of the patients permanent medical record is called?
Prehospital care report
In medical terminology, the part of the word that gives the primary meaning is called?
Root word
Understanding the different locations of demand within a community is called?
Geospatial demand analysis
Information told to the paramedic is called?
Subjective information
The review of a PCR written by a paramedic by a peer or a third party is called?
Trip audit
Added to the end of a root word to change the meaning. Usually identifies the condition of the root word is called?
The time required to get a unit en route to a call from dispatch is called?
Chute time
Using a mix of geographic coverage and demand posts to best serve the community given the number of ambulances available at any one time is called?
Combination deployment
Matching production capacity of an ambulance system to the changing patterns of call demand is called?
Training and education of communications personnel, rapid call taking, call prioritization (selecting the most appropriate resources to respond), managing out-of-chute times (getting crews on the road quickly), and providing crews with route selection assistance is called?
Dispatch factors
Deployment method of using only geographically based stations is called?
Fixed-station deployment
Planning resources and support services around demand is called?
Workload management
Method used to determine the time at which 90% of all requests for service receive a response; considered a more definitive measure of performance than averages is called?
Fractile response time
Assigning ambulances to a street corner post is called?
Fully deployed
Understanding the different locations of demand within a community is called?
Geospatial demand analysis
The time necessary for a crew to become available once it arrives at a hospital is called?
Hospital off-load time
Deployment that considers workload and how available resources can achieve a balance among coverage, response times, and crew satisfaction is called?
Modern deployment
The time from when the call is received until the paramedics arrive at the scene is called?
Response time
The dynamic process of staffing, stationing, and moving ambulances based on projected call volumes; also called flexible deployment is called?
System status management (SSM)
Measurement of call demand by hour of the day is called?
Temporal demand
Predicting the times when calls occur is called?
Temporal modeling
The average time a unit is committed to manage an incident is called?
Time on task
A measure of ambulance service productivity and staff workload is called?
Unit hour utilization (UhU)
Planning resources and support services around demand is called?
Workload management
Gives the dispatcher the ability to determine the caller’s location by routing the call through several CAD systems is called?
Enhanced 9-1-1
A range of radio frequencies is called?
A computer-aided system that automates dispatching by enhanced data collection, rapid recall of information, dispatch mapping, as well as unit tracking and the ability to track and dispatch resources is called?
Computer-aided dispatch (CAD)
The exchange of information between two or more individuals is called?
A central location that receives information and collects, disseminates, and transmits the information to the proper resources is called?
A radio system that allows transmitting and receiving at the same time through two different frequencies is called?
A radio system that uses two frequencies; on to transmit and one to receive; however, like a simplex system, only one person at a time can transmit is called?
Half duplex
Describes a radio system that can use the components of several different systems; it can use specialized equipment to connect several different radio systems and components together and have them communicate with each other is called?
A radio installed in an emergency vehicle. A mobile radio usually transmits by higher wattage than a portable radio is called?
Mobile radio
A system that allows the crew to transmit voice and data at the same time, enabling the crew to call in a patient report while transmitting an ECG strip to the hospital is called?
Also referred to as a walkie-talkie. These radios are carried by emergency personnel and have a lower wattage output than the mobile or base unit. To use these portable radios with a higher watt output, the units can be connected through a repeater system to increase their output, which increases range is called?
Portable radio
A dispatch center that is set up to receive and dispatch 9-1-1 calls is called?
Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP)
Radio frequencies are channels that allow communication from one specific user to another. For simple communication, both users must be on the same frequency or channel is called?
Radio frequency
A system that receives transmissions from a low-wattage radio and rebroadcasts the signal at a higher wattage to the dispatch center is called?
A system that allows only one-at-a-time communication. The transmission cannot be interrupted; both operators us the same frequency is called?
A system setup as mayday call reporting, such as ON-Star and Tele-aid. This system can send information from an automobile that has been involved in an accident directly to an emergency dispatch center with the exact location and the amount of damage that may have occurred is called?
A system that uses multiple repeaters (five or more) so that the computer can search for an open channel to transmit by is called?
Trunking system