Patient Assessment Model Chart (PAM) Flashcards
Delicate Spine: Critical Interventions
-Assess using NEXUS or Mechanism of injury
-Initiate head grip
Delicate Spine: Maintain
-apply c-collar (in neutral position)
-Blanket/strap legs
-Body secured to immobilization device
-Secure head (foam rolls/Sam)
Level of Consciousness
AIRWAY - Critical Interventions: To open mouth
-Cross finger technique
-Tongue jaw lift
AIRWAY - Critical Interventions: To clear
-Finger sweep
AIRWAY - Critical Interventions:
To open
-Head tilt chin lift
-Jaw thrust
AIRWAY - Critical Interventions: To maintain
-3/4 Prone, recovery or HAINES position
-Manual maneuvers
AIRWAY - Critical Interventions: Airway obstruction
-Back blows
-Abdominal thrusts
-Manual maneuvers
AIRWAY - Maintain
Insert airway adjunct:
-Oropharyngeal airway (OPA)
-Nasopharyngeal airway (NPA)
BREATHING - Critical interventions
Assisted ventilations using bag valve mask
-Bag valve mask
Supplemental oxygen administration
-Nasal cannula
-Standard/simple face mask
BREATHING - Maintain
Consider bringing extra set of hands during transport
CIRCULATION - Critical interventions
No carotid pulse:
-Initiate Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) protocol
If you suspect patient is in cardiac arrest check pulse initially in primary survey using CAB assessment
Continue chest compressions/AED as directed by CPR protocol and continue primary survey
RAPID BODY SURVEY - Critical interventions
(always wear appropriate PPE e.g. gloves, goggles, gown)
CUT AND EXPOSE when pain or injury suspected and CHOOSE APPROPRIATE CRITICAL INTERVENTIONS from Traumatic injury chart when necessary
RAPID BODY SURVEY - Maintain (list of bandages)
(always wear appropriate PPE e.g. gloves, goggles, gown)
Options for bandages to secure dressings include:
- Zap strap
- Tensor bandage
- Crepe bandage
- Roller bandage
- Triangular bandage
- Trans-pore tape
(Choose based on level of pressure required)
SKIN - Critical Interventions
- Assess for signs and symptoms of shock (colour/temp/perspiration)
- Consider blanket
OXYGEN - Critical Interventions
APPLY OXYGEN (if required):
- Nasal cannula
- 1-6 Lpm flow rate
(“Low-concentration mask”)
- 6-10 Lpm flow rate
(“Medium concentration mask”)
- 10-15 Lpm flow rate
(“High concentration mask”)
AIRWAY - Critical intervention:
Re-confirm airway is still maintained (OPA/NPA) and is still patent. If not, address with critical interventions:
- Suction
- Finger sweep
- Insert OPA/NPA
- Recovery position
ASCULTATION - Critical interventions
Only if in respiratory distress due to a medical cause
- Auscultate 6 points of the lungs
POSITIONING - Critical interventions: If Alert
Position of Comfort
POSITIONING - Critical interventions: If in respiratory distress
POSITIONING - Critical interventions: If assisting in ventilations or spinal motion restriction
POSITIONING - Critical interventions: If decreased level of consciousness
Recovery position
POSITIONING - Critical interventions: If showing signs and symptoms of shock or hypotension (absent radial pulses)
PROTOCOLS - Critical interventions
Consider entering EMR protocol on scene
Package up all critical interventions for transport