pathways to business ownership Flashcards
small business
defined by US Small Business Administration as having fewer than 500 employees and selling less than $5 million worth of products or services annually
there are ____ businesses in the US; approximately ___ percent of them are small companies with fewer than ___ employees
29.6 million
small businesses in the US employed ___ % of the country’s private (non-government) workforce, hired __ % of high-tech workers, and created __% of new new jobs annually over the last decade
home-based businesses make up __ % and franchises __% of all small firms
52%, 2%
small businesses represent __% of all companies with employees
social entrepreneurship
a global movement with initiatives launched every year to improve social problems
process of sourcing innovative solutions to social and environmental problems
benefit corporation, or B-corp
businesses with five or fewer employees
initial monetary requirements of $50,000 or less
habitual operational involvement of the owner
lifestyle business
microenterprises that permit their owners to follow a desired pattern of living, such as supporting college costs or taking vacations
family enterprises
companies owned and operated primarily by family members
startup companies valued over $1 billion
corporate entrepreneurship
when an individual or a team within an existing corporation creates or identifies new opportunities for increased profits and/or improved competitive position, secures the necessary resources, and creates value through a new organization or innovation within the firm
necessity-based entrepreneurs
individuals who are pushed into starting a business because of circumstance (layoffs, threat of job loss, inability to find a job)
family enterprising
family members own and manage
each generation can make changes
sometimes difficult to work with family members (blurred lines)
resistant to changes
serial entrepreneurs
entrepreneur start several business simultaneously or in quick succession
always new ideas
seeks greater opportunities
pathways to new ventures
1) creating the new venture
2) acquiring an existing venture
3) obtaining a franchise
4) pursuing a direct sales opportunity
developing a startup
thought as the most common form of entrepreneurship
building a new business model around a new technology, product, or service
decorating and remodeling (start up vs operating cost)
start up cost
installation of fixtures and equipment (start up vs operating cost)
start up cost
starting inventory (start up vs operating cost)
start up cost