Pathophysiology - Chapter 6 & 7 Flashcards
The cellular process in which glucose is metabolized into energy without oxygen.
Anaerobic metabolism
The cellular process in which oxygen is used to metabolize glucose.
Aerobic metabolism
The blood ejected from the heart in one minute (heart rate x stroke volume)
Cardiac output
Chemical sensors in the brain and blood vessels that identify changing levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide
Air that occupies the space between the mouth and alveoli but they does not actually reach the area of gas exchange
Dead air space
An abnormally low amount of water in the body
Swelling associated with the movement of water into the interstitial space
A substance that separates into charged particles in water
Fraction of inspired oxygen; the concentration of oxygen in the air we breathe
The pressure within a blood vessels that pushes water out of the vessel
Hydrostatic pressure
Inability of the body to adequately circulate blood to the body’s cells to supply hem with oxygen and nutrients. Also called shock.
The cellular function of converting nutrients into energy
The amount of air breathed in during each respiration multiplied by the number of breaths per minute
Minute volume
Open and clear; free from obstruction
The study of how disease processes affect the function of the body
The supply of oxygen to and removal of wastes from the cells and tissues as a result of the flow of blood trough the capillaries
The pull exerted by large proteins in the plasma portion of blood that tends to pull water from the body into the bloodstream
Plasma oncotic pressure
The inability of the body to adequately circulate blood to the body’s cells to supply them with oxygen and nutrients. Life-threatening condition.
Sensors in blood vessels that identify infernal pressure
Stretch receptors
The amount of blood ejected from the heart in one contraction
Stroke volume
The pressure in the peripheral blood vessels that the heart must overcome in order to pump blood into the system
Systemic vascular resistance (SVR)
The volume of air moved in one cycle of breathing
Tidal volume
Ventilation/perfusion match. Oxygen and blood are supplied to the capillaries.
V/Q match
The stage of life from 13-18
The sense that needs will be met
Stage of life from 19-40 years
Early adulthood
Stage of life from birth to 1 year of age
Stage of life from 61 and older
Late adulthood
Stage of life from 41-60 years old
Middle adulthood
When startled, an infant throws his arms out, spreads his fingers, then grabs with his fingers and arms
Moro reflex
When you place your finger in an infant’s palm, he will grasp it
Palmar reflex
Stage of life from 3-5 years
Preschool age
When you touch a hungry infant’s cheek, he will turn his head toward the side touched
Rooting reflex
Building on what one already knows
Stage of life from 6 to 12 years
School age
When you stroke a hungry infants lips, he will start sucking
Sucking reflex
The infants reaction to his environment
Stage of life from 12-36 months
Toddler phase
Concept developed from an orderly, predictable environment versus a disorderly irregular environment
Trust vs mistrust