Pathophysiology: Ca and PTH Flashcards
What are the fast PTH responses? Slow?
Fast: bone and renal resorption
Slow: Intestinal Vit D, renal effect takes time
What senses Ca in the Parathyroid?
What are the top three causes of HyperPTH?
PT Adenoma
Familial HypocalURIA HypercalcEMIA
Lithium or HCTZ meds
<1% PT carcinoma
What are the PTH dependent causes of high Ca?
HyperPTH, Familial HH, Li/HCTZ
What are the PTH independent causes of high Ca?
Granulomatous disease
Multiple myeloma
Waht is the treatment of acute high Ca?
Saline (to correct polyuria)
Furosemide (to draw off Ca)
What is the presentation of PT Adenoma? What do you to?
Stones: pain while peeing
Groans: constipation/GI pain
Bones: fractures?
Measure albumin, PTH
What do you do to differentiate FHH and PT adenoma?
24 hour urine:
PTadenoma: high Ca
FHH: low Ca
What is the defect in FHH?
CaSR, AD mutation
decreased Ca sensation removes negative feedback of PTH increasing Ca
What is typical 24 hr urine in FHH?
What is 3* HyperPTH?
End stage renal disease, post kidney transplant causes Ca wasting in urine
What cancers make Ca higher?
Small cell lung
*Mets, cytokines, multiple myeloma
What do labs for cancer high Ca look like?
HIGH Ca, low PTH (PTHrelated peptide is made, NOT PTH!)
What causes increased Ca in granulomatous disease?
1a Hydroxylase–>increased VitD3
How do you tell difference between gland hyperplasia and adenoma?
Adenoma: one site
Hyperplasia: whole gland