Pathophys & Pharm: IBD Flashcards
Why is it believed that the enteric flora plays a role in the development of IBD?
(1) Mouse models have shown that colitis will not develop in a germ-free environment.
(2) Some patients with Crohn’s develop antibodies to proteins of certain enteric bacteria.
(3) The most common location for Crohn’s is the ileum and colon, where enteric flora is most prevalent.
Which gene pathways are involved in both Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis?
The IL-23 and IL-12 gene pathways, which are both involved in Th17 regulation.
What are functions of Th17 cells?
(1) Regulate Th1 and Th2 cells.
2) Produce cytokines that activate a number of cell lineages (epithelial cells, macrophages, fibroblasts
What environmental factors affect the risk of IBD?
(1) Higher socioeconomic status
(2) Stress
(3) Smoking in Crohn’s disease (protective for ulcerative colitis)
J: In Crohn’s disease, this refers to an area of inflammation with surrounding normal mucosa.
What is a skip lesion?
J: In Crohn’s disease, this refers to a coalescence of ulceration with deep, serpiginous ulceration and heaped, edematous mucosa adjacent.
What is cobblestoning?
In Crohn’s disease, to where can a fistula form?
Bladder, skin, elsewhere in bowel, genitourinary organs.
Perianal fistulae are frequently seen (along with skin tags, abscesses).
Describe the formation of a stricture in Crohn’s disease.
(1) Chronic inflammation results in a TGF-B-driven attempt to heal.
(2) This results in a deposition of type 3 collagen.
(3) Fibrosis can lead to a stricture.
What is the gross appearance of ulcerative colitis?
Hyperemia, edema and a granular appearance. The disease extends only into the mucosa.
What is the clinical presentation of IBD?
(1) abdominal pain
(2) RLQ tenderness
(3) urgent diarrhea
(4) hematochezia
(5) constitutional symptoms
(6) weight loss, malabsorption
What are the noted extraintestinal manifestations of IBD?
(1) erythema nodosum
(2) pyoderma gangrenosum
(3) primary sclerosing cholangitis
What is primary sclerosing cholangitis?
Chronic inflammation of intra- and extrahepatic ducts of the biliary tree with beading irregularity and stricturing of the ducts. It is frequently associated with ulcerative colitis and increases risk of colorectal cancer and cholangiocarcinoma.
Is Crohn’s disease curable? Is ulcerative colitis?
No. Yes.
What is the medical therapy for mild IBD?
(1) short course of glucocorticoids for remission induction
(2) 5-ASAs for ulcerative colitis
(3) budesonide for Crohn’s disease
(4) topical steroids for distal disease
What is the medical therapy for severe IBD?
(1) immunomodulators
(2) anti-TNF agents
(3) anti-a4 inhibitors