Pathology 3- male genital tract Flashcards
What is Erythroplasia of Queryat?
SCC in-situ of the penis- full thickness dysplasia of the epidermis
What predisposes to penile SCC?
Poor hygiene; HPV infection; uncircumcised men
Where is penile SSC common?
Developing world; uncommon in the UK
Why is SSC of the scrotum notable?
First cancer to be linked to an environmental carcinogen (chimney sweeps)
What is benign nodular hyperplasia of the prostate? What does it cause?
Proliferation of glandular and stromal prostate tissue
Causes prostatism- difficulty intiating micturition, poor stream, overflow incontinence, dribbling
Why does BNH cause “prostatism”?
Interferes with the normal function of the bladder sphincter mechanism
What can be the complications of BNH?
Bladder hypertrophy and diverticulae; hydroureter; hydronephrosis, infection
How is BNH managed?
Alpha-blockers e.g. prazosin, surgery
What is the relationship between BNH and carcinoma of the prostate?
No relationship
Where does carcinoma of the prostate usually arise?
Peripheral zones, often in the posterior lobe
Why does carcinoma of the prostate often present late?
The peri-urethral zone is not affected until late stage disease- this is more likely to cause symptoms
What proportion of patients will have advanced/metastatic disease at presentation?
What is prostate specific antigen?
Blood marker which is often raised in most types of prostate cancer
How is prostate carcinoma managed?
Anti-androgens; surgery; radiotherapy
What is the main presenting complaint of testicular carcinoma?
Painless enlargement. May also be associated with hydrocele, gynaecomastia, general symptoms of malignancy
What are the two main types of testicular cancer?
Seminoma and teratoma (both germ cell types)
How do seminoma and teratoma differ macroscopically?
Seminoma- homogenous “potato” tumour
Teratoma has marked variation in appearance
How is seminoma treated and what is the success rate for this?
Radiotherapy; about 95%