Patho past Q Flashcards
What kind of cause can delay the rigor mortis
Severe blood loss
What is true for type II diabetes in humans
Is the most common type
What is the main site of toxin elimination in the intestines
What kind of material is used up first in the case of complete starvation
How do we call the ability of a pathogen to decrease the fitness of the host
What is the synonym (same meaning) of the white thrombus?
Conglutination thrombus
What is the synonym of algor mortis
cooling off
Which one is the generall effect of a traumatic injury?
Traumatic shock
What is the initial cause of diabetic autointoxication
Inability to take up and metabolize fat
Which one is a chemical staining method for fats
Nile blue
What cause can lead to colliquation necrosis
Strong alkalic PH
How do we call the undigested non-food fragments and foreign bodies in the stomach
In the case of coagulation necrosis what kind of cell do the preparations
Neutrophil Granulocyte
How do we call the immature form of fibrous connective tissue
Angiofibroblast tissue
How do we call the proliferation of the collagen fibers
In which organ should we expect catarrhal innflamation
How do we call the inflammation of Caecum?
Which layer must remain intact for scarless regeneration in the skin?
Stratum Germinativum
In the case of fibrinoid necrosis, in which region of the blood vessels does the serum accumulate?
In the media
20- The most frequent primary central nervous system tumor in dogs and cats.
21- Mainly what kind of mycotoxins can cause kidney damage?
22- Which term do we use for mesenchymal maligant tumors?
23- What is the pathology of suffocation?
All of the above ( dark, unclotted / petechial hemorrhages / acute lung hyperemia and edema )
24- How do we call the hemorrhage in the uterus?
25- Which form of glanders causes ulceration in the skin? In which species?
Chronic form in horse
26- Which statement is true for benign neoplasma?
Usually no recurrence
27- How do we call the proliferation of the collagen fibers?
28- Which organs are primarily coloured in the case of porphyria?
29- When does the rigor mortis pass off in the skeletal muscles?
48-60 hours
30- Which one is a pathological multinucleated giant cell?
Langhans type giant cell
31- Putrefaction Is rapid in the case of ….
All of the above ( obese carcass – warm enviromental temp – hyperemic organs)
32- Which vitamin is essential to the formation of collagen fibers?
Vitamin C
33- What does hypertrophy mean?
Increase in size
34- What does hyperplasia mean?
Increase in number
35- Which cells are permanet (fix postmitotic) cells?
36- Councilman-body is a form of …
Intracellular hyalinosis
37- How do we call the inflammation of the colon?
38- Which features is true for apoptosis?
Often physiological (cell death)
39- Tartar can be formed in the …..
Oral cavity
40- Which on induces foreign body type granulomas?
Mycobacterium avium in birds
41- Ichorous inflammation is a synonym of …
inflammation. Putrefactive
42- Lumpy jaw is caused by …
Actinomyces bovis
43- Macroscopic iodine reaction. What kind of material can be visualized with this method?

44- What kind of lesion can be seen on the picture?

active hyperaemia (powerpoint of 16-17-18)
45- Pressure overload (valve defects in heart + narrowed orifices)

Hypertrophy (extra preload)
46- What kind of pathological process can be seen on the picture?

Developmental anomaly = cyclopia in form proboscis

Actinomyces bovis
48- This tumor often produces parathormon-like peptid and causes hypercalcemia in dogs.
Not sure Perianal gland carcinoma
49- Which one is a tumor-LIKE lesion?
Intrapulpar haematoma
50- What kind of virus can cause cerebellar hypoplasia in kittens?
51- Which term do we use for mesenchymal maligant tumors?
52- What is the pathology of suffocation?
All of the above (dark, unclotted – petechial hemorrhages – acute lung hyperemia and edema)
53- Which stainning method is used routinely in histopathology?
Haematoxylin and eosin
54- Which one can be a sign of cellular atypia?
Prominent nucleolus
55- What kind of histiocytic disease can resolve spontaneously?
Cutaneus histiocytoma
56- When does rigor mortis begin in the skeletal muscles?
2-4 hours
57- Which stainning method can be used to demonstrate glycogen?
PAS (periodic acid – schiff)
58- Intensive hemolysis causes … icterus
59- Which one can cause caseation?
60- Which staining method can be used to demonstrate hemosiderin?
Perls prussian blue
61- Which listing is correct about granulomas?
Chronic process, macrophages predominate, circumscribed lesion
62- Which cells are labile (vegetative intermitotic) cells?
Surface epithelial cells
63- Which cell type predominates in the first 24-48 hours of acute inflammation?
Neutrophil granulocytes
64- Mucus is soluble in …
All of the above (alkalis / ethanol / acetic acid)
65- Which one is produced by the fibroblasts?
Both (collagen + elastin)
66- What kind of pathological process can be seen on the picture.

(not septicaemia – ureamia – uricosis ) p 1197 Icterus-jaundice
67- What kind of pathological process can be seen in the lungs?

Primary tumor (maligant tumor) HEMANGIOSARCOMA {Metatasis}
68- How do we call the spread of the pathological process to faraway organs?
Distant metastasis
69- What can be the cause of edema?
a) Decrease vascular permeability
b) Decrease hydrostatic pressure
c) Increase capacity of the lymphatic vessel
d) Decreased tissue tenssion
c) Increase capacity of the lymphatic vessel
d) Decreased tissue tenssion
70- Which infectious agent causes secondary immundeficiency in cats?
71- What kind of substance accumulates during icterus?
72- How do we call the ability of the pathogen to decrease the fitness of the host?
73- What can be the origin of a fat droplet embolus?
Form bone marrow after fracture
74- What is the main cause of water influx during cell injury?
a) Anaerob glycolysis
b) Rise in intracellular ca2+
c) Mitchondrial damage
d) Reduced na+/k+ ATP-ase function
d) Reduced na+/k+ ATP-ase function
75- How do we call the infection via the umbilical cord?
76- Which one is a type II hypersensitivity reaction?
All (Haemolytic anaemias – erythroblastosis – blood transfusion reaction )
77- In which colour do we see the calcium in tissues with Kossa’s staining?
78- Which species has uricase?
a) Western diamonback rattlesnake
b) Siberian tiger
c) Silverback gorilla
d) Harpy eagle
b) Siberian tiger
79- What kind of haemoglobin causes cherry pink discoloration of blood?
Carboxi-hemoglobin (CO-intoxication)
80- Which sequence is correct in the case of cellular events of acute inflammation?
Adhesion – transmigration - migration - activation
81- Where can we find APUD-amyloidosis?
82- What kind of hormone influence the melanin production in melanocyte?
83- How many cardinal signs of acute inflammation exist?
Five (5)
84- Which statement is true for mycobacterium bovis?
Can infect humans
85- This is the most frequent site of metastasis if the tumor originates from the intestines.
a) Kidney
b) Heart
c) Vertebrae?
d) Liver
d) Liver
86- This tumor has more than 2 germ layer elements.
87- Which actinobacillotic lesion can lead to wooden tongue?
Sclerotizing form
88- Which hormone stimulates fatty acid synthesis and storage?
89- What are the elements of virchow’s traid?
Endothelial injury / abnormal blood flow / hypercoagulability (non of them)
90- Which term refers to the abnormal narrowing of a tubular organ?
Stenosis (congenital)
91- In which muscle type is complete regeneration possible?
Skeletal muscle
92- In which muscle type is complete necrosis possible?
Heart + smooth muscles
93- How would you describe the exudate in the case of purulent inflammation (except dogs)?
Not sure Greyish white, sour cream, viscous, turbid.
94- Which type of purulent inflammation is diffuse?
95- Sclerosis is a special form of …
96- Mummification is a form of …
Gangraena sicca
97- Cholelithiasis can cause … icterus.
98- What can be the outcome of fibrinous inflammation?
Any of them
Non of them
99- What can cause such lesion?

100- What kind of lesion can be seen on the picture?

Anaemic infrarcts, kidney, swine
Acute infracts
101- What kind of process can be seen on the picture?

Hepatic autointoxication complications
Liver Cirrhosis (dog)
102- which post morten chnges csn be seen in the picture?

Putrefaction - Sulph-hemoglobin
103- What kind of pathological process can be seen on the picture?

Dry gangrena (Gangrena Sicca)
What can be seen on the picture?

What kind of pathological process can be seen on the picture?

104- what is true for endocarditis?
Mostly bacteria
105- what kind of cells form myoblasts after segmental skeletal muscle necrosis?
Satellite cells
106- which one of these is characteristic for the adaptive immunity?
Slower reaction at first
107- which one is a type IV hypersensitivity reaction?
Tuberculin test
108- what kind of virus can cause cerebellar hypoplasia in kittens?
109- what is the synonym of red thrombus?
Coagulation thrombus
110- what pathological field determines the nature of death from a legal perspective?
Forensic pathology
111- which one is a maligant tumor?
112- mainly what kind of mycotoxins can cause estrogen syndrome in pigs?
113- which layer must remain intact for scarless regenartion in the skin?
Stratum germinativum
114- what is the form of tuberculosis in carnivores?
115- which one is developmental anomaly?
116- putrefaction is rapid in the case of … all of the above ( obese crcass – warm temp – hyperemic organs)
all of the above ( obese crcass – warm temp – hyperemic organs)
117- which one is the virus family capable of tumor formation?
118- which statement is true for benign neoplasms?
Usually no recurrence
119- what is true for hyalinosis?
Always stains homogenosuly pink with haematoxylin-eosin
120- which one is the circumsribed purulent inflammation?
121- from which region should we collect samples for histopathology?
From the border of the normal and unhealthy part.
122- What can be the outcome of endocarditis?
Any of them (cradiac failure – septic thromboembolism)
123- Hepatocyte necrosis causes … icterus.
124- Alterative inflammation is a synonym of … inflammation.
125- How would you describe the exudate in the case of purulent inflammation (exept dog)?
Turbid, greenish, smells badly
126- which one is the feature of both decreased and increased blood flow?
Swollen appearance
127- how do we call the process when one type of differentiated tissue becomes another differentiated type?
128- how do we call the foregin body-type granuloma around uric acid precipitations?
129- which agent can infect the intact skin?
130- what can predispose to heat loss at normal enviromental temperature?
131- What is the reason behind glycogen accumulation in tumor cells?
Not sure Gylcogen storage diseases / increased activity
132- What is true for hyperkeratosis?
intense keratinisation in the str. corneum
133- What is the first step of fracture healing in bones if the ends are separated?
134- What is the normal ratio if ca phosphate and ca carbonate in bones?
135- Which connective tissue type has the worst regenerative capacity?
Cartilaginous tissue
136- What can lead for tumor formation?
Losing of apoptotic ability
137- What is the appearance of the 3rd-degree frostbite (congelatio escharotica)
138- How do we call the hemorrhage in the uterus?
139- Which term refers to the abnormal narrowing of a tubular organ?
Stenosis (congenital)
140- Which one is a vertical infection?
Transplacental / intrauterine / ovogen
141- Which breed excretes high concentration of uric acid in their urine?
142- Which factors can affect wound healing?
All above (location of the wound, blood supple- age, nutrition – infections, tumors)
143- Which morphological features are true for chronic inflammation?
All of the above ( mononuclear infiltration / replacement fibrosis / neoangiogenesis )

Postmortal Soaking (– maceratio)
145- This tumor can appear because of viral oncogenesis.
146- What is the site of the primary tuberculotic lesion in swine?
GI tract
147- What is the color of mycobacteria with ziehl-neelsen stainings?
148- Suppurative inflammation is a synonym of … inflammation.

Septicaemia- septic shock Severe spleen enlargment

Porphyrias accumulate high metabolism
Abnormal metabolism
Type of autointoxication Swine
151-How would you decribe the exudate in case of serus inflammation?
Clear / transparent / yellowish
152- Which connective tissue type has the best regeneration capacity?
Collagen fibrous connective tissue
153- which one is a correlation type hypertrophy?
Hypertrophy of the parathyroid gland due to phosphate retention
154- how do we call stoppage of blood flow?
155- which one incluces epitheloid type granulomas?
Mycobacterium bovis in cattle
156- which can lead to hypertrophy go the urinary bladders wall?
Enlarged prostate
- How many cardinal signs of acute inflammation exist?
A: 4
Which statement is true for mycobacterium bovis?
A: can infect humans
- How do we call the undigested non-food and foreign bodies in the stomach?
A: conglobates
- Which hormone stimulates fatty acid synthesis and storage?
A: insulin (google)
- What are the elements of Virchow’s traid?
A: endothelial injury – abnormal blood flow – hypercoagulability
- Which staining method can be used to demonstrate glycogen?
- What kind of substance accumulates during icterus?
A: bilirubin
- How do we call the ability of the pathogen to decrease the fitness of the host?
A: virulence
- What can be the origin of a fat droplet embolus?
A: bone marrow? (couldn’t see options)
- How do we call the spread of the pathological process to faraway organs?
A: distant metastasis
- What can be the cause of edema?
A: decreased tissue tension
- Which infectious agent causes secondary immunodeficiency in cats?
- Which term refers to the abnormal narrowing if a tubular organ?
A: stenosis
- Which species has uricase?
A: tiger (mammals ex primates)
- What kind of hemoglobin causes cherry pink discoloration of blood?
A: carboxy-haemoglobin
- Lumpy jaw is caused by?
A: actinomyces bovis
- In which muscle type is complete regeneration possible?
A: skeletal muscle
- How would you describe the exudate in the case of purulent inflammation (except in dogs)?
A: greyish-white, sour cream -like, turbid
- Sclerosis is a special form of
A: Reticulosis
- Mummification is a form of
A: gangrene sicca
- Mucus is soluble in
A: alkalis
- Which sequence is correct in case if cellular events of acute inflammation?
A: adhesion – transmigration – migration – activation
- Where can we find APUD- amyloidosis?
A: pancreas
- What kind of hormone influence the melanin production in melanocytes?
- Cholelithiasis can cause …. Icterus
A: post-hepatic icterus
- What can be the outcome of fibrinous inflammation?
A: any of them (fibrinolysis and organization)
- Which feature is true for apoptosis?
A: often physiological
- What can be the main cause of water influx during cell injury?
A: reduced Na+/K+ ATPase function
- How do we call infection via the umbilical cord?
A: Omphalogenic
- Which one is a type II. Hypersensitivity reaction?
A: blood transfusion reactions, erythroblastosis fetalis, and autoimmune hemolytic anemia
- This tumor has more that 2 germ layer elements
A: teratoma
- Which actinobacillotic lesion can lead to wooden tongue?
A: sclerotizing form
- Which type of purulent inflammation is diffuse?
A: phlegmone
- This is the most frequent site of metastasis if the tumor originates from the intestines?
A: liver
- What kind of virus can cause cerebellar hypoplasia in kittens?
A: parvovirus
- This tumor often produces parathormone-like peptide and cases hypercalcemia in dogs
A: Perianal gland carcinoma
- Intensive hemolysis causes … icterus
A: prehepatic
- Which one can cause caseation
A: tuberculosis
- Which cell type predominates in the first 24-48 hours of acute inflammation?
A: neutrophil granulocytes
- What is the pathology of suffocation?
A: all (Dark, unclotted blood, Petechial haemorrhages, Acute lung hyperaemia and oedema)
- Which listing is correct about granulomas
A: chronic process, macrophage predominate, circumscribe lesion.
- Which cells are labile (vegetative intermitotic) cells?
A: surface epithelial cells
- Which term do we use for mesenchymal malignant tumors?
A: sarcoma
- Which one is tumor-like lesion?
A: intrapulpar haematoma
- Which staining method do we use to demonstrate hemosiderin?
A: perls, Prussian blue
- When does rigor mortis begin in the skeletal muscle?
A: 2-4 hours
- What kind of histolytic disease can resolve spontaneously?
A: cutaneus histiocytoma
- Which can be a sign of cellular atypia?
A: prominent nucleolus
- Which one is produced by fibroblasts?
A: both (collagen and elastin
- Which staining method is used routinely in histopathology?
A: Hematoxylin and Eosin
- Tartar can be formed in the?
A: oral cavity
- Which one inducing foreign body type granuloma?
A: Mycobacterium avium
- What is the main site of toxin elimination in the intestines?
A: colon
- What kind of material is used up first in the case of complete starvation?
A: glycogen
- Ichorous inflammation is synonym of … inflammation
A: putrefactive
- What is the synonym of white thrombus?
A: conglutination thrombus
- What is the synonym of algor mortis
A: cooling off
- Which one is a general effect of traumatic injury?
A: traumatic shock
- Which one is a pathological multinucleated giant cell?
A: Langhans type giant cell
- Putrefaction is rapid in case of:
A: all (obese carcass,warm environmental temp, hyperaemic organs
- In which organ should we expect catarrhal inflammation?
A: trachea
- How do we call inflammation of the caecum?
A: typhlitis
- Which layer must remain intact for scarless regeneration in the skin?
A: stratum germanitivum or basal
- What do we call hemorrhage in the uterus
A: Metrorrhagia
- Councilman-body is a form of
A: Intracellular hyalinosis
- How do we call inflammation of the colon?
A: colitis
- Which vitamin is essential to the formation of collagen fibers
A: vitamin C
- What does hypertrophy means?
A: increase in size
- Which cells are permanent (fix postmitotic) cells?
A: neurocytes, erythrocytes (neurons)
- In the case of coagulation necrosis, what kind of cell can we…
A: neutrophil granulocyte
- How do we call the immature form of fibrous connective tissue?
A: angiofibroblast tissue
- What cause can lead to colliquation necrosis?
A: bacterial toxins (and autolysis)
- How do we call the proliferation of the collagen fibers?
A: fibrosis
- In the case of fibrinoid necrosis, in which region of the blood vessels does the serum accumulates?
A: in the media
- What is the initial cause of diabetic autointoxication?
A: inability to take up and metabolize Glucose
- Which one is a chemical staining method for fats?
A: nile blue
- What kind of cause can delay rigor mortis?
A: severe blood loss
- What is true for type II diabetes in humans?
A: it is the most common
- Which form of glanders causes ulceration in the skin? In which species?
A: Chronic form, horse/donkey
- Which statement is true for benign neoplasms?
A: usually no recurrence
- When does rigor mortis pass off in the skeletal muscles?
A: 48-60 hours
- The most frequent primary central nervous system tumor in dogs and cats
A: meningioma
- Mainly what kind of mycotoxins can cause kidney damage?
A: ochratoxins
- Which organs are primarily coloured in the case of porphyria?
A: bones
- Which agent can infect the intact skin?
A: dermatophytes
- What can predispose to heat loss at normal environmental temperature?
A: diarrhea
- What can we call the process when one type of differentiated tissue becomes another differentiated type?
A: metaplasia
- How do we call the foreign body-type granuloma around uric acid precipitations?
A: tophus
- What is true for endocarditis?
A: mostly bacterial
- What kind of cells form myoblasts after segmental skeletal muscle necrosis?
A: satellite cells
- Alterative inflammation is a synonym of … inflammation
A: necrotizing
- Hepatocyte necrosis causes … necrosis
A: hepatic
- Which one is the feature of both decreased and increased blood flow?
A: swollen appearance
- What is true for hyalinosis?
A: always stains homogenously pink with hematoxylin eosin
- Which one is the circumscribed purulent inflammation?
A: abscess
- How would you describe the exudate in case of serous inflammation?
A: clear, transparent, yellowish
- What is the form of tuberculosis in carnivores?
A: proliferative
- Which one is a developmental anomaly
A: hypoplasia
- Which one is the virus family capable of tumor formation?
A: retroviridae
- What is the synonym of red thrombus?
A: coagulation thrombus
- Which one of these is characteristic for adaptive immunity?
A: slower reaction at first
- Which one is a type IV. Hypersensitivity reaction?
A: tuberculin test
- From which region should we collect samples for histopathology?
A: from the border of the normal and unhealthy part
- Which pathological field determines the nature of death from a legal prespective?
A: forensic
- Which one is a malignant tumor?
A: melanoma
- Mainly what kind of mycotoxins can cause estrogen syndrome in pigs?
A: zearzalenon
- What can be the outcome of endocarditis?
A: any of them (cardiac failure and septic thromboembolism
- What is the first step of fracture healing in bones if the ends are separated?
A: haematoma
- What can lead to tumor formation?
A: loosing of apoptotic ability
- What is the appearance of the 3rd degree frostbite (congelation escharotica)?
A: necrosis
- Which one is a vertical infection?
A: transplacental
- What is true for hyperkeratosis?
A: thickening of the stratum corneum
- Which hormone decreases the blood glucose level?
A: insulin
- Which breed excretes high concentration of uric acid in their urine?
A: dalmatian
- Which factors can affect wound healing?
A: all of the above (location of the wound, blood supply, age, nutrition, infections, tumors
- Which morphological features are true for chronic inflammation?
A: all of the above (mononuclear infiltration, replacement fibrosis, neoangiogenesis
- What is the reason behind glycogen accumulation in tumor cells?
A: increased activity
- What is the normal ratio of Ca phosphate and Ca carbonate in bones?
A: 9:1
- Which connective tissue type has the worst regenerative capacity?
A: cartilaginous tissue
- Which one induces epitheloid type granulomas?
A: Mycobacterium bovis in cattle
- Which one is a correlation type hypertrophy?
A: hypertrophy of the parathyroid gland due to phosphate retention
- How do we call stoppage of blood flow?
A: hemostasis
- This tumor can appear because of viral oncogenesis
A: papilloma?
- What is the site of the primary tuberculotic lesion in swine?
A: gastrointestinal tract
- What is the color of mycobacteria with ziehl-neelsen staining?
A: red
- Suppurative inflammation is a synonym of … inflammation
A: purulent
- Which connective tissue type has the best regeneration capacity?
A: collagen fibrous connective tissue

A: hemolysis → hemoglobinaemia= pigmentation caused by hemoglobin

A: Haemangiosarcoma
Which species has uricase?
Siberian tiger
What kind of haemoglobin causes cherry pink discoloration of blood?
Carboxy-haemoglobin (CO-intoxication, clearly visible in brain)
What kind of virus can cause cerebellar hypoplasia in kittens?
Which term do we use for mesenchymal malignant tumors?
What can be the origin of fat droplet embolus?
From bone marrow after fracture
Which cell predominates in the first 24-48 hours of acute inflammation?
Neutrophil granulocytes
How do we call the spread of the pathological process to faraway organs?
Distant metastasis
How do we call the proliferation of the collagen fibers?
In which organ should we expect catarrhal inflammation?
Trachea (Respiratory tract (bronchi, nasal cavity, GI tract))
Which statement is true for Mycobacterium bovis?
Can infect humans
How do we call the undigested non-food fragments and foreign bodies in the stomach?
Which type of purulent inflammation is diffuse?
Cholelithiasis can cause … icterus.
Mummification is a form of
gangraena sicca
Mucus is soluble in
Which staining method can be used to demonstrate hemosiderin?
Perls Prussian Blue
How many cardinal signs of acute inflammation exist?
4 or 5
How do we call the infection via the umbilical cord?
Which one is a Type II. Hypersensitivity reaction?
Haemolytic anaemia
What is the initial cause of diabetic autointoxication?
Inability to take up and metabolize glucose
Which one can be a sign of cellular atypia?
Prominent nucleous
Which staining method is used routinely in histopathology?
Haematoxylin and eosin
What cause can lead to colliquation necrosis?
Strong alkalic pH
How do we call the hemorrhage haemorrhage in the uterus?
What kind of histiocytic disease can resolve spontaneously?
Cutaneus histiocytoma
What is the synonym of algor mortis?
Cooling off
What kind of hormone influence the melanin production in melanocytes?
Which vitamin is essential to the formation of collagen fibers?
Vitamin C
Which hormone stimulates fatty acid synthesis and storage?
Which statement is true for benign neoplasms?
Usually no recurrence
When does the rigor mortis pass off in the skeletal muscles?
48-60 Hours
Which one is a pathological multinucleated giant cell?
How do we call the immature form of fibrous connective tissue?
Angiofibroblast tissue
In which muscle type is complete regeneration possible?
Any of these (skeletal, heart, smooth muscle)
Which feature is true for apoptosis?
Often physiological
Tartar can be formed in the
oral cavity
What is true for type II diabetes in humans?
It is the most common type
Which one is the second degree burn
combustio bullosa
A cutaneous horn is a form of …
Which sequence is correct in the case of cellular events of acute inflammation?
Adhesion – transmigration – migration – activation
What can be the outcome of fibrinous inflammation?
Any of them (fibrinolysis, organisation)
What can lead to hyperhydration
too much infusion
What are the elements of Virchow’s triad?
Endothelial injury – abnormal blood flow – hypercoagulability
In case of coagulation necrosis, what kind of cell do the preparatio…..
neutrophil granulocyte
Sclerosis is a special form of
- fibrosis
- elastosis
- fibroelastosis
- reticulosis
• reticulosis
Alterative inflammation is a synonym of …. inflammation
- necrotizing
- ichorous
- purulent
- fibrinous
• necrotizing
In which organ can we find Councilman-bodies?
- kidney
- liver
- lung
- uterus
• liver
„Lumpy jaw“ is caused by…
- Actinobacillus lignieresii
- Actinomyces bovis
- Escherichia coli
- Bacillus anthracis
• Actinomyces bovis
How do we call the inflammation of the rectum?
- enteritis
- colitis
- typhlitis
- proctitis
• proctitis
Which cells are labile (vegetative intermitotic) cells?
- neurons
- hepatocytes
- renal tubular epithelial cells
- surface epithelial cells
• surface epithelial cells
How would you describe the exudate in the case of ichorous inflammation?
- clear, transparent, yellowish
- clear or yellowish, very viscous
- turbid, greenish, smells badly
- greyish-white, sour-cream like, turbid
• turbid, greenish, smells badly
Which one is produced by the fibroblasts?
- collagen
- elastin
- both of them above
- none of them above
• both of them above
Pseudomonas inflammation is a form of…. inflammation
- catarral
- ichorous
- purulent
- fibrinous
• purulent
Which one can cause caseation?
- selenium or vitamine E deficiency
- strong alkalic pH
- strong acidic pH
- tuberculosis
• tuberculosis
Mainly what kind of mycotoxins can cause kidney damage?
- aflatoxins
- ochratoxins
- ergot alkaloids
- zearalenon
• ochratoxins
What is the pathology of suffocation?
- dark, unclothed blood
- petechial hemorrhages
- acute lung hyperemia and edema
- all of the above
• all of the above
Which species can survive until chronic tuberculosis in organs develops?
- dog
- pig
- horse
- cattle
• cattle
Benign tumor of the cartilaginous tissue
- chondroma
- chondorsarcoma
- osteoma
- osteosarcoma
There are no fresh lesions in the lymph nodes in this phase of tuberculosis
- primary phase
- chronic organic tuberculosis
- the early generalization
- the late generalization
• chronic organic tuberculosis
How do we call the feces in the case of gastric bleeding?
- melaena
- metrorrhagia
- hematemesis
- epistaxis
• melaena
This is the benign tumor of adipocytes
- fibroma
- myxoma
- lipoma
- liposarcoma
• lipoma
What is true for neoangiogenesis tumors?
- it is not necessary for growth
- it always provides sufficient nutrients for every part of the tumor • these are well-differentiated arteries and veins
- it gives opportunity for metastasis
• it gives opportunity for metastasis
When does the rigor mortis begin in the skeletal muscles?
- 10-15 min
- 30 min
- 2-4h
- 5-8h
• 2-4h
Mainly what kind of mycotoxins can cause skin necrosis?
- aflatoxins
- ochratoxins
- ergot alkaloids
• ergot alkaloids
How do we call the inflammation of the caecum?
- enteritis
- colitis
- typhlitis
- proctitis
• typhlitis
Layers of tubercle from inside to outside
- necrosis-lymphocytes, connective tissue, macrophages
- necrosis-macrophages, lymphocytes, connective tissue
- lymphocytes, connective tissue-necrosis-macrophages
- macrophages-necrosis-lymphocytes, connective tissue
• necrosis-macrophages, lymphocytes, connective tissue
What is true for endocarditis?
- we can see massive neutrophil migration
- it is the most common in the pulmonary valves
- most bacterial
- always leads to sudden death
• most bacterial
Which sequence is correct in the case of cellular events of acute inflammation?
- adhesion-transmigration-migration-activation
- adhesion-migration-transmigration-activation
- activation-adhesion-transmigration-migration
- adhesion-activation-transmigration-migration
• adhesion-transmigration-migration-activation
In which colour de we see the calcium in tissue with Kossa´s staining?
- green
- blue
- black
- red
• black
Increased erythrocytes diapedesis in inflammation is typical in this species
- cattle
- dog
- horse
- pig
• dog
Which appearance is true for gangrena sicca?
- soft
- greyish
- hard
- putrid smell
• hard
In the case of fibrinoid necrosis, in which region of the blood vessels does the serum accumulate?
- in the lumen
- in the intima
- in the media
- in the adventitia
• in the media
Which one induces epitheloid type granulomas?
- Mycobacterium bovis in cattle
- uric acid
- keratin
- Mycobacterium avian in birds
• Mycobacterium bovis in cattle
How do we call the foreign body-type granuloma around the uric acid precipitations?
- tophus
- typhus
- typhoid
- Paratyphus
• tophus
- What are the most endangered organs to UV rays?
- eyes and skin
- brain and skin
- kidneys and liver
- eyes and brain
• eyes and skin
- How de we call the ability of the pathogen to decrease the fittness of the host?
- infectivity
- pathogenicity
- virulence
- invasivity
• virulence
- What kind of substance accumulate during icterus?
- urea
- bilirubin
- hyaluronic acid
- creatin
• bilirubin
- Which one is a Type IV. hypersensitivity reaction?
- anaphylaxis
- haemolytic anaemia
- systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
- tuberculin test
• tuberculin test
- How do we call the lesion caused by a veterinarian?
- transplacental
- ovogenic
- iatrogenic
- omphalogenic
• iatrogenic
- What is the cause behind diabetic cataract?
- the increased glucose uptake
- the decreased polyol/alternative pathway
- the increased osmolarity of the lens
- the decreased osmolarity of the lens
• the increased osmolarity of the lens
- How do we call the mildest form of cellular disturbance in the water balance?
- cell swelling
- vacuolar degeneration
- hydropic degeneration
- vesicular degeneration
• cell swelling
- What kind of autointoxication causes gout?
- enterogenic
- due to abnormal metabolism
- due to stocked normal metabolism
- normal metabolites no excreted
• normal metabolites no excreted
- How do we call the process when there are a lot of bacteria in the circulation for a prolonged time?
- bacteremia
- septicaemia
- pyaemia
- viraemia
• septicaemia
- How do we call the accumulation of intermediate products?
- porphyria
- necrosis
- thesaurismosis
- ? fitness
• thesaurismosis
- What can be the cause of edema?
- decreased vascular permeability
- decreased hydrostatic pressure
- increased capacity of the lymphatic vessels
- decreased tissue tension
• decreased tissue tension
- How do we call the process when there is keratinization in the stratum spinosum?
- hypokeratosis
- hyperkeratosis
- parakeratosis
- dyskeratosis
• dyskeratosis
- Which discoloration is permanent?
- heamoglobin imbibition
- bile imbibition
- sulph-heamoglobin imbibition
- pseudomelanosis
• bile imbibition
- Which one is a Type III. hypersensitivity reaction?
- anaphylaxis
- heamolytic anemia
- systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
- tuberculin test
• systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
- Which one is the second degree test?
- combustio erythematosa
- combustio bullosa
- combustio escharotica
- carbonization
• combustio bullosa
- Which one is the feature of both decreased and increased blood flow?
- bright red color
- warm area
- bulish red color
- swollen appearance
• swollen appearance
- What is the main cause of water influx during cellular injury?
- anaerob glycolysis
- rise in intracellular Ca2+
- mitochondrial damage
- reduced Na+/K+ ATP-ase function
• reduced Na+/K+ ATP-ase function
- What kind of autointoxication causes gout?
- enterogenic
- due to abnormal metabolism
- due to stocked normal metabolism
- normal metabolites not excreted
• normal metabolites not excreted
- What kind of cause can delay the rigor mortis?
- high temperature
- prolongs muscular activity
- septicaemia
- severe blood loss
• severe blood loss
- The accumulation of this material can cause pseudoicterus
- dust
- iron
- silver
- karotin
• karotin
- Which one is a correlation type hypertrophy?
- hypertrophy of the kidney when the other one is damaged
- hypertrophy of the left ventricular wall in case of aortic stenosis
- hypertrophy of the parathyroid gland due to phosphate retention
- connective tissue proliferation in the liver in case of chronic inflammation
• hypertrophy of the parathyroid gland due to phosphate retention
- What can lead to hypertrophy go the urinary bladders wall?
- valvular defects of the heart
- septicaemia
- enlarged prostate
- gastric torsion
• enlarged prostate
Which one is the circumscribed purulent inflammation?
- phlegmon
- abscess
- granuloma
- tophus
• abscess
- What is the most severe form of exudative inflammation?
- serous
- fibrinous
- hemorrhagic
- ichorous
• ichorous
- Which cells are stable (reversible postmitotic) cell?
- neurons
- striated muscle cells
- basal layer of the epidermis
- real tubular epithelial cells
• real tubular epithelial cells
- A predilection site of haemangiosarcoma in dogs
- right auricle
- thymus
- femur
- brain
• right auricle
- Which actinobacillotic lesion can lead to wooden tongue?
- actinobacillotic nodule
- tumor like growth
- abscess formation
- sclerotizing form
• sclerotizing form
- The most frequent primary central nervous system tumor in dogs and cats.
- astrocytoma
- oligodendroglioma
- meningioma
- medulloblastoma
• meningioma
- Which one is an endogenous chemical?
- paraffin
- vaselin
- talcum
- cholesterol
• cholesterol
- Which one is a tumor-like lesion?
- intrapulpar haematoma
- adenoma
- tuberculum
- melanoma meningioma
• intrapulpar haematoma
- This tumor often produces parathormone-like peptide and causes hypercalcemia in dogs
- perianal gland carcinoma
- melanoma
- hepatocellular carcinoma
- squamous cell carcinoma
• perianal gland carcinoma
- Which one can be a sign of cellular atypia?
- invariable cell size
- decreased mitotic figures
- prominent nucleolus
- eosinophilia
• prominent nucleolus
- What is the difference between lymphoma and leukemia?
- lymphoma originates from the bone marrow/spleen and leukemia from other lymphoid tissue
- leukemia originates from the bone marrow/spleen and lymphoma from other lymphoid tissue
- leukemia is always T-cell type
- lymphoma is always B-cell type
• leukemia originates from the bone marrow/spleen and lymphoma from other lymphoid tissue
- Which staining method can be used to demonstrate glycogen?
- Haematoxylin and eosin
- Perls Prussian blue
- Giemsa
- PAS (Periodic acid-Schiff)
• PAS (Periodic acid-Schiff)
- Which breed excretes high concentrations of uric acid in their urine?
- American Pit Bull Terrier
- Dalmatian
- Rottweiler
- West Highland White Terrier
• Dalmatian
- What does hyperplasia mean?
- decrease in size
- increase in size
- decrease in number
- increase in number
• increase in number
- What is the site of the primary tuberculotic lesion in swine?
- lungs
- GI tract
- liver
- skin
• GI tract
- Which connective tissue type has the best regenerative capacity?
- collagen fibrous connective tissue
- elastic fibrous connective tissue
- cartilaginous tissue
- bone
• collagen fibrous connective tissue
What can be the outcome of fibrinous inflammation?
- fibrinolysis
- organisation
- any of them
- none of them
• any of them
- Councilman-body is a form of…
- physiological hyalinosis
- extracellular hyalinosis
- intracellular hyalinosis pg
- hematogenous hyalinosis
• intracellular hyalinosis pg
- Which one induces foreign body type granulomas?
- Myobacterium bovis in cattle
- fungi in swine
- Burkholderia mellei in equine
- Myobacterium avium in birds
• Myobacterium avium in birds
- Croupous and diphtheria inflammations are forms of…. inflammation
- catarrhal
- fibrinous
- ichorous
- purulent
• fibrinous
- Pyogenic bacteria can induce …. inflammation
- serous
- putrefactive
- catarrhal
- purulent
• purulent
- How do we call a venous infarct?
- infarceratio
- thrombosis
- embolism
- hemorrhagic infarct
• infarceratio
- Which one is a general effect of traumatic injury?
- traumatic shock
- tissue damage
- part of entry
- local lesion
• traumatic shock
- Which one of these is a characteristic for the adaptive immunity?
- nonspecific
- immediate reaction
- non memory
- slower reaction at first
• slower reaction at first
- Which one is not living, but is an infectious agent?
- prion
- bacteria
- parasite
- fungus
• prion
- Which agent can infect the intact skin?
- rabies virus
- Babesia spp
- Clostridium tetani
- Dermatophytes
• Dermatophytes
- Which one is a chemical staining method for fats?
- Sudan III
- Sudan black
- Oil-red-O
- Nile blue
• Nile blue
- Which layer must remain intact for scarless regeneration in the skin?
- stratum lucidum
- stratum granulosum
- stratum spinosum
- stratum gemanitivum
• stratum gemanitivum
- What is true for hyalinosis?
- always extracellular
- happens only because of the circulatory disturbance
- always deposits around blood vessels
- always stains homogeneously pink with hematoxylin-eosin
• always stains homogeneously pink with hematoxylin-eosin
- How do we call the process the one type of differentiated tissue becomes another differentiated tissue?
- atrophy
- hyperplasia
- metaplasia
- transformation
• metaplasia
- What is true for allomorphia?
- permanent change
- change in cell type
- abnormal tissue in a certain place
- change in size
• permanent change
- Which one is a circumscribed purulent inflammation?
- phlegmon
- abscess
- granuloma
- tophus
• abscess
- What is essential for cirrhosis?
- acute severe injury
- toxin producing bacteria
- inadequate blood supply
- chronic, long lasting injury
• chronic, long lasting injury
- What is the form of tuberculosis in carnivores?
- exudative
- proliferative
- tubercle formation
- paratubercle
• proliferative
- Which organs are primarily colored in the case of porphyria?
- cartilages
- bones
- tendons
- ligament
• bones
- Which one is a vertical infection?
- General
- transplacental
- omphalogenic
- iatrogenic
• transplacental
- Which from of glanders causes ulceration in the skin? in Which species?
- acute form in horses
- chronic form in horse
- acute form in donkey
- chronic form in donkey
• chronic form in horse
- Which pathological fiel determines the nature of death from a legal perspective?
- diagnostic
- forensic
- surgical
- experimental
• forensic
- What is the appearance of the 3rd-degree frostbite (congelatio escharotica)?
- wet gangrene
- necrosis
- vesication, edema
- bluish-red, swollen
• necrosis
- Which cells are permanent (fix postmitotic) cells?
- neurons
- hepatocytes
- renal tubular epithelial cells
- surface epithelial cells
• neurons
- Which listing is correct about granulomas?
- acute process, macrophages predominate, diffuse lesion
- chronic process, macrophages predominate, circumscribed lesion
- acute process, macrophages predominate, circumscribed lesion
- chronic process, macrophage predominate, diffuse lesion
• chronic process, macrophages predominate, circumscribed lesion
- A cutaneous lesion is a form of…
- hypokeratosis
- hyperkeratosis
- parakeratosis
- dyskeratosis
• hyperkeratosis
- What does hypertrophy mean?
- decrease in size
- increase in size
- decrease in number
- increase in number
• increase in size
- Hepatocyte necrosis causes… icterus
- prehepatic
- hepatic
- posthepatic
- any of the above
• hepatic
- How do we call the inflammation of the small intestine?
- enteritis
- colitis
- typhlitis
- proctitis
• enteritis
- Intensive hemolysis causes… icterus
- prehepatic
- hepatic
- posthepatic
- any of the above
• prehepatic
- Which one is a benign tumor?
- lymphoma
- melanoma
- granuloma
- papilloma
• papilloma
How do we call the inflammation of the colon?
- enteritis
- colitis
- typhlitis
- proctitis
• colitis
- Pseudomembranous inflammation is a from of… inflammation
- catarrhal
- ichorous
- purulent
- fibrinous
• fibrinous
- Alterative inflammation is a synonym of… inflammation
- necrotizing
- ichorous
- purulent
- fibrinous
• necrotizing
- How do we call the most severe form of cellular disturbance in the water balance?
- cell swelling
- vacuolar degeneration
- ?
- ?
• vacuolar degeneration
- Mucus is soluble in…
- alkalis
- ethanol
- acetic acid
- all of them above
• alkalis
- Ichorous inflammation is a synonym of… inflammation
- serous
- putrefactive
- catarrhal
- purulent
• putrefactive
- Mainly what kind of mycotoxins can cause kidney damage?
- aflatoxins
- ochratoxins
- ergot alkaloids
- zearalenon
• ochratoxins
- Which term refers to the abdominal narrowing of a tubular organ?
- stenosis
- atresia
- schisis
- aplasia
• stenosis
- Putrefaktion is rapid in case of…
- obese carcass
- warm environmental temperature
- hyperemic organs
- all of the above
• all of the above
- Mainly which mycotoxins can cause hepatocellular carcinoma in humans?
- aflatoxins
- ochratoxins
- ergot alkaloids
- zearalenon
• aflatoxins
- Which one is a tumor-like lesion?
- intrapulpar haematoma
- adenoma
- tuberculum
- melanoma
• intrapulpar haematoma
- What are the elements of Virchow´s triad?
- hepatic artery-portal vein-bile duct
- brain-heart-lung
- endothelial-injury-abnormal blood flow-hypercoagulability
- none of the above
• endothelial-injury-abnormal blood flow-hypercoagulability
- This is the most frequent site of metastasis if the tumor originates from the intestine
- kidney
- heart
- vertebrae
- liver
• liver
- How do we call the stoppage of blood flow?
- hemostasis
- peristasis
- prehemostasis
- posthemostasis
• hemostasis
Which portion of the nerve system is capable of regeneration?
- neurons in the brain
- nerve fiber in the brain
- neurons in ganglia
- nerve fibers in the periphery
• nerve fibers in the periphery
- Which one induces epitheloid type granulomas?
- Mycobacterium bovis in cattle
- uric acid
- keratin
- Myobacterium avium in birds
• Mycobacterium bovis in cattle
- What is essential for cirrhosis?
- acute severe injury
- toxin producing bacteria
- inadequate blood supply
- chronic, long lasting injury
• chronic, long lasting injury
- Which infectious agent causes secondary immunodeficiency in cats?
- What is the main site of toxin elimination in the intestine?
- duodenum
- jejunum
- ileum
- colon
• colon
- What kind of material is used up first in the case of complete starvation?
- glycogen
- fat
- proteins
- lipids
• glycogen
• How do we call the infection of the umbilical chord
↳ e. co-‘ Salmonella
Where can we find APUD—amyloidosis?
- spleen
- liver
- pancreas
- kidneys
• pancreas
- Which cells are stable (reversible postmitotic) cell?
- neurons
- striated muscle cells
- basal layer of the epidermis
- renal tubular epithelial cells
• renal tubular epithelial cells
- Which hormone decrease the blood glucose level?
- glucagon
- epinephrine
- insulin
- cortisol
• insulin
What are the elements of Virchow’s Triad?
Endothelial injury, abnormal blood flow, hypercoagulability.
Which staining method can be used to demonstrate glycogen?
PAS (Periodic acid-Schiff).
Which term refers to the abnormal narrowing of a tubular organ?
In which colour do we see the calcium in tissues with Kossa’s staining?
Which species has uricase?
.Siberian Tiger. Not present in reptiles, birds or primates
What kind of haemoglobin causes cherry pink discolouration of blood?
What kind of substance accumulates during icterus?
How do we call the ability of the pathogen to decrease the fitness of the host?
What can be the origin of a fat droplet embolus?
A solid mass or gas bubble of either internal or external origin carried by the bloodstream sticks in a narrower blood vessel
This is the most frequent site of metastasis if the tumor originates from the intestines.
What kind of virus can cause cerebellar hypoplasia in kittens?
This tumor often produces parathormone-like peptide and causes hypercalcaemia in dogs.
Perianal gland carcinoma/mediastinal lymphoma.
How do we call the spread of the pathological process to faraway organs?
Distant metastasis.
What can be the cause of edema?
Decreased tissue tension.
Which infectious agent causes secondary immunodeficiency in cats?
Which statement is true for myobacterium bovis?
It can infect humans.
What do we call the non-digested food fragments and foreign bodies in the stomach?
(Zootrichobezoar = knotted animal hair, Phytotrichobezoar = knotted plant elements, Concretion = lithiasis, calculus formations).
How would you describe the exudant in the case of purulent inflammation (except in dogs)?
Greyish-white, sour cream-like, turbid.
Which type of purulent inflammation is diffuse?
Sclerosis is a special form of?.
This tumor has more than two germ layer elements.
Teratoma: ecto-, meso-, and endoderm.
Which actinbacillotic lesion can lead to wooden tongue?
Sclerotising form.
Which hormone stimulates fatty acid synthesis and storage?
Which sequence is correct in the case of cellular events of acute inflammation?
Adhesion, transmigration, migration, activation.
Where can we find APUD- amyloidosis?
Cholelithiasis can cause … icterus?
What can be the outcome of fibrinous inflammation?
Both fibrinolysis and organisation.
Which feature is true for apoptosis?
Cell size shrinks, Nucleus breaks into fragments, cell membrane remains intact but with a different structure, cell organelles remain intact inside apoptotic bodies, no inflammation.
Mummification is a form of?
Gangrena sicca.
Mucus is soluble in?
How many cardinal signs of acute inflammation exist?
Four = Rubor, Tumor, Calor, Dolor.
What is the main cause of water influx during cell injury?
Reduced Na+/K+ ATPase function.
Which one is a type II hypersensitivity reaction?
Haemolytic anaemias.
What kind of hormone influences the melanin production in melanocytes?
What is true for endocarditis?
Most bacterial.
‘Lumpy jaw’ is caused by?
Actinomyces bovis.
In which muscle type is complete regeneration possible?
Skeletal muscle. (Smooth and cardiac muscle = complete necrosis).
Alterative inflammation is a synonym of..?
In which organ can you find the Councilman-bodies?
How do we call the inflammation of the rectum?.
Which cells are labile (vegetative intermitotic) cells?
Surface epithelial cells.
How would you describe the exudate in the case of ichorous inflammation?
Turbid, greenish, smells bad.
Which is produced by fibroblasts?
Elastin and collagen.
Pseudomonas inf;ammation is a form of…inflammation?
Purulent inflammation.
Which one can cause caesation?
Mainly what kind of mycotoxins can cause kidney damage?
What is the pathology of suffocation?
Dark, unclothed blood, petechial hemorrhages, acute lung hyperemia and edema
Which species can survive until chronic tuberculosis in organs develops?
Benign tumor of the cartilaginous tissue?
There are no fresh lesions in the lymph nodes in this phase of tuberculosis.
Chronic organic tuberculosis.
How do we call the feces in the case of gastric bleeding?
(Melaena = bloody feces due to enterorrhagia, Metrorrhagia = hemorrhage in the uterus, Epistaxis = nosebleed).
This is the benign tumor of adipocytes.
(Fibroma = tumor of fibrocytes, Myxoma = Gelatinous connective tissue, fibroblast/fibrocyte origin, Liposarcoma = malignant tumor of adipose tissue).
What is true for neoangiogenesis tumors?
It gives opportunity for metastasis.
When does the rigor mortis begin in the skeletal muscles?
2-4 hours.
(5-8h = becomes general, 24-48h = starts to disappear, 48-60h = passes off).
Mainly what kind of mycotoxins can cause skin necrosis?
Ergot alkaloids.
How do we call the inflammation of the caecum?
(Enteritis = small intestine, Colitis = colon, Proctitis = rectum).
Layers of tubercle from inside to outside.
Necrosis-macrophages, lymphocytes, connective tissue.
Increased erythrocytes diapedesis in inflammation is typical in this species
Which appearance is true for gangrena sicca?
In the case of fibrinoid necrosis, in which region of the blood vessels does the serum accumulate?
In the media.
Which one induces epithelioid type granulomas?
Mycobacterium bovis in cattle.
How do we call the foreign body-type granuloma around the uric acid precipitations?
What are the most endangered organs to UV rays?
Eyes and skin.
How do we call the lesion caused by a veterinarian?
What is the cause behind diabetic cataract?
The increased osmolarity of the lens.
(the decreased glucose uptake, the increased polyol/alternative pathway).
How do we call the mildest form of cellular disturbance in the water balance?
Cell swelling.
(Then vacuolar degeneration, hydropic degeneration, vesicular degeneration).
What kind of autointoxication causes gout?
Normal metabolites are not excreted.
How do we call the process when there are a lot of bacteria in the circulation for a prolonged time?
(Bacteremia = bacteria in low numbers only temporarily, Pyaemia = pus into circulation and content of abscess gets into circulation, Viraemia = free or cell associated).
How do we call the accumulation of intermediate products?
How do we call the process when there is keratinization in the stratum spinosum?
(Hypokeratosis = rare, starvation, Hyperkeratosis = thickening of stratum corneum and complete cornification process, Parakeratosis = thickening of stratum corneum and incomplete cornification process).
Which discoloration is permanent?
Bile imbibition
Which one is the second degree test?
Combustio bullosa.
(Combustio erythematosa = first degree, Combustio escharotica = third degree, Carbonization = fourth degree).
Which one is the feature of both decreased and increased blood flow?
Swollen appearance
What kind of cause can delay the rigor mortis?
Severe blood loss
The accumulation of this material can cause pseudoicterus
Which one is a correlation type hypertrophy?
Hypertrophy of the parathyroid gland due to phosphate retention
What can lead to hypertrophy going to the urinary bladders wall?
Enlarged prostate
Which one is the circumscribed purulent inflammation?
What is the most severe form of exudative inflammation?
Which cells are stable (reversible postmitotic) cells?
Real tubular epithelial cells
A predilection site of hemangiosarcoma in dogs
Right auricle
The most frequent primary central nervous system tumor in dogs and cats.
Which one is an endogenous chemical?
Which one is a tumor-like lesion?
Intrapulpal haematoma
This tumor often produces parathormone-like peptide and causes hypercalcemia in dogs
Perianal gland carcinoma
Which one can be a sign of cellular atypia?
What is the difference between lymphoma and leukemia?
Leukemia originates from the bone marrow/spleen and lymphoma from other lymphoid tissue
Which breed excretes high concentrations of uric acid in their urine?
What does hyperplasia mean?
Increase in number
What is the site of the primary tuberculotic lesion in swine?
Which connective tissue type has the best regenerative capacity?
Collagen fibrous connective tissue
What can be the outcome of fibrinous inflammation?
Any of them
Councilman-body is a form of…
Intracellular hyalinosis
Which one induces foreign body type granulomas?
Mycobacterium avium in birds
Croupous and diphtheria inflammations are forms of….
Inflammation Fibrinous
Pyogenic bacteria can induce …. inflammation
How do we call a venous infarct?
Which one is a general effect of traumatic injury?
Traumatic shock
Which one of these is a characteristic for the adaptive immunity?
Slower reaction at first
- Which one is not living, but is an infectious agent?
- Which agent can infect the intact skin?
- Which one is a chemical staining method for fats?
Nile blue
- Which layer must remain intact for scarless regeneration in the skin?
Stratum germinativum
- What is true for hyalinosis?
Always stains homogeneously pink with hematoxylin-eosin
- How do we call the process the one type of differentiated tissue becomes another differentiated tissue?
What is true for allomorphia?
Permanent change
- What is essential for cirrhosis?
Chronic, long lasting change
- What is the form of tuberculosis in carnivores?
- Which organs are primarily colored in the case of porphyria?
- Which one is a vertical infection?
- Which form of glanders causes ulceration in the skin? in Which species?
Chronic form in horse
- Which pathological fiel determines the nature of death from a legal perspective?
- What is the appearance of the 3rd-degree frostbite (congelatio escharotica)?
- Which cells are permanent (fix postmitotic) cells?
- Which listing is correct about granulomas?
Chronic process, macrophages predominate, circumscribed lesion
- A cutaneous lesion is a form of…
- What does hypertrophy mean?
Increase in size
Hepatocyte necrosis causes… icterus
- How do we call the inflammation of the small intestine?
- Intensive hemolysis causes… icterus
- Which one is a benign tumor?
- How do we call the inflammation of the colon?
Pseudomembranous inflammation is a from of… inflammation
- What do we call the most severe form of cellular disturbance in the water balance?
Vacuolar degeneration
- Ichorous inflammation is a synonym of… inflammation
- Mainly what kind of mycotoxins can cause kidney damage?
- Putrefaction is rapid in case of…
Obese carcass, warm environmental temperature, hyperemic organs
- Mainly which mycotoxins can cause hepatocellular carcinoma in humans?
- Which one is a tumor-like lesion?
Intrapulpal haematoma
- What are the elements of Virchow ́s triad?
None of the above
(hepatic artery-portal vein-bile duct, brain-heart-lung, endothelial-injury-abnormal blood flow-hypercoagulability)
- How do we call the stoppage of blood flow?
(1. Prehemostasis = blood flow slows down, 2. Hemostasis = stop the blood flow, 3. Posthemostasis = start of the blood flow, 4. Peristasis = slow blood flow).
- Which portion of the nerve system is capable of regeneration?
Nerve fibers in the periphery
- What is the main site of toxin elimination in the intestine?
- What kind of material is used up first in the case of complete starvation?
- How do we call the infection of the umbilical cord?
Omphalogen - e. Coli, Salmonella
- Where can we find APUD— amyloidosis?
- Which cells are stable (reversible postmitotic) cells?
Renal tubular epithelial cells
- Which hormone decreases the blood glucose level?