Organ descriptions Flashcards
Skin and fur
What do we examine
colour, pigmentation, soundness, continuity shortage (is it fresh or not, where it is, shape, size, length, width, depth, quality, base), grooming, contamination, ectoparasites, furless regions, etc.
What do we examine
Soundness, state of epidermoid formulas
(difference of shape, wounds)
Natural orifices
oral cavity
Oral cavity
What do we examine
colour, soundness, moisture content
Description of normal organ
Oral cavity
pale greyishred, smooth, shiny, intact
What do we examine
contamination, state of mucous membrane
What do we examine
soundness of skin, contamination, quantity of cerumen/exsudate, ectoparasites
What do we examine
closure of palpebral fissure, state of palpebrae, openability of palpebrae, conjuntiva (colour, wrinkles, moistness), cornea (transparency, soundness), sclera (colour), pupil (shape, size), iris (colour), palpation of the eyeball, location of eyeball
Description of normal organ
- conjunctiva: pale rosered, finely wrinkled, shiny from tears, intact
cornea: convex, transparent, smooth, intact sclera: white
What do we examine
state of anal ring, openness, environment, patency (newborn)
What do we examine
contamination, state of mucous membrane
Serous membranes in general
What do we examine
state of the parietal and visceral layers
Serous membranes in general
Description of normal organ
smooth, shiny, transparent
Navel (newborn)
What do we examine
dried, inflammatory processes
Subcutaneous connective tissue
What do we examine
colour, fat infiltration, soundness
Subcutaneous connective tissue
Description of normal organ
medium fat infiltration, colour is specific to species, intact
Peripheral blood
What to examine
colour, degree of clotting, covering-ability
Peripheral blood
Description of normal organ
dark red, covers the knife, well clotted
Lymph nodes
What do we examine
shape, size, colour, consistency, moveability in environment, cutsurface (CS): colour, structure, moisture content
Lymph nodes
Description of normal organ
normal shape and size, greyishwhite, firmly elastic, moveable in environment, cutsurface: pale greyishwhite, structure recognizable, medium moisture content
Skeletal muscle
What do we examine
development of the muscles, symmetry of the musculature, CS: colour, structure, moisture content, tearability
Description of normal organ
brownred, structure recognizable, medium moisture content, it can be torn with medium effort
What do we examine
state and palpation of abdominal wall, after opening: location of abdominal organs, free content of the cavity (quantity, quality), peritoneum
Description of normal organ
intact, medium tight, location of abdominal organs is normal, there is no pathologic free content in the cavity, the parietal and visceral layer is smooth, shiny, transparent
What do we examine
shape, size, colour, capsule, consistency, CS: colour, structure, moisture content, scraping of pulp
Description of normal organ
normal shape and size, dark red, flaccid, wrinkled capsule, CS: dark red, structure recognizable, medium moisture content, the pulp can be scraped with medium effort
su: light red, lengthwise elongated, cross- section is triangle shaped
Bile duct
What do we examine
Description of normal organ
What do we examine
shape, fullness, content (quantity, quality, colour, smell, consistency, foreign bodies), mucous membrane (separately the fundus, pylorus and cardia region; colour, folds, soundness, folds can be smoothen or not, thickness), gastric lymph node
Description of normal organ
pars nonglandularis / pars esophagea (su): rectangular, white, finely wrinkled