Path Exam 2- GI disease & lymphomas Flashcards
- sites: SI
- symptoms: severe watery diarrhea “rice water”
- complications: dehydration, electrolyte imbalances
A subunits catalyzes ADP-ribosylation of GTP-binding proteins causing persistant activation of adeylate cyclase wwhich increases cAMP and Cl- secretion
Campylobacter spp.
- sites: colon
- symptoms: watery or bloody diarrhea
- complications: Guillain-Barre, arthritis
- -looks like UC
- sites: left colon, Ileum
- symptoms: bloody diarrhea
- complications: Reiter syndrome, HUS
- looks like UC
- sites: colon and SI
- symptoms: watery or bloody diarrhea
- complications: sepsis, abscess
- looks like UC
Enteric (typhoid) fever
- sites: SI
- symptoms: bloody diarrhea, fever
- complications: chronic infection, carrier state, encephalopathy, myocarditis; *perforation
Fecal mononuclear leukocytes
Yersinia spp.
- sites: ileum, appendix, right colon
- symptoms: abdominal pain, fever, diarrhea
- complications: Autoimmune e.g. reiter syndrome of reactive arthritis
E. coli (EnteroToxigenicEC)
- sites: SI
- symptoms: severe watery diarrhea
- complications: dehydration, electrolyte imbalance
Enterohemorrhagic (EHEC)
- sites: colon
- symptoms: bloody diarrhea
- complications: HUS
Pseudomembranous Colitis
C. difficile
- sites: colon
- symptoms: watery diarrhea, fever
- complications: relapse, toxic megacolon, mushroom cloud/ volcanic erruption
Whipple disease
- sites: SI
- symptoms: diarrhea/malabsorption (lymphatic transport)
- complications: arthritis*, CNS dis, PAS + macrophages in lamina propria
-male farmers 30-50yrs
-symptoms may last YEARS
Tropheryma whippelii
Follicular lymphoma
- B cell
- Indolent; median survival 7 yrs
- CD 20, 19, 10
- t(14:18) overexpress BCL2 (blocks apoptosis, chemo res.)
- nodal
- follicles that are BCL2 +
- adults; middle yrs
- poor response to chemo, can transform into large B cell
Large B cell lymphoma
- B cell
- Aggressive; months, good response to chemo
- CD 19, 20
- BCL6 (↑ growth ↓ differentiation ↓ apoptosis)
- often extranodal: CNS in HIV, Waldeyer ring (destructive mass in liver or spleen)
- diffuse large lymphs
- any age, HIV and transplant, HIV assoc.
- some arise form other B lymphoma
- B cell
- Aggressive; most rapid growing human malignancy
- CD 19, 20, 10 (surface IgM and BCL6)
- t(8;14) MYC aerobic glycolysis
- starry sky (intermediate lymphocytes, abundant mitosis, apoptic bodies)
- usually extra: kidney, ovary, adrenals
- responsive to chemo
African: facial, mandible 100% EBV
HIV: node/extra nodal 25% EBV
Sporadic: all ages, youth-ileocecal mass, kidney, ovaries (1/3) 15-20% EBV
- B cell
- Indolent
- CD 19, 20; post germinal center, memory B cells
- t(11;18) BCL10 or MALT1
- H. pyloryi, Sjogren, Thyroiditis
- diffuse lymphs, B cells at diff stages of differentiation including plasma cells
- reactive polyclonal prolif initially → monoclonal transformation (B-cell clone that is still dependent on T cells)
- remain localized for prolonged periods, late systemic spread
- regression may still occur
- may regress w/ antibiotics
Anaplastic Large cell
-T cell
-aggressive; curable w/ chemo
-CD8. CD30
-ALK (2p23) rearrangement- defining
-Soft tissues of children
-Horseshoe shape nucleus
(immunoperoxidase stain for ALK)
Adult T cell leuk/lymphoma
- T cell
- subacute 1 yr
- CD 4
- Skin, nodes, bone marrow
- convoluted nuclei (clover shaped)
- hypercalcemia (demylination may occur), *peripheral lymphocytosis
-HTLV-1 infection (Japan, w africa, carrib)