Passmedicine Flashcards
What are the cut off changes to know if you need to switch anti-HTNs with regards to creatinine and potassium when starting an ACE-inhibitor?
You are allowed a rise in creatinine up to 30%
Potassium is allowed to rise to 5.5 mmol/L
Generally speaking, most patients with chronic renal failure will have bilaterally small kidneys, however which 4 causes of CRF are the exception to this rule?
- Diabetic nephropathy
- HIV-associated nephropathy
- Amyloidosis
What is the FEV1/FVC of healthy lungs?
If the FEV1/FVC is <70% what does this imply?
Obstructive rather than restrictive cause
List some obstructive causes of lung disease (3)
COPD (Emphysema and Chronic bronchitis)
List some restrictive causes of lung disease (4)
Pulmonary fibrosis
Pulmonary oedema
What is total gas transfer (TLCO)?
Overall measure of gas transfer for the lungs from the alveoli into the capillaries
When would you expect to find a raised TLCO and why? (6)
- Asthma
- Left-to-right cardiac shunt
- Pulmonary haemorrhage (Wegener’s, Good pastures)
- Polycythaemia
- Hyperkinetic states
- Male gender, exercise
This is because in these two - the problem is not in the alveoli/gas exchange, so the lungs compensate by improving gas exchange hence increasing TLCO
Give examples of conditions which cause a low TLCO (7)
- Pulmonary fibrosis
- Pulmonary oedema
- Emphysema
- Pneumonia
- Pulmonary embolus
- Anaemia
- Low cardiac output
In which patient is adenosine contraindicated for?
Why is adenosine contraindicated in asthma?
Due to the risk of bronchospasm
What is the criteria for typical vs atypical angina?
Typical: all three of the symptoms:
- constricting discomfort in the front of the chest, or in the neck, shoulders, jaw or arms
- precipitated by exertion
- relieved by rest or GTN in about 5 mins
Atypical - 2 out of the 3
List the 1st, 2nd and 3rd line investigations for pts in whom stable angina cannot be excluded by clinical assessment alone
1st line: CT coronary angio
2nd line: Non-invasive functional imaging (e.g. stress echo, CMR)
3rd line: invasive coronary angiography
In all 3 types of renal tubular acidosis, what would the blood gas show?
Hyperchloraemic metabolic acidosis with normal anion gap
What is the pathology in Renal tubular acidosis type 1?
The kidney’s are unable to secrete H+ into the distal tubule - therefore unable to excrete hydrogen ions
Which renal tubular acidosis types cause hypokalaemia.?
RTA type 1 and RTA type 2 - there is a loss of K+ ions
What are the complications of RTA type 1?
nephrocalcinosis and renal stones
What are the causes of RTA type 1? (4)
- Idiopathic
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Sjogren’s
Which part of the nephron is affected in RTA type 1?
Distal convoluted tubule
Which part of the nephron is affected in RTA type 2?
Proximal convoluted tubule
What is the pathology in RTA type 2?
decreased bicarbonate reabsorption in proximal tubule
What are the complications of RTA type 2?
What are the causes of RTA type 2?
- Idiopathic
- Fanconi’s syndrome
- Wilson’s disease
- Cystinosis
- Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors (topiramate)
In which type of renal tubular acidosis is potassium high?
RTA type 4
What is the pathology in RTA type 4?
reduction in aldosterone leads to reduction in proximal tubular ammonium excretion
What are the causes of RTA type 4?
Hypoaldosteronism (e.g. Addisons), Diabetes
What vaccinations do COPD patient require?
Annual flu vaccine
One-off Pneumococcal vaccine
If a patient presents with dyspepsia - What features/symptoms would warrant urgent referral for upper gastrointestinal endoscopy? (7)
- Anorexia
- Weight loss
- Anaemia
- Dysphagia
- Melaena
- Haematemesis
- Recent progression of symptoms
What are the different liver patient categories e.g. chronic liver disease …. (5)
- Chronic liver disease
- Liver cell failure
- Portal hypertension
- Encephalopathy
- Cholestasis
What are the signs of chronic stable liver disease? 6
- Spider naevi >5
- clubbing
- Palmer erythema
- Dupytren’s contracture
- Gynaecomastia
- Testicular atrophy
Where are spider naevi present?
In the chest, not the abdomen (SVC distribution)
What happens when you press down on a spider naevi?
the whole thing goes pale and then flushes from the inside and goes red again
What are the signs of portal hypertension? 4
- Splenomegaly
- Ascites
- Dilated veins on the abdomen (caput medusae)
- Haemtemesis/melaena
What are the signs of liver cell failure? 5
- Jaundice
- Leuconychia (low protein)
- Bruising (clotting/fibrinogen)
- Ascites
- Encephalopathy (flapping tremor caused by nitrogen)
What happens when you squeeze the blood out of the caput medusae vein by pushing on it?
The Blood fills the vein again from the umbilicus outwards
What is the other cause of distended abdominal veins on the abdomen?
Inferior vena cava obstruction
How can you differentiate between IVC obstruction and caput mudusae from portal hypertension?
Look at the vein below the umbillicus and press down on it - the blood should re-fill towards the umbillicus wherease in caput medusae the blood would refill away from the umbilicus
What are 5 causes of ascites?
- Portal hypertension /
- portal thrombosis
- IVC obstruction
- Budd chiari syndrome (hepatic vein obstruction)
- Ovarian malignancy
What are the features of Cholestasis?
- Excoriations (scratch marks)
- Pale stools
- Dark urine (negative for urobilinogen)
- Jaundice
- Xanthelasmata
- If they have PBC then anti-mitochrondrial antibodies may be positive
On palpation how can you differentiate between a spleen and the left kidney? (5)
- Spleen has a notch
- You cannot get above the spleen, but you can for the kidney
- Spleen = dull to percussion (but kidney is resonant due to overlying bowel
- Kidney is ballotable
- Spleen moves to RIF
Kidney mores down when the pt inhales
When you ballot the kidney which hand should remain still?
The top hand
What are the causes of erythema nodosum?
- Sarcoidosis
- Strep infection
- TB
Erythema multiforme (looks like targets)- which age groups tend to get them?
Children and young adults
What is the most common cause of erythema multiforme?
7-14 days after Herpes simplex
What are the other causes of erythema multiforme?
What is another name for really severe erythema multiforme?
Stevens- Johnson-Syndrome (this is erythema multiforme with mucosal ulceration and you get liver failure
What is erythema ab igne and what is it caused by?
It is brown patchy discolouration caused by chronic heat e.g. from repeated use of a hot water bottle
(No treatment is needed)
What is erythema margniatum associated with?
Acute rheumatic fever
What is erythema chronicium migrans associated with?
Lyme disease
What are the stages of diabetic retinopathy?
- Background
- Pre-proliferative
- Proliferative
What are the features of background diabetic retinopathy?
- Venodilation
- Microaneurysms
- Hard exudates (protein and lipid deposits)
What are the features of pre-proliferative diabetic retinopathy?
- Cotton wool spots (soft exudate) - these are ischaemic events
What are the features of proliferative diabetic retinopathy?
New vessel growth
If cotton wool spots are present what treatment is needed?
What are the 4 grades of hypertensive retinopathy?
Grade 1. Silver wiring and arteriolar narrowing
Grade 2. AV nipping
Grade 3. Flame shaped haemorrhages and cotton wool spots
Grade 4. Papilloedema
What is AV nipping?
When the artery crosses the vein, the vein gets narrower
If someone has a positive Romberg’s sign what does this tell you and what would you then want to check?
Romberg’s sign (stand with feet together and eyes closed - if they fall then it is positive)
It tells you they are very visually dependent when they walk and so you would want to check proprioception
What nerves are being tested when you ask someone to stand on their heels?
L4 and L5
What nerves are tested when you ask someone to stand on their toes?
S1 and S2
What is the gait like in an UMN lesion?
They will drag their feet and circumduct their legs (bilaterally)
What condition will cause positive Trendenlenburg sign?
Trendenlenburg sign - when you try and pick up you leg off the ground, the hip for that leg sinks so when these patients walk they waddling leaning their whole body weight from side to side)
myopathy - weakness in the gluteal muscles
What is the difference between cerebellar ataxic gait vs sensory ataxic gait?
Both are broad based
the difference is that in sensory they will stamp as they are not aware of where the floor is/how hard they are stepping
If there is a sensory ataxic gait and they are stamping, what sign might you want to check for?
If it was a motor and sensory peripheral neuropathy then what might you notice on the gait?
Foot drop + broad-based gait w/ stamping
At the start of the neuro exam - what is it really important to ask the patient and why?
If they have any pain or numbness or tingling
(when you get to the examination you need to work from the numb area towards the normal area)
if they have a lot of pain, then you work from the normal area towards the area with pain because you dont want to plunge straight into the painful bit
What may Charcot’s joints be a sign of on inspection?
Peripheral neuropathy - if the sensation in the feet is down and they repeatedly crash their feet they can get Charcot’s joint
Is Spasticity UMN or LMN?
What is the descriptive term for spasticity?
Clasp knife
What are the features of spasticity?
Velocity dependent
Directional (given away by posture) - e.g. pushing the fingers is in is fine but then you try and open the fingers out it is much more difficult
What are the two types of rigidity in Parkinsons?
Lead pipe rigidity
Cog wheel rigidity
What is lead pipe rigidity?
When rigidity is smooth and consistent throughout
What is cog wheel rigidity?
If the rigidity is jerky then it is cog wheel which is thought to be rigidity superimposed onto an underlying tremor
Which nerve root does the triceps reflex test?
Which nerve root does the biceps reflex test?
Which nerve root does the brachioradialis reflex test?
Which nerve root does the knee/patellar reflex test?
L3 and L4
Which nerve root does the ankle/achilles reflex test?
S1 and S2
When is a reflex considered absent?
when it is absent with reinforcement
If the lesion is below L1 why will it always be lower motor neurone?
Because the spinal cord stops at T12/L1
What are the causes of predominantly hypertriglyceridaemia?
Alcohol Diabetes type 1 and 2 Obesity Drugs: Thiazide diuretics, non-selective beta blockers, unopposed oestrogen Liver disease Chronic renal failure
What are the causes of predominantly hypercholesterolaemia?
Nephrotic syndrome
What is the sensory role of the median nerve?
Index finger
Middle finger
What is the motor role of the median nerve?
LOAF muscles Lateral lumbricals, Opponens pollicis, Abductor pollicis brevis Flexor policis brevis
What is Leishmania spread by?
Name the 3 different types of Leishmania
What are the buzz words for Strep pneumonia cause of pneumonia?
rusty coloured sputum
What are the buzz words for Haemophiulus influenzae cause of pneumonia?
What are the buzz words for Klebsiella cause of pneumonia?
red-currant jelly sputum
What are the buzz words for Staph aureus cause of pneumonia?
Post- influenza infection
What are the buzz words for Mycoplasma pneumoniae cause of pneumonia?
Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia
What are the buzz words for Pneumocystis jiroveci (PCP) cause of pneumonia?
Exertional desaturation
dry cough
What are the buzz words for Legionella pneumophilia cause of pneumonia?
Air conditioning
What type of organism is Pneumocytis jirovecii?
Which of organisms cause cavitating in pnuemonia?(2)
Staph aureus
What is the gold standard investigation for Bronchiectasis?
High resolution CT (signet ring- the airway is larger than the artery next to it)
How long do patients with bronchiectasis and infective exacerbation need antibiotics for compared to pneumonia?
Bronchiectasis - 14 day course of Abx
Pneumonia - 5 days if mild, 7-10 days if more severe
What are the features of a moderate asthma attack? (4)
- PEFR 50-75% best or predicted
- Speech normal
- RR < 25 / min
- Pulse < 110 bpm
What are the features of a severe asthma attack? (4)
- PEFR 33-50% best or predicted
- Can’t speak in full sentences
- RR > 25/ min
- Pulse >110 bpm
What are the features of life-threatening asthma attack? (5)
- PEFR < 33% best or predicted
- Oxygen sats < 92%
- Silent chest, cyanosis or feeble respiratory effort
- Bradycardia, dysrhythmia or hypotension
- Exhaustion, confusion or coma
NOte: normal CO2 indicates life threatening also
CXR is not routinely done in an asthma attack, but when would you get one?
- Life threatening
- Not responding to treatment
- Suspected pneumothorax
In acute asthma attack, what is the criteria for admission to hospital?
- Life threatening
- Severe that is not responding to initial treatment
- Pregnancy
- Previous near fatal asthma attack
- Asthma attack despite being on oral corticosteroids
- Presentation at night time
Describe the criteria of how to administer SABA e.g. salbutamol or terbutaline in asthma attack
Modterate - give SABA via pressurised Metered dose inhaler
Severe - give nebulised SABA
Which patients in asthma attack should be given corticosteroid and what prescription?
All patients Prednisolone 40-50mg Oral for 5 days (or until they recover)
Whilst the patient is on oral corticosteroid for asthma attack what is the advice regarding their normal asthma managment?
Continue as normal
even the inhaled corticosteroid can be taken whilst they are on oral prednisolone
Which patients in asthma attack receive ipratropium bromide?
- Severe or Life-threatening asthma
2. Non-responders to SABA and corticosteroids
Which asthma attack patients may receive mag sulf?
Severe or life threatening attacks
When might you consider aminophylline in asthma attack?
after consultation with a senior staff member
If asthma attack patients fail to respond, what could they receive in ITU?
Intubation and ventilation
ECMO - extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
What is the criteria for discharging a patient following an asthma attack? (3)
- They have been stable on their discharge medication (i.e. no nebulisers or oxygen) for 12–24 hours
- Inhaler technique checked and recorded
- PEF >75% of best or predicted
Which antibiotics can be used first line in COPD acute exacerbations?
What is the corticosteroid prescription given in acute COPD exacerbation?
for 5 days
How do you differentiate between acute bronchitis and pneumonia?
Sputum, wheeze, breathlessness may be absent in acute bronchitis whereas at least one tends to be present in pneumonia
Examination: No other focal chest signs (dullness to percussion, crepitations, bronchial breathing) in acute bronchitis other than wheeze.
Systemic features (malaise, myalgia, and fever) may be absent in acute bronchitis, whereas they tend to be present in pneumonia.
What are the contraindications to lung cancer surgery?
SVC obstruction, FEV < 1.5, MALIGNANT pleural effusion, and vocal cord paralysis
How is asthma diagnosed in patients >17 yo?
- Find out if the symptoms are better away from work/home - if yes then refer to specialist
- Spirometry with bronchodilator reversibility (BDR) testing - ALL PATIENTS
- FeNO (fractional exhaled nitric oxide) - ALL PATIENTS
How is asthma diagnosed in patients aged 5-16 yo?
- Spirometry with bronchodilator reversibility testing - ALL PATIENTS
- FeNO testing - ONLY if spirometry showed normal/obstructive picture with negative Bronchodilator reversibility (BDR) test
How is asthma diagnosed in patients <5 yo?
Based on clinical judgment - usually it would be viral induced wheeze at that age
What is considered positive FeNO?
adults > or = to 40 ppb
children > or = 35 ppb
What is considered positive BDR test?
1. improvement of FEV1 by 12% or more and
2. an increase in volume of 200ml or more
1. improvement of FEV1 by 12% or more
What are the doses of low, moderate and high dose ICS in adults?
< or = 400 micrograms (mcg) = low dose
400 - 800 micrograms (mcg) = moderate
>800 micrograms (mcg) = high
How often should you consider stepping down asthma treatment?
Every 2-3 months
IF you decide to reduce the dose of ICS, by how much is advised in each step down?
25-50% at a time
When diagnosing COPD, when should spirometry be carried out?
Post-bronchodilator - FEV1/FVC ratio needs to be <70% even after the bronchodilator
In COPD diagnosis, what is the role of FBC?
To exclude secondary polycythaemia
What are the stages of COPD severity?
FEV1 (of predicted): Mild >80 % (need symptoms to diagnose) Moderate 50-79% Severe 30 -49% Very severe <30%
If a patient is on LTOT for COPD how long much supplementary oxygen should they be breathing per day?
15 hours
Which COPD patients should be assessed for LTOT?
- Very severe COPD (consider assessment if Severe)
- Cyanosis
- Polycythaemia
- Raised JVP
- Peripheral oedema
- Oxygen sats < or = 92% on air
What does the assessment for LTOT in COPD patients consist of?
ABG on 2 occasions at least 3 weeks apart
In which COPD patients do you then offer LTOT to?
- If O2 is <7.3kPa
- Is O2 is between 7.3 -8 kPa and they have one of the following
- peripheral oedema
- pulmonary HTN
- secondary polycythaemia
Who should LTOT not be offered to?
Those who continue to smoke despite the smoking cessation support
What vaccinations do COPD patients need?
- annual influenza
2. one-off pneumococcal
Outline the 2-level Wells score of Pulmonary embolism
- Clinical signs and symptoms of DVT (minimum of leg swelling and pain with palpation of the deep veins) = 3 points
- Alternative diagnosis less likely than PE = 3 points
- Tachycardia > 100bpm = 1.5 points
- Immobilisation for 3 days / surgery in the last 4 weeks = 1.5 points
- Previous DVT/PE = 1.5 points
- Haemoptysis = 1 point
- Malignancy (on Rx, Rx in the last 6 months, palliative) = 1 point
What is the interpretation of the 2 -level Wells score for PE?
< or = 4 points - PE unlikely
> 4 points - PE likely
If PE is likely according to Wells score, what do you do?
Arrange an immediate CTPA (if unable to occur soon then start anticoagulation)
If CTPA for PE is negative what do you do?
Proximal leg vein US if DVT is suspected
If PE is unlikely according to Wells score what do you do?
Arrange a D-dimer test (if it cannot be attained within 4 hours then start anticoagulation)
If the D- dimer for PE is positive, what do you do?
Arrange an immediate CTPA
If the D- dimer for PE is nagative, what do you do?
PE is unlikely, consider other diagnosis
If a patient has renal failure, which is used CTPA or V/Q scan in ?PE and why?
V/Q scan as you avoid the contrast which is used in CTPA
What are the ECG findings of PE?
S1 = Large S wave in lead 1
Q3 = Large Q wave in lead 3
T3 = T wave inversion in lead 3
Right axis deviation
Sinus tachycardia
In ?PE, which patients should have a CXR?
All patients - important to exclude other pathology
What are the 8 criteria in the Pulmonary Embolism rule out criteria (PERC)?
- Age > or = 50
- Heart rate > or = to 100 bpm
- Oxygen < or = to 94%
- Previous PE or DVT
- Recent trauma or surgery in the last 4 weeks
- Haemoptysis
- Unilateral leg swelling
- Oestrogen use (COPC or contraceptives)
When should PERC be used?
When there is a low pre-test probability of PE but you want to be sure
How is PERC interpreted?
Negative means all 8 are negative - meaning less than 2% chance of PE
(if positive then do 2 level Wells score)
In PE how long should patients be anticoagulated for?
A minimum of 3 months
If a patient is unstable how do you investigate for PE?
But if not able to get an urgent CTPA, you can get a bedside echo instead (RV dysfunction)
What is the management of PE in an unstable patient?
if PE found on CTPA/ RV dysfunction detected on echo
1. UFH 10,000 Units IV - bolus
2. UFH continuous infusion
3. Consider if they need fluid resus (if SBP <90mmHg)
4. +/- vasoactive agents e.g. Noradrenaline if fluid resus is not successful
5. Consider if they need Oxygen
6. Whilst Heparin is still running, do pharmacological thrombolysis to break down the clot:
- Alteplase, Streptokinase, Urokinase (all IV)
7. Later on switch to anticoagulant (DOAC, LMWH, VKA)
What is the management of PE in a stable patient?
Confirmed or suspected PE - start DOAC (apixaban or rivaroxaban)
If a patient is unsuitable for Apixaban or Rivaroxaban, what are the alternatives?
- LMWH (5 days) + Dabigatran or Edoxaban, then after 5 day just the DOAC
- LMWH (5 days or until INR is > or = 2) + VKA then VKA alone
What 4 features might suggest COPD may be responsive to steroid (ICS)?
- Previous diagnosis of asthma or atopy
- Higher blood eosinophil count
- Substantial variation in FEV1 over time (>400ml)
- Substantial diurnal variation in PEFR (>20%)
When treating PE, you can risk stratify them using PESI (PE severity index) - which PESI classes are low vs intermediate?
PESI classes I and II = low
PESI classes III and IV = intermediate
If PESI is low risk - how do you manage them?
Rx at home- with oral anticoag
Safety net them about bleeding risk
Follow up in 1 week