Passing a signal at danger or an end of authority without a movement authority S5 Flashcards
Before passing a signal at danger or an EoA without an MA, you must get the personal authority of?
- The signaller,
- The shunter acting on the signaller’s instructions when making a shunting movement
- The pilotman or handsignaller acting on the signaller’s instructions
- Another competent person where authorised in the rules.
You must clearly understand what is required and how far the movement can go.
What instructions would you expect from the signaller, when passing a signal at danger?
- Why the signal needs to be passed at danger or the EoA passed without an MA
- How far the movement can proceed
- If the train is only authorised to proceed as far as a specified ground position-light signal
- Whether it is necessary to proceed at a reduced speed until the aspect of the next main aspect stop signal ahead has been seen
- Or to continue at a reduced speed until reaching that signal.
In which two circumstances can you accept a yellow handsignal shown at a signal, as authority to pass a signal at danger?
- You have stopped your train at the signal and the handsignaller has given you the necessary instructions.
- The signaller or pilotman has already told you about the circumstances and has instructed you to obey the handsignal shown at the signal.
In this case you do not need to stop your train if a yellow handsignal is shown at the signal. Unless you have been instructed to pass the signal at danger, you must stop at it.
Passing a signal at danger or an EoA without an MA for shunting purposes
When shunting is complete, when can you proceed?
You must not proceed on the journey until the signal is cleared or you receive an MA, unless the signaller gives authority.
Passing a signal at danger or an EoA without an MA for shunting purposes
If you need to pass a signal at danger or an EoA without an MA for shunting purposes, who has the authority to authorise the movement?
The Signaller
List when you are allowed to temporarily isolate TPWS
- Emergency Special Working is in operation
- Temporary Block Working is in operation
- A single-line section when working by pilotman or modified working is in operation, and you have to pass more than one signal at danger
- A line which is under possession
Before leaving that section of line, you must re-instate the TPWS. You must operate the TPWS train-stop override button when you are authorised to pass a signal at danger in all other circumstances.
What control must you operate before passing a single signal at danger?
You must press ‘train stop override button’ when you are authorised to pass an EoA without an MA.
After passing a signal at danger, how must you approach points and crossings?
If possible, you must make sure that any points, switch diamonds or swing-nose crossings are in the correct position for your train. You must not pass over these points or crossings at more than 15 mph (25 km/h).
When may you pass over points or crossings at up to 50mph if permission to do so is given?
- During emergency special working
- During temporary block working
- When making wrong-direction movements during single line working.
Without special instructions, what speed must you go?
You must proceed at caution, even if the line appears to be clear.
After passing a signal at danger, when may you travel at a speed not exceeding 50 mph (80 km/h), other than locations where you are told to proceed at caution.
- During single line working when travelling in the wrong direction
- During modified working on single lines
- During emergency special working.
- During temporary block working.
- During passing two main aspect stop signals at danger.
- During a failure of a block instrument on an absolute block line.
After passing a signal at danger, when may you proceed at up to permissible speed, other than at locations where you are told to proceed at caution.
- During single line working when travelling in the right direction.
- On single lines where a token is provided and you have the token.
- During working by pilotman on single or bi-directional lines.
How would you approach the following level crossings?
- Controlled level crossing
- Automatic level crossing that the signaller has told you will not operate normally for the movement
- Barrow or foot crossing with white-light indications that the signaller has told you will not operate normally for the movement.
You must approach at caution and check it is safe before passing.
After passing a signal at danger & you can see the next stop signal ahead is displaying a proceed aspect. What speed can you proceed at?
Your train can travel at any speed appropriate to the aspect of that signal, unless the signaller has told you that you need to travel at a reduced speed over the portion of line up to the signal.
If the signaller authorises you to pass a signal at danger and obey all others, how do you proceed?
This allows you to proceed as far as the next main aspect stop signal ahead, ignoring the aspect displayed by any ground position-light signals that are in the route.
If the signaller authorises you to pass a signal at danger and tells you that the train is only authorised to proceed up to a specified ground position-light signal how do you proceed?
You must only proceed as far as that signal. Stop at it, whatever aspect is displayed.
What is the maximum speed allowed when authorised to pass two consecutive signals at danger?
Travel at a speed not exceeding 50 mph (80 km/h), other than locations where you are told to proceed at caution, until you can see the aspect of the next main aspect stop signal beyond the second signal you were authorised to pass.