Parvovirus in pregnancy Flashcards
What percent of adults are immune to parvovirus?
What is the route of transmission of Parvovirus?
blood borne, respiratory
Constitutional symptoms usually begin on what day following inoculation ?
Day 6-9
Viremia usually begin on what day following inoculation ?
Day 6-13
IgM becomes positive on what day following inoculation ?
Day 13 to 3 months
cheek rash usually begins on what day following inoculation ?
Day 18 - 21
When does IgG become positive for Parvovirus?
21 days - Lifelong
IgG negative and IgM negative indicates what type of condition for Parvo?
IgG positive and IgM negative indicates what type of condition for Parvo?
Immune, Infection > 120 days ago
IgG negative and IgM positive indicates what type of condition for Parvo?
Acute infection within 7 days
IgG positive and IgM positive indicates what type of condition for Parvo?
Infection between 7 days - 120 days
If you have a patient with known parvo exposure BUT negative IgG and IgM, what is the next best course of action?
Repeat Serology in 3 weeks
What is the overall rate of vertical transmission for parvo-virus?
In the fetus what tissues are most affected by parvovirus?
Cardiac muscle and RBC precursors
What is the primary fetal risk of Parvo infection?