Important 2nd Trimester US findings Flashcards
What is the definition of Mild Cerebral Ventriculomegaly?
Atrium 10 - 15 mm
How much does cerebral ventriculomegaly increase the risk of down syndrome?
25 fold
What other conditions are associated with Cerebral Ventriculomegaly?
What is the strongest predictive ultrasound marker for Down syndrome?
Atrioventricular septal defects
In a fetus with a AVSD what is the down syndrome risk?
> 80%
What percentage of babies with DS with have an AVSD?
What percentage of fetuses with duodenal atresia will have down syndrome
What is the differential diagnosis of Duodenal Atresia
Duodenal webb, annular pancreas
What findings are typically associated with Duodenal Atresia?
Omphalocele is most associated with what Trisomy?
Trisomy 18
True or False: With Gastroschisis, the defect occurs slightly to the right of the umbilical insertion
What is the most reliable soft marker for downs syndrome?
Thickened nuchal skin fold
What is the definition of thickened nuchal skin fold?
> 6 mm at < 20 weeks
What is the increased risk of Down Syndrome with a thickened nuchal skin fold?
10 - 20 fold increase of DS
What are the soft markers associated with down syndrome?
echogenic intracardiac focus, Choriod plexus cyst, bilateral pyelectasis, short femur or humerus, echogenic bowel