Intrapartum FHR Monitoring Flashcards
What is the positive predictive value for fetal well being of a normal NST?
> 99%
What is the PPV of an abnormal tracing for hypoxia/acidosis?
< 50%
What is the definition of tachysystole?
> 5 UCs in 10 minutes
How is a baseline heartrate determined
Must be at least 2 minutes of baseline in a 10 minute period
What is the normal FHR baseline?
110 - 160
How many beats per minute does the fetal heart rate increase for a maternal temp?
Increase in 10 bpm for every 1 degree increase in maternal temp
In what setting is fetal tachycardia a sign of fetal hypoxia?
Only if the tachycardia is preceded by fetal deceleration (rebound tachycardia)
What are causes of fetal bradycardia?
Complete heart block associated with lupus antibodies, hypothermia, hypoglycemia
What is the definition of variability?
Fluctuations in FHR that are irregular in amplitude and frequency over a 10 minute window
What is the definition of moderate variability?
Change in amplitude of 6 - 25 bpm
What is the definition of minimal variability
Change in amplitude of 1-5 bpm
What is the definition of marked variability?
Change in amplitude of > 25 bpm
Does absent or minimal variability on it’s own predict fetal hypoxia or acidemia?
No, only in the setting of recurrent deceleration
What does Moderate variability reliably exclude?
Fetal metabolic acidemia
What is the definition of an acceleration in a fetus > 32 wga?
15 beat increase over baseline lasting 15 seconds but < 2 minutes