Part 91 - IFR Flashcards
What are the minimum requirements of an aircraft for a pilot to operate it SPIFR? (2)
- AFM allows the a/c to be operated single pilot
- a/c communication equipment must be able to be operated without releasing flight controls
What are the minimum fuel requirements under IFR?
Sufficient fuel to fly to the aerodrome of intended landing given consideration to met forecasts and conditions as well as;
Fuel to fly to an alternate if an alternate is required
Fuel to hold 1500ft above AD for 45 minutes, or 30 minutes if turbine powered (at holding speed)
What requirements are there to NOT need an alternate IFR?
An alternate is ALWAYS needed unless:
- AD has a standard instrument approach procedure published in the AIP
- At time of submitting flight plan the met forecasts indicate a period of at least 1hour before/after ETA;
- ceiling not less than 1000ft above minimum published in the AIP for approached to be used
- vis at least 5km, or 2km more than minimum published, whichever is greater
What requirements must be met for an AD to be listed as an alternate for IFR?
At ETA the met forecasts must be above one of;
- The minima in the AIP for that approach if one is published
- precision approach:
ceiling 600ft or 200ft above DA/H
vis of 3000m or 1000m more than prescribed minima - non precision approach:
ceiling 800ft or 200ft above DA/H
vis 4000m or 1500m more than prescribed minima
(always the most restrictive option) - If approach not published in AIP, VFR minima must be met to descend below MDA
- AD must have a secondary electric power source for required ground based navaids and lighting for night ops.
Requirements for flight plans IFR?
- Must always submit a flight plan to appropriate ATS unit at least 30 minutes prior to flight
- ATS must be advised of any delay in excess of 30 min of beginning flight or departing from an AD of intended landing
- Must be terminated as soon as practical after flight
When may a pilot deviate from a flight plan?
- requested it and been cleared by ATC
- emergency requires it (must notify ATS unit as soon as practical)
How must IFR routes be flown?
- on the defined centreline of a published route
- directly between navaids or defining points
- on centreline defined by ATS on a parallel offset route or area nav
If you inadvertently deviate from an IFR flight plan what must you do?
advise ATS of;
- any deviation from track
- any variation of +/- 5% TAS or FP mach +0.02
- revised ETA when more than 2 minutes error of current ETA
regain track as soon as practical
When must ATS be informed of the carriage of DGs?
asap by the PIC or the operator when an in-flight emergency has or might have occurred
When may the a/c be operated below the MDA or DA/H?
- a/c is continuously in a position from which it can descend to land at a normal ROD, using normal manoeuvres, to touchdown within the TDZ
- vis not less than published in AIP for approach
- unless cat II/III, at least one acceptable visual reference maintained
What visual references are acceptable? (9)
approach lighting system
threshold markings
threshold lights
touchdown zone/markings
runway lights
Take off minima IFR
at or above the IFR minima published in the AIP for that AD
if not published, minimum 300ft ceiling, 1500m vis
Reduced take of minima IFR
0ft ceiling, 800m vis
- centreline marking or lighting
- vis confirmed visually by PIC using runway marking
- reduced minima used published in AIP
- obstacles on take-off path considered
- 2 engine prop a/c must have a operative autofeather or autocoarse system