Part 9 Flashcards
Examination of initial molecular structure revealed substitution of the glutamic acid by valine. What inherited pathology is it typical for?
Sickle-cell anemia
Inflamation is characterised by increased permeability of vessels of mi- crocirculation stream, increase of their hydrodynamic blood pressure. Increasing of the osmotic concentration and dispersity of protein structures is present in the intercellular fluid. What kind of edema will appear in this case?
Increased fragility of vessels, enamel and dentine destruction resulting from scurvy are caused by disorder of collagen maturation. What stage of procollagen modification is disturbed under this avitaminosis?
Hydroxylation of proline
Scraps of the mycelium of a fungus, spores, air bubbles and fat drops were discovered on microscopy of the patient’s hair excluded from the infected areas. What fungus disease is characterised by this microscopic picture?
On autopsy of the 58-year-old man it was revealed: mitral valve is deformed, thickened, not totally closed. Microscopically: foci of collagen fibers are eosinophilic, have positive fibrin reaction. The most likely it is:
Fibrinoid swelling
Hypertrychosis of auricles is caused by a gene that is localized in Y-chromosome. Father has this feature. What is the probability to give birth to a boy with such anomaly?
A 54-year-old man was admitted to the hospital with complaints of pain in the ri- ght subcostal region, vomiting with blood. Objectively: enlarged liver, varicose veins in the stomach and esophagus. Disfuncti- on of what vessel is likely to have taken place?
Vena porta
A 37-year-old man was admitted to the surgical department with the symptoms of acute pancreatitis: vomiting, diarrhea, bradycardia, hypotention, weakness, dehydration of the organism. What medicine should be used first of all?
A person has reduced diuresis, hypernatremia, hypokalemia. Hypersecretion of what hormone can cause such changes?
Microspecimen of red bone marrow contains multiple capillares through the walls of which mature blood cells penetrate into the bloodstream. What type of capillares are these?