Part 12 Flashcards
A 60-year-old patient fell ill with obturative jaundice as a result of mali- gnant tumour of the big papillary of the duodenal. Lumen of what anatomical structure is compressed by tumour?
Hepatopancreatic ampulla
Thyrotoxicosis leads to increased production of thyroidal hormones T3 and T4, weight loss, tachycardia, psychic exci- tement and so on. How do thyroidal hormones effect energy metabolism in the mitochondrion of cells?
Disconnect oxidation and oxidative phosphorylation
While shifting the gaze to the closely situated object the refracting power of eye’s optical mediums will increase by 10 diopters. It results from changing of such eye structure:
Necrosis focus appeared in the area of hyperemia and skin edema in few hours after burn. What mechanism strengthens destructive effect in the inflammation area?
Secondary alteration
Analeptical remedy of reflective type from the H-cholinomimetics group was given to the patient for restoration of breathing after poisoning with carbon monoxide. What medicine was prescribed to the patient?
Lobeline hydrochloride
A patient operated on complicated appendicitis has the following changes of blood count: erythrocytes - 4, 0 1012/l, Нb - 120 g/l, color index - 0,9, leukocytes
18 109/l, basophils - 0, eosinophi- ls - 0, myelocytes - 0, juvenile - 0, stab neutrophils - 20, segmentonuclear neutrophils - 53, lymphocytes - 21, monocytes - 5. How is such nuclear shi- ft of leukocytic formula called?
Degenerative left shift
A patient has got a spasm of smooth muscles of bronchi. Activators of what membrane cytoreceptors are phisiologically reasoned to stop an attack?
Intrapleural pressure of an individual is being measured. In what phase did he hold his breath if the pressure is - 25 cm H2O?
Forced inspiration
Blood sampling for the haematology is recommended to carry out on an empty stomach and in the morning. What changes in blood formula are possible if blood sampling was carried out after food intake?
Increase of leukocyte number
Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) increased by 20% as a result of prolonged starvation of an individual. The most evi- dent cause of filtration changes under this conditions is:
Decrease of oncotic pressure of blood plasma