Part 8 Flashcards
What is Flail Chest?
Defined as 2 or more ribs broken in 2 or more places
Associated with pulmonary contusion and paradoxical movement of flail segment.
How should a flail segment be stabilized?
With tape and bulky dressings or a sandbag on the chest
Placement of a sandbag is rarely done.
What is Hyphema?
Blood in the anterior chamber of the eye
What are the components of Leforte I fracture?
Horizontal across the maxilla, maxilla and maxillary teeth are moveable
What characterizes a Leforte II fracture?
Bridge of nose and around the mouth, usually from a downward blow to the nose
What is the main purpose of fluid resuscitation in trauma?
To bring up blood pressure (B/P), not vasopressors
What is the crystalloid fluid replacement ratio?
1:3 (blood loss to crystalloid fluid)
What type of colloid is Hextend?
6% Hetastarch in Lactated Ringers (LR)
What is the universal donor type for red blood cells?
Type O negative
What does Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP) lack?
What is Cryoprecipitate used to treat?
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulopathy (DIC), Hemophilia, von Willebrand’s Disease
What is the normal range for pH in arterial blood gas (ABG)?
7.35 - 7.45
What does the Oxygen Dissociation Curve describe?
How blood carries and releases oxygen
What are the symptoms of a Hemolytic Reaction?
Palpitations, abdominal/back pain, syncope, ‘sense of doom’
What is the treatment for an Anaphylactic reaction during a transfusion?
Epinephrine, Steroids, Benadryl
What does the mnemonic ‘CADET, face Right!’ refer to?
Factors that shift the Oxygen Dissociation Curve right: CO2, Acid, 2,3-DPG, Exercise and Temperature
What is the formula for calculating ETT diameter in children?
(16 + Age) / 4
What is the normal blood pressure for a child based on age?
90 + (2 x Age)
What are the signs of hypocalcemia?
Positive Chovstek’s and Trousseau’s signs
What is the pediatric age range for an infant?
29 days to one year
What is the treatment for Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA)?
IV Fluids and insulin
What is the primary treatment for Hyperkalemia?
Albuterol, Bicarb, Insulin, Dextrose, Lasix, Kayexalate, Calcium Gluconate
How is the maximum fluid resuscitation bolus calculated for a toddler?
What is the antidote for Cyanide poisoning?
Amyl Nitrite, Sodium Nitrite, Sodium Thiosulfate
What is the normal range for HCO3 in a Chem 7 (BMP)?
22 – 26
What is the role of calcium gluconate in transfusions?
To treat hypocalcemia
What does ‘TRALI’ stand for?
Transfusion Related Acute Lung Injury
What are the symptoms of TRALI?
Dyspnea, tachycardia, fever, cyanosis
True or False: Type AB positive is the universal donor for plasma.
Fill in the blank: The average circulating blood volume in an adult is ______.
5L (75ml/kg)
What is the maximum age range for a neonate?
Birth to 28 days
What is the treatment for Hyperosmolar Non-Ketotic Hyperglycemia (HHNK)?
IV Fluids and insulin
When should you start your recertification process?
3-6 months prior to certification expiration.
What should you avoid when logging CME?
Faking your records.
What types of education are not acceptable for CEUs?
What is the responsibility of the individual regarding their education?
To remain educated and relevant to their mission.
How many contact hours must FP-C’s accumulate for certification renewal?
100 Contact Hours.
What is the minimum number of contact hours that must be in the CLINICAL category?
75 contact hours.
What is the maximum number of contact hours that can be in the OTHER category?
25 contact hours.
What should you do with your CEU records?
Keep good track and write them down on the log.
Who can provide classes related to CEUs?
Training/Medical Officers.
What is required to submit for CE Renewal?
Verification log, copies of CE documents, and required fees.
Fill in the blank: FP-C’s seeking certification renewal must accumulate _______ within the four-year period prior to certification expiration.
100 Contact Hours.
True or False: CE guidelines should be referred to for more information.
What is the mailing address for BCCTPC?
4835 Riveredge Cove, Snellville, GA 30039.
What is the contact number for BCCTPC?
(770) 978-4400.
Where can more information about BCCTPC be found?
What should be done with the CE Verification Log?
Print or type all information legibly.