Part 4 Gyn. Infections Flashcards
What are the TORCH infections?
Toxoplasmosis Other (syphilis, VZV, parvovirus B19) Rubella CMV HSV
What is the host for Toxoplasmosis?
Cat feces or raw meat
If an infant is infected with a Protozoan Parasite, what is the likely organsim?
What will be the symptoms of the fetus if they do not expire before birth with Toxoplasmosis?
CNS calcifications
What screen is done for detecting Toxoplasmosis?
serology with:
Early Congenital Syphilis occurs before the child is 2. What are the signs?
SNUFFLES - mucus membrane involvement
Rash on palms/soles/genitals
Late Congenital Syphilis occurs after > 2 years old. What are the bone manifestations?
Saber shins - bowing tibia
Central tooth notching
Frontal bossing of the forehead
Which child is more likely to have signs of neurosyphilis with hearing loss
– 1 year old or 5 years old?
5 – late congenital syphilis = hearing loss and neurosyphilis
neurosyphillis: sensorineural hearing loss (8th nerve), gumma formation
If the child is infected with Varicella Zoster in utero, what are the signs? Congenital varicella syndrome
Limb hypoplasia
cicatrical Skin lesions
how do you treat an infant who has contracted varicella from a maternal peripartum infection either with varicella or with herpes zoster?
If a child is infected with Parvovirus B19 as a child, what is the sign?
Slapped cheeks
If a fetus is infected with Parvovirus B19 IN UTERO, what may occur?
The virus attacks RBCs —> anemia —> HYDROPS FETALIS
What are the 3 signs of Congenital Rubella?
sensorineural Hearing loss
Heart disease
What are the signs that a child has Rubella?
URI, head to toe rash, fever, LAD
What precedes the head to toe rash with Rubella?
Soft palate petechiae