Benign and Malignant Conditions of the Vulva and Vagina Flashcards
Ambiguous genitalia can present with:
-which results secondary to
-which is:
- clitoromegaly
- clitoral agenesis
- which results secondary to failure of the genital tubercle to form
- bifid clitoris
- midline fusion of the labiascrotal folds
- cloaca
- which is: no definite separation between the vagina and bladder
Female pseudohermaphroditism
Is caused by:
Due to________________ such as:
The most obvious abnormalities are:
_________ is normal
Caused by: masculinization in utero of the female fetus
Due to: endogenous hormonal milieu (environment/setting)
Such as:
- Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
- Ingestion of exogenous hormones
- Androgen secreting tumors of the mother’s adrenal or ovaries
The most obvious abnormalities are:
- clitoromegaly
- hypospadiac urethra meatus
- malpositioned vaginal orifice
internal genital organ development is normal
Male Pseudohermaphroditism
Commonly results from:
Can occur with varying degrees of:
-i.e. _________________ (_____________)
Commonly results from: mosaicism
Can occur with varying degrees of: virulization and mullerian development
-i.e. androgen insensitivity syndrome (Testicular feminization)
Androgen Insensitivity
Caused by:
Inheritance pattern:
Results in:
__________ is produced by the 46 XY which results in: ______ (_____)
___________ can be seen in partial androgen insensitivity
Caused by: genetic deficiency in androgen receptors
Karyotype: XY
Inheritance pattern: 46 XY x-linked recessive
Results in: external female phenotypic development
Presentation: testes are undescended (inguinal canal or labia)
Mullerian inhibiting substance is produced by the 46 XY which results in lack of mullerian duct development (absent uterus or fallopian tubes)
Ambiguous genitalia can be seen in partial androgen insensitivity
Androgen insensitivity syndrome (46,XY) is most commonly inherited how?
X-linked recessive
Structural and Benign Neoplastic Conditions of the Vuvla
How do you treat labial agglutination?
Treated by estrogen cream and massage to separate the labia majora
Structural and Benign Neoplastic Conditions of the Vulva
What is Fox-Fordyce disease?
Severe pruritic raised yellow retention cyst in the axilla and labia majora and minora resulting from keratin-plugged inflammation of apocrine glands
Structural and Benign Neoplastic Conditions of the Vulva
Where are inclusion cysts located?
How do they present?
beneath the epidermis
- they are mobile, nontender, spherical, and slow growing
- Develop when the hair follicles become obstructed; the deeper portion of the follicle swells to accommodate the desquamated cells
What is the most common type of genital cyst?
epidermal inclusion cyst
Structural and Benign Neoplastic Conditions of the Vulva
How do urethral caruncles appear?
-Appear as a small fleshy red outgrowth at the distal edge of the urethra
Urethral caruncles in children are caused by what?
Urethral caruncles in post menopausal women are secondary to what?
Children: caused by the spontaneous prolapse of the urethral epithelium
Post menopausal women: secondary to contraction of the hypoestrogenic vaginal epithelium resulting in everting of the urethral epithelium
What is the most common type of genital cyst?
Epidermal inclusion cyst = mobile, nontender, spherical, and slow growing
What is vulvar vestibulitis?
How are the lesions characterized?
How is it treated?
Rare condition in which one or more of the minor vestibular glands becomes infected
Lesions are 1-4 mm erythematous dots that are extremely tender; characterized by severe introital dysparunia and occasionally vulvar pain
Can try topical estrogens/hydrocortisone or surgical therapy
Sebaceous cysts of the vulva are most commonly found where and contain what?
- Inner surface of labia minora and majora
- Contain a cheesy sebaceous material
What is the most common benign solid tumor of the vulva; what are its growth characteristics?
- Fibromas
- Slow growing, most range from 1-10cm
- CAN become gigantic (250 lbs!!!!)
What is a hidradenoma?
a rare lesion arising from sweat gland of the vulva
What is syringoma?
Eccrine gland tumor
How do angiomas of the vulva appear?
as multiple 2-3 mm red lesions usually in the 4th and 5th decade
Which condition of the vulva is assoc. w/ 1-4mm erythematous dots that are extremely tender and is characterized by severe introital dyspareunia and occasional vulvar pain?
Vulvar vestibulitis (vestibular adenitis)
What is the treatment for labial agglutination?
Estrogen cream and massagetoseparatethelabia majora
What are vulvar hematomas?
Vuvlvar hematomas most often arise following what; how are they managed?
- Loculated collections of blood that collect
- Arise following trauma i.e., bike injuries (straddle injury), birth trauma or sexual assault
- Close observation and occasional surgical exploration may be warranted
What are the different classifications of female genital mutilation?
Type I: partial removal of the clitoris and/or prepuce
Type II: Partial or total removal of the clitoris and labia minora, with or without excision of the labial majora
Type III: Narrowing of the vaginal orifice with creation of a covering seal by cutting and appositioning the minora and/or majora with or without excision of the clitoris
Type IV: all other harmful procedures to the female genitalia for nonmedical purposes (pricking, piercing, incising, cautery)
Atrophic vaginitis is due to what?
What does exam reveal?
managed how?
- Due to loss of estrogen (seen in menopause or after surgery)
- Exam reveals atrophy of external genitalia: minora regresses and majora shrinks; loss of vaginal rugae; vaginal introitus constriction
- Tx w/ topical estrogen and may consider oral estrogen to prevent recurrence
What is Lichen simplex chronicus?
What are the symptoms?
Exam reveals?
Biopsy reveals?
- Squamous cell hyperplasia
- Local thickening of epithelium that results from a prolonged itch-scratch cycle
- symptoms include pruritus
- Exam reveals white or reddish thickened, leathery, raised surface; looks similar to psoriasis
- Biopsy reveals elongated rete ridges and hyperkeratosis of the keratin layer
Treatment for lichen simplex chronicus?
Moderate strength steroid ointments w/ anti-pruritic agents
Where is lichen sclerosis most frequently found?
What can it cause?
What will some women with lichen sclerosis later develop?
What are the symptoms of lichen sclerosis?
Examination reveals?
on the vulva of menopausal women
Can cause genital structural abnormalities
4% of treated women and 10% of untreated women will develop squamous cell cancer of the vulva
intense pruritus, dyspareunia, and burning pain
Examination reveals thin, white, inelastic skin with a crinkled tissue paper appearance “onion skin, cigarette paper, parchment like”
Biopsy of lichen sclerosis will show what 2 major characteristics?
- THIN epithelium
- Loss of rete ridges and inflammatory cells lining the BM
Treatment for lichen sclerosis?
clobetasol 0.05%
What is the most striking feature of lichen sclerosis?
the presence of a hyaline zone in the superficial dermis
What is seen with lichen planus and what are the sx’s?
- Purplish, polygonal papules that may appear in an erosive form
- Sx’s: vulvar burning, severe insertional dyspareunia
- Tx: topical and systemic steroids
What is vulvar-vaginal-gingival syndrome?
when lichen planus involves the vulva, vagina, and mouth
What is psoriasis and how does it appear on the vulva?
autosomal dominant inherited disorder
on the vulva it generally appears velvety but may lack the silver scaly patches found on flexor surfaces
What is pemphigus?
autoimmune blistering disease involving the vulvovaginal and conjunctival areas
What is bechet’s syndrome?
classically involves ulcerations in the genital, oral areas with uveitis
How does Crohn disease affect the vulva?
it is primarily a GI disorder but vulvar ulcerations can occur due to fistulizations
What are the different types of vaginal septum that can form?
Midline longitudinal
Where is a transverse vaginal septum most commonly found?
in the upper and middle thirds of the vagina; often a small sinus tract or perforation will be present which allows the egress of menstrual flow
What does a midline longitudinal septum create?
What are these septa usually associated with?
- Creates a double vagina, a longitudinal septum can attach to the lateral wall thus creating a blind vaginal pouch
- These septa are usually associated with various duplication anomalies of the uterine fundus
In cases of vaginal agenesis, there is total absence of the vagina except for what portion?
the most distal portion, which is derived from the urogenital sinus
What is Rokintansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome?
Vaginal agenesis, if the uterus is absent but the fallopian tubes are spared
-due to mullerian agenesis
What is adenosis?
In what population of women is it seen in?
congenital anomaly of the vaginal wall
consists of islands of columnar cells in normal squamous epithelium
-seen in women who have been exposed to DES in utero