Obstetric Hemorrhage Flashcards
How much will the Hct and Hgb be raised by 1 unti of PRBC’s?
Raise Hct by 3% and Hgb by 1g/dL
What should be avoided during the initial examination of antepartum hemorrhage?
- AVOID digital exam until placenta previa is ruled out
- Instead do sterile speculum exam
How many units of blood should you type and crossmatch for during antepartum hemorrhage?
4 untis of blood
Placenta previa classically presents how?
PAINLESS vaginal bleeding
Risk factors for placenta previa?
- Maternal age >35
- Multiparity
- Prior previa
- Previous C-section
What is the most serious type of placenta previa and is associated with the most blood loss?
Placent previa is almost exclusively diagnosed how?
By U/S
How likely are placenta previas to resolve on their own?
90% will resolve by placental migration
What is goal of management of placenal previa in preterm pregnancy; can these patients go home?
- Goal is to attempt to obtain fetal maturation
- If bleeding not profuse, pt is managed on bed rest initially
- If stable and bleeding stops may send home on pelvic rest
What is the most common abnoraml placental implantation other than previa?
Placent ACCRETA; firm attachment ot the superficial linign of the myometrium
What is the most common cause of third trimester bleeding?
Placental Abruption
Which condition most often presents as painful third trimester bleeding, uterine tenderness, uterine hyperactivity, and fetal distress and/or death?
Placental abruption
What is the most common risk factor for placental abruption?
Maternal HTN
If pregnant mother presents after MVA or physical abuse how long should they be monitored for placental abruption?
Monitor for 4-6 hours
What is the most common cause of DIC in pregnancy?
Placental abruption
What is the proper management of placental abruption based on maternal and fetal stability?
- If both stable then proceed with vaginal delivery
- Often a rapid delivery ensues w/ abruption
- If remote from vaginal delivery w/ signs of fetal distress or uncontrolled bleeding then C-sections
What is couvelarire uterus?
Occurs during placental abruption with extravasation of blood into the uterus