Normal and Abnormal Breast Exam Flashcards
How do estrogen and progesterone affect the growth of the breast tissue?
- Estrogen is responsible for growth of adispose tissue and lactiferous ducts
- Progesterone is responsible for stimulation of lobular growth and alveolar budding
What are some of the risk factors for breast cancer?
- High breast tissue density
- Early menarche (age <12)
- Late cessation of menses (age >55)
- No term pregnancies
- Never breastfed
- Recent and long-term use of OC’s
- Postmenopausal obesity
A palpable mass of the breast will almost always get what type of evaluation?
Biopsy (FNA/core/excisional)
Mammograms are best in women of what age; how often?
40 years and older; annually
What type of breast imaging allows for differentiation between cystic vs. solid lesions as well as visualizing solid tissue within or adjacent to a cyst that may be malignant?
When is ultrasonography useful in examination of the breast?
- Useful in evaluating inconclusive mammogram findings
- Best for evaluating young women (<40) and others w/ dense breast tissue
- Allows to differentiate between cystic vs. solid lesions as well as show solid tissue within or adjacent to a cyst that may be malignant
- Used for guidance when performing core needle biopsies
When is MRI useful for evaluating the breasts?
- As adjunct to diagnostic mammography in suspicious masses
- Post-cancer diagnosis for further evaluation of staging
- Used w/ implants
- Women at high risk for breast cancer like BRCA carriers
Which technique is useful in determining if a breast mass is solid vs. cystic?
Fine needle aspiration biopsy
What is the next best step if fine needle aspiration of a breast mass contains bloody vs. clear fluid?
- Clear fluid needs no further evaluation
- Bloody fluid sent for cytology and pt neds a diagnostic mammogram/ultrasound
What is the next best step if a breast cyst reappears or does not resolve with aspiration?
Perform diagnostic mammogram/ultrasound and perform biopsy
What is core needle biopsy of the breast used for; how many samples taken?
- Used to get tissue from larger solid masses for diagnosis
- 3-6 samples about 2cm long are obtained
What are the 3 categories of benign mastlagia (breast pain)?
- Cyclic = starts at luteal phase of menstrual cycle and ends after onset of menses
- Noncyclic = tumors, mastitis, cysts; can be assoc. w/ some meds (anti-depressants/hypertensives, hormonal meds (OCP’s))
- Extramammary = chest wall trauma, shingles, fibromyalgia
What is the only FDA approved treatment for benign mastalgia (breast pain) and what are the AE’s?
- Danazol
- AE’s = menstrual irregularities, benign intracranial HTN, alters blood sugar, deepens voice, unusual hair growth and weight gain
What are some recommendations for symptom relief of benign mastalgia?
- Properly fitting bra
- Weight reduction
- Exercise
- ↓ caffeine intake
- Vit E supplementation and evening of primrose oil
Non-spontaneous, non-bloody (can be clear, green or yellow) and bilateral nipple discharge is most consistent with what?
Fibrocystic changes or ductal ectasia