PART 2 POST TEST 2022 Flashcards
The term to denote passing of the typhoon’s eye above a land mass
a. Landfall
b. Direct hit
Storm surge Tsunami
from winter solstice to spring equinox
a. the nighttime gets shorter
b. the nighttime gets longer
c. the daytime and nighttime are equal
d. the daytime is the same
the nighttime gets shorter
refers to typhoon
humboldt current
rossby waves
gulf stream
fujiwara effect
fujiwara effect
in the PH, rice is usually transplanted __
a. for weed control reasons as the seedlings have a head start over the weeds
b. to give employment to landless farm workers
C. to prevent rats and birds from eating the seeds
d. none of the above
for weed control reasons as the seedlings have a head start over the weeds
the median value in a data distribution is also equal to
50th percemtile
5th decile
2nd quartile
When soils are thrown away from the from the plants during cultivation, the operation is
a. hilling-up-thrown towards the plants
b. barring-off
C. sweeping d. none of the above
a conic whose eccentricity is zero
. hyperbola
c. ellipse
e. asymptote
d. Circle
b. Parabola
application of chemical to the stem, fruit, leaves, needles, or blades of a plant
a. direct application
b. foliar application
C. Basal application or cuts.
d. Broadcast application
direct application
Soil particle with diameter size of less than 0.002 mm.
a. Sand
b. Silt
c. Clay
d. Gravel
The area capable of being irrigated, principally as regards to availability of water, suitable soil and topography of land
a Potential irrigable area
b. Design irrigable area
c. Actual irrigable area d. None of the above
potential irrigable area
A term used to describe all the effects of weeds to crops regardless of the cause
Aquifer which has water table as upper surface of the zone of saturation
unconfined aquifer
Pomology is a branch of horticulture mainly concerned with the production of:
The appropriate irrigation for closely-standing and annual crops.
border irrigation
Application of chemical by dispersion of liquid or dry particles in air in such a manner that target pest are exposed to
space treatment
Taking wastewater from one industry or process, treating it and then using it in another process or industry such as for
irrigation, as liquid fertilizer and for aquaculture
Why do we remove litters and few centimeters of soil depth when collecting soil sample?
a. to remove the humus and peat
b. to remove decomposing plants
C. to remove matters which are not actually soil particles d. all of the above
Which of the following is not a Philippine (tropical) fruit
a. Brasicca oleracea
b. Ananas comosus
c. Sandoridm koetjape
d. Averrhoa carambola
Maximum average contact pressure between the soil and the foundation of a structure which shall not produce shear
failure in the soil
Which statement is correct?
a. Open channel depends on energy gradient
e. none of the above
b. The flow is critical if the discharge line is minimum for a given specific energy
C. Physical condition in open channel varies less widely than in pipe
d. The analysis of pipe flow is more empirical than that of open channel flow
The determination of water table or piezometric level is important for the following, except
a. Suction lifting
C. STW depth setting
b. Well design
d. Suitability of water for irrigation
d. Suitability of water for irrigation
Which is not a component of the Total Dynamic Head
a. Static water level
b. Drawdown
C. Friction and other losses
d. Pipe length and diameter
e. none of the above
In how many ways can we select 2 spades and 2 hearts from a deck of cards?
Events which can occur at the same time
The following are measures of dispersion, except
standard dev
mean deviation
A water source/system composed of a source, reservoir and piped transmission to households
level III
A measure of position in a data distribution
Which of the following is true to a positively-skewed distribution?
a. Mean is less than the median
b. Curve tails off the right
c. Mean is greater than the median
d. mean, median, mode are equal
Which is not an assumption in an normal open channel flow
a. Steady state
b. Uniform flow
e. none of the above
C. Critical flow d. None of the above
critical flow
Survey conducted to fix property lines and calculation of land areas
cadastral survey
Rabbit, which is good source of meat and an emerging agricultural production industry, has a scientific name of
oryctolagus cuniculus
Most queuing models uses this rule
Dadiangas, Anglo-nubian, and Boer are breeds of
This is the highest classification of inland and freshwater. Water is deemed appropriate for drinking purposes.
Plant disease caused by the fungus Ustilago maydis, which attacks maize and teosinte plants. The disease reduces corn
yields and can cause economic losses
In topo map with a scale of 1:25,000, 1 cm distance in the map is equivalent to how many meters in actual ground?
In digital image, it refers to the relative brightness or color of objects
Type of precipitation characterized by very light intensity and occurs in the windward side of high elevation land
Wastewater produce from domestic sources
Which is not a basic function of an Agricultural Waste Management System
a. Production
b. Collection
C. Fixation
d. Storage
Wastewater treatment process the main purpose of which is to produce aggregated suspended particles for easier
removal by either skimming or sedimentation
A wastewater treatment process that can occur in an oxygen-deficient environment
Frequency of cropping in a given year
cropping intensity
A belt of low pressure surrounding the earth’s atmosphere in the equatorial zone between 10° N &10° S.
characterized by light winds or fairly steady southeasterly trade winds.
trade winds
For crop irrigation, the threshold of BOD for wastewater quality is
A sediment concentration of 100 mg/L is equivalent to
100 ppm
When re-using wastewater for surface and sprinkler irrigation, the required setback distance for food crops
commercially processed is
90 m
Which is not necessary in the assessment of geologic data?
Particle diameter corresponding to 10% sieve passing
effective size
STW depth
<15 m
A record of formation stratification of an aquifer showing depth, thickness, lithology and other aquifer physical
well log
In the design of dam apron, it is approximated that the length of jump be ___
than the jump height
5 times
STW pipe diameter shall be based on
design discharge
In a Rice-based cropping system with an area >2 ha and design discharge of >7.6 Lps, recommended pipe diameter
4 in
For wells developed in aquifers of more than 15 feet thickness, the extent of pipe penetration shall be
Dam that relies on rock as major structural material, either dumped in lifts or compacted layer
ogee dam
Ratio of the average depth of irrigation water infiltrated and stored in the root zone to the average depth of
application efficiency
Type of irrigation where the field is level in all direction, encompassed by a dike to prevent runoff, and provides
an undirected flow of water into the field
basin irrigation
Depth of water flow where the energy content is minimum, hence, no other backwater forces are involved
normal depth
Masonry, Gabion, Boulder, Loose, Log, and Briushwood are types of
check dam
Drip emitter spacing shall be ___
of the wetted diameter, estimated from field tests
Which is an inflow or input to the Water Balance?
seepage and percolation
Ratio of the horizontal to vertical dimension of the open channel wall
side slope