PART 1: Machine Design Flashcards
simplest and most basic level; use of tools and simple implements powered by human muscle
hand tool technology
implements and machines utilizing animal muscle as the power source
draft animal technology
most sophisticated level; agricultural machinery powered by mechanical or non-animate sources
mechanical power technology
AFMA of 1997
Agriculture and Fisheries Mechanization Act
AFMA was enacted on ___
December 22, 1997
5 major concerns of AFMA
poverty alleviation
food security
global competitiveness
sustainable development
income profitability
ra 10601
AFMech Law
AFMech Law
Agricultural and Fisheries Mechanization Law
Philippine Center for Postharvest Development and Mechanizatiom
Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Product Standards
College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology
RA 8559
Philippine Agricultural Engineering Act of 1998
RA 8559 was approved on ____
February 26, 1998
RA 10915, lapsed into law on ____
July 21, 2016
RA 10915
Philippine Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Act of 2016
Bureau of Agricultural and Fisheries Engineering
Agricultural Machinery Testing and Evaluation Center
AMTEC was established in ___
1997 by virtue of MOA bet. DA and UPLB
Agricultural Mechanization Development Program
Philippine Council on Agriculture, Forestry, and Natural Resources Research and Development
National Agricultural and Fishery Council
Philippine Center
stress corresponding to the highest point at a stress curve
ultimate stress
corresponds to the point on the stress-strain curve where it flattens out temporarily
yield stress
ability of a material to regain its original shape and dimension after the load is removed
ability of a material to retain its shape after loading produces a change in form
ability to withstand high stress without being greatly deformed
ability of a material to undergo plastic deformation when a tensile load is applied
ability of a material to undergo plastic deformation when compressive load is applied; ability to flattened out
ability of a material to withstand shock loading
toughness or resilience
ability of a material to resist penetration
deformation of a material under a steady load at elevated temp
the failure of a part due to repeated loading or reversal normal loading
the stress value where an infinite number of stress reversals will not cause failure
endurance limit
the ability of a material to transmit heat
thermal conductivity
ultimate stress or yield stress divided by a factor of safety
design stress
suggested safety factor for brittle materials
suggested safety factor for ductile materials
those within the elastic limit and induced by external load such as tension, compression, shear, bending, and torsion
load stresses
stresses that are independent of external loads
residual stresses
failure when the length is greater than 4 to 6 times the least dimension perpendicular to the axis
when column bows sideways while the stresses are within the elastic limit
elastic instability
sideways bowing occurs after the maximum stress reach the yield point
plastic instability
buckling of thin sections such as tubes or built-up columns
local buckling
forming materials in semi-plastic state
to form long members of uniform section as bars, rails, plates
forming or combining powdered metals or a mixture of powdered metals by heat treatment so that a rigid piece will be produced
joining/connecting parts permanently (w/ considerable strength)
fabrication using flammable gas or elemental rod
parts are heated to the plastic state at the region where they are to be joined, and then impact, which is produced by a hand hammer or a fuss
forge welding
the parts to be joined are pressed together and an electric current is passed upon one part to the other until the metal is heated to the fusion temperature at the joint
electric resistance welding
molten metal is placed at the joints to fuse the parts to be joined
fusion welding
use of either carbon-rod or other metallic-rod electrode
arc welding
melting the joint to be welded
gas welding
mild steel dips have their ends punched through the overlapped sheets and the bent over to form the stitch
fabrication for thin metal sheets
rolling, spinning, and seaming
provides readily available and efficient method for transmitting power between parallel shafts
used mainly for conveyor; relatively noisy and rapidly wears out
block chains
made of alloy steel, hardened and ground
roller chains
is made overlapping links
inverted tooth chain
driving prism
is a machine member which is used to connect shafts so that the driven shaft will rotate with the driving shaft, and to disconnect them at will
jaws or teeth in the two elements interlock
jaw clutches
the driving force is transmitted by friction
friction clutches
torque is transmitted by a moving fluid
hydraulic clutches
the torque is transmitted by means of a magnetic field
electromagnetic clutches
utilizes the wedging action on the parts for increasing the normal force on the lining, causing increase in tangential friction force and torque
cone clutches
a device which is used to regulate or stop the motion of a body
disk, band, block, shoe, spot brake
mechanical brakes
utilize fluid friction
hydrodynamic brake
utilize the strength of electromagnetic fields
electrical brake
action is more or less like clutcj
disk brakes