Part 2: History Flashcards
Nature gets it value (year + facts)
1800 - idea of being beautiful/special
writers begin to defend
Settlers in NA - pristine lands
Concept of Sustainable Development
- 1860s - number of national parks established in US (Yellowstone)
- National state takes protective measures against econ/individual exploitation
- Primary purpose of national parks to conserve natural beauty of specific area
National Parks World Wide
4,413,142 Km2 of land/sea are protect as national park (over 4 M)
Downside of the Industrial Revolution
- Exponential growth w/ more/more resources being consumed (energy, land…)
- Domestic/Industrial waste released into air/water system
- London’s nickname “the Big Smoke”
- Consequences: increased pollution, morality, destruction
Importance of Sustainability
- Huge capacity for generation growth in destination areas
- Often useful of destination region’s development (alone won’t make sustainable)
- Increasing impacts led to range of: evident/potential problems + enviro, social, cultural, econ, political issues in destination/system
** note: need for alternatives/more enviro/host friendly practices in development/planning **
About Sustainable development Goals (SDG)
- 17 goals set by UN development Programme
- Broad and interdependent
- Each have separate list of targets to achieve (169 targets total)
SDG covers
- Social/Econ issues
- Poverty, hunger, health, education,
- Global warming, gender equality, water- Sanitation, energy, urbanization
- Environment and social justice
- Poverty, hunger, health, education,
Academic perspective on ST from 60s-today
Limits of growth: Research into CC
CC = basis for approaching/mng negative impacts
CC should be problematic both in theory and practice
RnD discourses by idea of sustainable tourism
Increasing criticism of sustainable tourism
Difficulties w/ practice and usability
Unrealistic expectations/conceptually fragmented
Limits of Growth
1987: Our Common Future
Brundtland report
SD = development that meets need of present w/out compromising future generations needs
Sustainability - the three elements
1992: UN - Earth Summit
Need to enforce principles of SD w/in wide Econ/social processes
Tourism’s potential for advancing social/econ develop
Over-tourism and Overcrowding
- Problem: Intensification of tourism growth in destination
- Overcrowding can occur with locals or amongst visitors themselves
- Crowding has two components: Cognitive (perceiving situation as crowded) + Emotional (evaluation crowding as unacceptable)
** Note: Crowding: individual’s perceived evaluation of density levels in a specific physical environment” **
Level of Crowding (and the 3 Influencing dimensions)
- Situational characteristics of enviro
- Personal characteristics of the visitor
Demographic variables such as age/gender
Frequency of travel (eg: first time or repeat visitor) - Characteristic of other tourist
Crowding = additional negative characteristic
Visitors start anticipating traffic in destination
assessing/maintaining crowd – major indicator for sustainable tourism
Carrying Capacity
is considered key element for ST
Shortened Def: Max number of people a place can handle without causing damage and unacceptable decrease in experience
- To avoid: know the CC of a tourism system, consider seasonality
- Not related to: A certain resource/number of tourist, The intensity of factual impact
- Is also: A question of human values, Individual (often chaining) perceptions, Highly dynamic
No particular standard to quantify the capacity
Dynamic and fluid concept which is evolving
3 Dimensions of Carrying Capacity
- Physical-ecological: charac. of destination
- Socio-demographic: charac. Of tourists/locals
- Political-economic: charac. Of type of destination
** Note: Social-demographic - highly difficult to measure, related to value dimensions, highly dependent on psychology of tourists/locals **
Tipping Point
Quality of experience visitor will accept before seeking alternative destinations
While balancing degree of tolerance of visitors related to number of tourists
Three theoretical approaches to Sustainability and CC
- Resource based
Carrying capacity - Activity based - tool of develop
From perceptive of the industrial - Community based
Supporting locals and participation from people
Methods/tools to access potentials of Overtourism
Estimating CC is important to mng value of destination to tourist
Estimating population density based on level of tourism
Evaluate the enviro/social CC
Look at factors (length of stay), characteristics of tourist/host, geographical concentration of tourism, degree of seasonality, types of activity, accessibility of septic sites, level of infrastructure use, possible space capacity
Use of predictive analytics to calculate visitors needs effectively
Solutions for better experience
- increase/improved infrastructure
- Use visitor mngt effectively over time/space
- Evaluate vacation preferences/customer profile characteristics
- Use mrkt and/or new tech such as VR to influence visitors emotions, perception, behavior
- raise awareness
Special: Ecotourism in conservation area
Offer more econ benefits to local communities
Effective mng of resourced
Increase conservation and balance development
Increase in ST
10 Pledges
10 Pledges to help with Sustainability
Mang wastes
Switch AC/lights when leave room
Always look for eco-friendly accommodation
Try to mng CO2 ftprint
Reuse hotel amenities
Shop locally/independent businesses
Go to lesser known paces
Pick up litter
Request no toiletries in room
Use reef-friendly products at beach