Part 1 / History Flashcards


1.What did you study in history lessons when you were at school?

2.Did you enjoy studying history at school? [Why/Why not?]

3.How often do you watch TV programmes about history now? [Why/Why not?]

4• What period in history would you like to learn more about? [Why?]

  1. Do you think history is important?
  1. well, let me see, as far as my memory helps. We started studying history from 6th standard and learned about different kings, rulers and how they reigned.

2.I used to feel terribly bored during history classes in my school. We had to learn about the different empires and the period of their reign. And memorising all this was very tedious and boring.

3.actually, when i was a teenager i used to watch tv program about history . Such as: emam ali , yousef payambar but now i fed up with my study and work and i don’t have any time to watch movie especially historical.

4.I would like to know more about the period before the Islamic Revolution. I like to know about the lives of kings and how they ruled. Because I heard that the conditions are much better than now

  1. Absolutely. The study of history connects us with our past. It helps us understand our identity and also our culture.
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