Go to a doctor Flashcards

  1. Describe a time when you had to go to se a doctor.

• You should say-
• What was the problem?
• When did it happen?
• How did you feel about it?


Well, anyone does not like to go to a hospital and see a doctor but, sometimes, we have to see a doctor. Here, I would like to talk about a time when I had to go to the hospital. I recently had visited a doctor. Dr. Motamedi one locality doctor I had suffered from fever, headache and continue sneezing.

I had to go. I did not want to go but, I had to go. I visited the hospital and waited for twenty minutes outside Dr. Johan’s chamber. Finally, I went into the chamber. Dr.Motamedi had checked up my body temperature and infection in my throat. then, he said to me that it was just normal viral infection due to changes of season. he took his prescription pad and wrote some medicine.

After it, he recommended me that do not drink cold water, cold beverages and fried food as well as spicy also. I asked him how long I might be healed, then he just little smiled. he told me for rest as well as, visit for a checkup after three davs. I had felt very good and comfortable. Then, I visited the hospital after three days and I was normal. so, I started a connection on my daily works without heavy head and fever.

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