Part 09 Flashcards
پاک شدن (با برس)
Brush off :
• Mud brushes off easily when it is dry.
خراب شدن كامپيوتر و كار نكردن
Go down :
• The computers went down and we lost a whole day’s work.
خلاصه شدن به ، منتهى شدن به
Boil down to :
- The whole housing shortage problem boils down to one thing: money.
- What it boils down to is that you just don’t trust me.
ناديده گرفته شدن !
نشنیده گرفته شدن حرف
Fall on deaf ears :
- all my advice fell on deaf ears .
- Stop explaining. It’s all fall on deaf ears.
شروع به انجام کاری جدید و متفاوت
Strike out :
- As a company they’ve never been afraid to strike out in new directions.
- She’d worked for her father for over ten years and thought it was time to strike out on her own.
- It was an opportunity to strike out for independence.
کنار (کسی) ماندن ، پشت (کسی یا چیزی) ایستادن، حمایت کردن
Stand by :
- He’s my friend and I’m going to stand by him.
- She has vowed to stand by her husband who has just been jailed for assault.
- He promised to stand by her if she decided to have the baby.
وحشیانه ضربه زدن با خشم کتک زدن
Hit out at :
- I just hit out at him blindly.
- When she gets into a rage, she hits out at me and I can’t control her.
با توجه تمام به ( تلويزيون … ) خيره شدن
Glue to :
- Everyone was glued to the TV set as the election results came in.
- he spends hours glued to his computer every evening .
خلاصه شدن ، در نهایت به چیزی رسیدن ، منجر شدن به ، علت اصلى چيزى و اصل قضيه
Boil down to :
- What it boils down to is that you just don’t trust me.
- Most of the crimes may boil down to a question of money
یک گوشه ایستادن و تماشا کردن
Stand by :
- How can you stand by while those boys kick the cat?
- We cannot stand by while the environment is being destroyed.
تمام کردن و کامل مصرف کردن
Eat into :
- The high cost of living in London is eating into my savings.
- Increased administrative work can eat into employees’ free time.
- doing everything single-handed is eating into all your free time .
روى پاى خود ايستادن
Strike out on my own :
• its time to strike out on your own and do sth. Completely different .
تشویق کردن انگیزه دادن، سوق دادن
Spur on :
- Spurred on by the crowd, Coventry scored two goals in the first 30 minutes.
- (sometimes + to) One success should spur him on to even greater achievements.
- (sometimes + to do sth) You lose a bit of weight and it spurs you on to lose even more.
ناديده گرفتن و اهميت ندادن
Sweep aside :
- I tried to argue that the scheme was expensive and badly planned but my objections were swept aside.
- sweep aside all your inhibitions and start living life to the full .
شروع به خوردن
Dive in :
• The food’s on the table and there’s plenty, so dive in everyone.