Parasitology - Exam 1 - lecture 8 (Ticks) Flashcards
What are the main classes of ticks
- Ixodid (hard ticks)
- Argasid (soft ticks)
Discuss hard ticks vs soft ticlks
Regharding Hard ticks (ixodae), discuss morphology (for LAB EXAM ONLY< NOT LECTURE EXAM)
Regarding Ixodae ticks, discuss the tick mouthparts
- Chelicerae: cut into skin
- ## Hypostome: used to sucl blood/insert salivary proteins barbed for firm attachment to flesh
Discuss enogrged vs unengorged ticks
Engorged vs unegorged female ticks
attached female ticks get larger over the course of sveral days as they feed on bloood
Discuss the life cycle of hard ticks
- `
- Larva, nymph, and adults all require a blood meal
- Female lay eggs in the envionrment
- Larval ticks (sed ticks) hatch out and “quest” for a host and hop on
- :arval ticks get a blood meal from their hst and are then able to molt into nymphs
- Nynphs take a blood meal from their host and molt into adults
- adults take a blood meal - female becomes massively enorged and falls off host
What are the two different tyopes of lifecycles for hard ticks?
- One host ticks
- ## three host ticks
Discuss the one host ticks lifecycle
One host ticks: once the larval tick finds a host, the tick remians on the host through all the life cyclke stages until the female falls off to lay her eggs
Discuss the three host tick lifecycle
Three host ticks –> mosy species of ticks in the US are this
- each life cycle finds a new host to take a meal from
- Molting and egg klaying occur in the enivonrment
Discuss the effects on host of hard ticks
- Direct effects:tick paralysis; anemia
- Indirect effects –> disease transmission
Discuss tick paraklysis in relation to hard ticks
Tick paraltysis:
- Tick saliva can contain a neurotioxin that causes an ASCENDING parallysis
- Dose dependent: the larger the naimnal the more tick are needed to result in paralysis
Hindwuarter incoordination (ascending parlysis begins here) –> hindwuarter parlysis –> foelimb paralysis –> repsiratory muyscle paRALYSIS
Discuss the twi different types of disease transmission when considering hard ticks
- Transtadial transmission: one life cycle stage picks up the disease from an infected host and transmit the diseasse to the next host after molting
- Transovarial transmission: adult tick transmits pathogens to her eggs, and the disease is mainatoned between generations
Discuss the different species of Ixodes ticks (hard ticks)
- Blacklegged tick:
- ixodes scapularis
- ixodes pacificus
Discuss disease transmission and the life cycle for Hard ticks: Ixodes species
- Life cycle: 3 host tick –> ;arva and nymphs prefer mice; deer hist adults. Note that Mice are the reservoir host for Lyme disease
- disease transmission: Both ixodes species transmit: Borrrelia burgdoferi (lyme disease) and anaplasma phagocytophilum
Wjhat does the Rhipicephalus species of tick look like and discuss the basics of it
Rhipicephalus sanguineus –> Brown dog tick
- Life cycle: 3 host tick (all stages prefer dogs, meaning the nymph, larva, and adult stage all prefer the dog)
- Disease transmission: Erhlicia Canis; babesia canis