Parasitology Flashcards
What are the two purposes of testing for parasites in small animals?
(Identifying the cause of clinical signs and monitoring asymptomatic animals as a part of preventative medicine programs)
List the advantages and disadvantages of morphological parasite tests.
(Advantages → inexpensive, allows examination for multiple parasites; disadvantages → requires trained technicians, requires larger samples than immunologic or molecular tests)
If fecal samples are unable to be examined within a few hours, where should they be stored?
(The fridge)
A direct saline smear can only be used for what stage of protozoan parasites?
(Trophozoites, bc they move, cannot use this method for other parasites or protozoan cysts)
What are the two protozoans that affect small animals that have trophozoites that can be seen on a direct smear?
(Giardia and Tritrichomonas)
Why should fecal samples be mixed thoroughly prior to taking your sample for testing?
(Because parasites are not uniformly distributed in feces)
(T/F) Higher density liquids will likely have more debris floating at the top when compared to lower density liquids.
(T, but lower density liquids will float eggs less efficiently depending on their weight)
For a direct smear, the sensitivity is low/moderate/high (choose) while the specificity is low/moderate/high (choose).
(Sensitivity is low and specificity is moderate aka your false negative chance is high and your false positive chance is moderate)
Do centrifugal or passive flotation exams have a higher sensitivity?
(Centrifugal, if you do not have the ability to centrifuge your fecal floats you might as well just send them out)
What flotation solution is commonly used for Giardia infections?
(Zinc sulfate, will float in the others bc the cysts are so light but Sheather’s and sodium nitrate can destroy the cysts)
What are pseudoparasites?
(Things that look like parasites but aren’t)
What are spurious parasites?
(Things that are parasites of other animals but that show up in samples because or coprophagy or predation)
When a fecal float and antigen test are combined, the combined sensitivity is higher when compared to the sensitivity of each individual test, why is that?
(Bc an animal is considered positive if it is detected positive for any (one) or both of the tests → you are decreasing the chance of a false negative because being false negative on both tests is less likely)
When a fecal float and antigen test are combined, the combined specificity is lower when compared to the specificity of each individual test, why is that?
(Bc an animal is considered negative if it is detected negative for both tests → your probability to get a false positive increases)
What is specificity most affected by?
(Reader error)