Parasites - Block 3 Flashcards
What are the presnetation of acute giardia?
Diarrhea: foul smelling, copious, light colored, fatty stool
Cramps, bloating, flatulence
Malaise, anorexia, N, belching
How is giardia transmitted?
Fecal oral
What are the presentation of chronic giardia?
- Periods of diarrhea alternating with constipation
- Weight loss, lactose intolerance, Vit B12 and ADEK def
Non pharm for giardia?
Hydration and electrolyte replacement
Caution with antidiarrheal
Pharm for giardia?
- Tinidazole 2g 1 dose with food
- Metronidazole for 5-7 days (safe in 2nd and 3rd trimester)
- Nitazoxanide 500 mg every 12 hours with food × 3 days
- Paromomycin 25 to 35 mg/kg/day in three divided oral doses for 1 week
Diarrhea should stop within 3-6 days
What are the types of amebiasis?
- Intestinal disease
- Amebic liver abscess
Microscopic examination of stool is usually negative in patients with extraintestinal amebiasis
What are the presentation of intestinal dx amebiasis?
- Dysentry
- Vague ab discomfort
- Eosinophilia
What are the presentation of amebic liver abscess?
- High fever, rigors and profuse sweating, leukocytosis, elevated Alk phos
- Right upper quadrant pain, hepatomegaly, and liver tenderness
Amebiasis prevention?
Avoid local tap water, ice, salads, unpeeled fruits
Tx for intestinal amebiasis?
1. Metronidazole 7-10 days
2. Tinidazole 3-5 days
Tx for asymptomatic cyst passers?
1. Paromomycin x 7days
2. Iodoquinol x 20 days
Tx for amebic liver abscess?
Tissue acting tx followed by luminal regimen
Describe the presentation of acute chagas dx?
Indurated, erythematous skin lesion
* Romana’s sign
What are the presentation of chronic trypanosomiasis?
Caused by dissemination of trypomastigotes in blood
* Ivade cardiac tissue (cardiomyopathy) and smooth muscles (uncoordinated peristalsis)
Tx for Chagas?
- Benznidazole x 60 days
- Nifurtimox x 90 days: GI disturbances may affect adherence
Tx for Chagas in pregnancy?
Tx is typically delayed until after delivery and infant is treated
What are predominant Plasmodia species that cause malaria?
- P. falciparum
- P. vivax
- P. knowlesi
- P. malariae
- P. ovale
Manifestation of malaria?
- Feverm rigors
- Anemia
- Jaundice
- Splenomegaly
- Hepatomegaly
- Malarial paroxysm
What is malarial paroxysm?
- Starts with malaise, abrupt chills and fever rising to 102.2 to 105.8 F, rapid and thready pulse, polyuria, headache, myalgia, and nausea
- After 2 to 6 hours, fever falls, and profuse sweating occurs for 2 to 3 hours
- Followed by extreme fatigue