Para Flashcards
What is the general purpose of “para”?
To express the purpose or the objective of what we do (the target is ahead of what we do).
What is the specific use 1 (of 7) of para?
- to mean “destined for”, “to be given to”
2. Use when something has a particular recipient
La cerveza es para ti
The beer is for you.
What is the specific use 2 (of 7) of para?
To indicate a specific time - use the preposition para when something has a deadline or a start date.
Las obras de remodelación de la catedral están previstas para marzo del 2011
The refurbishment of the cathedral is scheduled for March, 2011.
El trabajo de biología es para entregar mañana.
The Biology assignment is due tomorrow.
What is the specific use 3 (of 7) of para?
- To mean In the employ of.
2. use the preposition para to talk about the person, company or sector for which a person works
El detenido trabajaba para uno de los grupos terroristas más temidos del planeta.
The detainee worked for one of the most feared terrorist groups in the world.
Fernando está muy ilusionado por comenzar a trabajar para una compañía internacional.
Fernando is very excited about starting to work for an international company.
What is the specific use 4 (of 7) of para?
- To mean compared with others, in one’s opinion.
2. use the preposition para to compare ideas or people with others or to express ideas under someone’s opinion
Para mí, la amistad es lo más importante.
In my opinion, friendship is the most important thing.
Juan no es muy buen cantante para haber estudiado música por tantos años.
Juan is not a good singer to have studied music for many years.
Para ser una top-model, no tiene mucho estilo desfilando por la pasarela.
To be a top-model, she doesn’t have much style parading down the catwalk.
What is the specific use 5 (of 7) of para?
- To be used for/by.
- use the preposition para to describe the use or utility of something, or that something is destined to be used by somebody.
Una lavadora se usa para lavar ropa.
A washer is to be used to wash clothes.
Estoy guardando esas galletas para que se las coma tu primito cuando venga.
I’m keeping those cookies for your little cousin so he can eat them when he comes.
Es un hotel para turistas.
It is a hotel for tourists.
What is the specific use 6 (of 7) of para?
- In order to, for the purpose of
2. use the preposition para when somebody does something with a final target, or somebody does something for a reason.
Sólo el 40% de las células solares se usan para conseguir energía solar.
Only 40% of solar cells are used for solar electricity.
Trabajo para ganar dinero.
He works in order to get money.
Debí enviar el paquete por correo urgente para que llegara más rápido.
I should have sent the package through urgent service in order to get to its destination faster.
Para cocinar una buena paella, hay que medir bien el tiempo de cocción.
In order to cook a good paella, one should measure well the cooking time.
Iremos al supermercado para comprar comida para la fiesta.
We’ll go to the supermarket in order to get food for the party.
What is the specific use 7 (of 7) of para?
- To mean In the direction of.
2. use the preposition para to talk about the destination of somebody or something.
Voy de camino para allá.
I’m on my way there.
Estamos yendo para el bar. Llámame cuando llegues.
We’re going to the bar. Call me when you get there.