Paper 2 - Lofts and Palmer on eyewitness testimony Flashcards
What was the aim of this study
To investigate the accuracy of memory and in particular the effect of leading questions on memory
What is a leading question
question that suggests to the wines what answer is desired / leads them to the desired answer
What was the design of experiment 1
- laboratory experiment
- independent measures design
- snapshot study
What is the IV and DV for experiment 1 ?
- IV: The verb used in the vital question “how fast were the cars going when they [ ]”
- DV: How fast the pps said the car was going when they [ ] in mph from the film clips.
What was the sample of experiment 1
- 45 American college students
- divided into 5 groups
- opportunity sampling
What was the materials of experiment 1
7 clips of car accidents into a brief film
What was the procedure of experiment 1
- pps were shown a film of 7 car accident clips and were asked to describe the accident and then given a series of questions about the film. the vial question ‘ how fast were the cars going when they [ ] each other ?’ was asked in the questionnaire.
2.pps were in 5 groups, each group was given a different verb:
What were the results of experiment 1
- The mean speed estimates were faster for those given the verb ‘smashed’ then ‘contacted’
- smashed- 40.8mph
- collided- 39.3mph
- bumped- 38.1mph
- hit-34.0mph
- contacted- 31.8mph
what are the discussion points of experiment 1
- the verb the pps were given influnces/biases their response, e.g. smashes suggests it was noisy and therefore they were travelling at a higher speed.
- memory is altered as the verb changes perception, the verb suggests a more serious event so the event is remembered in a more serious way.
what was the aim of experiment 2
to see if leading questions changed a persons subsequent memory of the event they witnessed
What was the design of experiment 2
- lab experiment
- independent measures design
- longitudinal study
What is the IV and DV in experiment 2 ?
- IV: The verb used in the vital question “how fast were the cars going when they [ ]”
- DV: How fast the pps said the car was going when they [ ] in mph from the film clips. Also, whether the pps thought they saw broken glass in the film clips
What was the sample of experiment 2
- 150 American college students
- opportunity sampling
what are the materials of experiment 2
a one minute film clip of 4 car crash clips
what was the procedure of experiment 2
1.pps watched the 1 minute car film clip and were asked to describe the car crash and answer a series of specific questions including the speed question.
2. The groups were split into 3 groups of 50.
group one- smashed
group 2-hit
group 3- asked no question as a control group
3. one week later the pps retuned to the lab and were asked if they saw any broken glass in a questionnaire with 10 questions
what was the results of experiment 2
- smashed-10.46mph
- hit-8mph
- smashed- 16yes, 34no
- hit- 7yes, 43no
- control- 6 yes, 44no
what are the discussion points of experiment 2
- memory takes in 2 types of information, our personal perception during the even and external information after the event.
- overtime these combine into one memory altering the true memory of the real events.
evaluate the sample in this study
- strengths- the pps were easily obtained and the large sample in experiment 2 improves population validity
- weaknesses- unique characteristics within the sample, e.g. intelligence and memory levels so may be less effected by leading questions. older people’s memory is affected by source monitoring (where the info came from), therefore they may become more prone to the effect of leading questions. we cannot generalise to the older and younger.
evaluate the ethics in this study
- informed consent - they didn’t know the true aim of the study (deception), however this allowed for less demand characteristics
- deception- lied to about the aim, however its seen as acceptable as it caused them no known harm
- harm- no known harm but could negatively effect some people (ptsd)
evaluate the validity in this study
- high control of extraneous variables and standardised procedures (same questionnaire) means high internal validity.
- low ecological validity due to the lab environment and this also may lead to demand characteristics which will also decrease validity of the results.
evaluate the reliability in this study
- high external and internal validity due to the laboratory design.
- This means that extraneous variables were highly controlled so that there was no distracting causing unnatural behaviour contributing to the reliability of the study.
- Also, the standardised procedures such as the same question to each pps with 10 questions in and the important imbedded question.
- This improves internal and external reliability.
evaluate the data type in this study
- quantitative data was collected allowing for objective numbers that can be easily concluded into graphs/charts.
- however, it gives no detail into why pps estimated their speed/ thought they saw glass.
- it also suggests simplistic answers to complex psychological topics.
what relation does this study have to the nature/nurture debate
fits with the nurture side of the debate as leading question affect the memory. the environment changed the answer given, not biological reasons.
what’s the usefulness of the research behind this study
- real life applications to influence the development of the cognitive interview technique-to avoid leading questions.
- important application in regards to the convictions being based largely on unsound eye witness testimonies
- innocence project-mistaken ewt contributed to 71% of wrongfully convicted people on the usa
how does this support psychology as a science
- lab experiment means a high level of control over the environment-making it valid (films counterbalanced to reduce order effects)
- high reliability due to standardised procedures.
- objective quantitative data (speed in mph and amount who saw broken glass)