Paper 1 - Ethical Considerations Flashcards
what’s the BPS
British psychology society is the representative body for psychology in the uk. the code of ethics and conduct is a guide for psychologists in their research and also to guide psychologists who are treating patients with psychological problems. Any psychologist who doesn’t follow this will lose their license.
What are the 4 main components in the BPS ?
what does respect include ?
informed consent, confidentiality, privacy and right to withdraw.
what does competence include ?
awareness of professional ethics and making ethical decisions
what does responsibility include ?
protection from harm and debriefing.
what does integrity include ?
honesty (avoiding deception) and addressing misconduct.
What’s anonymity and confidentiality ?
a participants right to have personal information protected through withholding their name or keeping information safe.
- It may not be possible to keep information anonymous because some details of a study may lead to their identification.
What’s deception ?
occurs when a participant is not told the true research aims of a study or not told what they’re required to do.
- if participants know the research aims it may lead to demand characteristics.
what’s informed consent ?
participants are given comprehensive information concerning the nature and purpose of the study and their role in it.
- certain people aren’t able to give informed consent such as young children and vulnerable individuals who may not understand instructions. i’m this case the parents and guardians give consent instead.
- may cause demand characteristics if they know the true aim of the study.
what’s privacy ?
refers to a persons right to withhold and control information about themselves
-researchers may not wish to alters participants to the fact they’re being observed as this will cause observer effect and demand characteristics.
what’s right to withdraw ?
participants should be told that they can stop participating in a study if they’re uncomfortable.
- the loss of participation may cause bias in a study.
what’s protection from harm ?
participants shouldn’t feel negatively physically or psychologically effected. they should leave in the same state they entered in
- it may not be possible to estimate harm before it’s conducted. however it should be stopped immediately or harm is present.
What are the three ways of dealing with ethical issues ?
ethics committee
presumptive consent
what debriefing ?
a post research interview designed to inform people about the true nature of the study. it aims too restore participants to the state they were in at the start of the study. participants should be given the right to refuse permission for the researcher to use any data they produced.
what’s the ethics committee ?
a group of people within a research institution that approve a study before it begins. they look at ethical issues and how they deal with it. they evaluate the research value against costs in ethical terms.
what’s presumptive consent ?
a method for dealing with lack of informed consent, or deception. ask a group of people who are similar to the participants wether they agree or disagree to participate in the study . if this group consents the researcher can assume that the real participants will consent.