Paid 5-74 Flashcards
Firefighter whose eligibility to work MSOT is limited
- Exceeds Battalion average by 60 hours but less than 75 hours
- Only can work 1 Tour of MSOT until next printout
- Exceeds Battalion average by 45 hours but less than 60 hours
- No more than 24 Hours until next printout
On both of the above scenarios the member will have () next to their name
Firefighters who are ineligible to work MSOT
- Exceeds Battalion average by 75 on latest printout (**)
- On Accrued or Terminal leaves
- Granted time off (Self MX, Comp Time)
- Any FF 6th grade with less than 9 months of service (Can be hired if all other reasonable efforts have been exhausted)
- FF with incomplete mutual exceeding 30 days not repaid BC MAY RESTRICT MSOT until repayment
For the purpose of computing Battalion Averages of members in the MSOT pool on the MSOT printout the following employees shall be excluded
- All Probationary Firefighters
* All members who have $0.00 MSOT during the preceding 52 week period
Who can adjust the Redline
Chief Of Operations
MSOT tour assignments should be offered to members through the OOD on the basis of
*Lowest number of hours worked during the previous 52 week period as reflected on the latest bi-weekly printout. If hours worked are equal the senior member shall be given preference
In exceptional circumstances the on duty BC may deviate from the following hiring preferences
- Working 2nd tour of duty
- Working 1st but available due to a mutual
- Working a mutual
- Any other FF except on VL
- Any FF on VL
- Nobody available can hire 6th grade with less than 9 months service
Battalion Commanders or Chief Of Operations have the discretion to
*Institute a mandatory standby policy of one or all groups going off their 2nd tour of duty
Any member that does not fulfill their standby obligation
If all eligible FF’s offered MSOT decline, the Battalion shall order the
*JUNIOR eligible members on duty to work MSOT
Not the lowest hours
A FF ordered to perform an MSOT tour may, for good and sufficient reason and if time permits
*Provide an eligible replacement
Any FF whose cumulative total of hours worked falls 45 or more hours below the Battalion Average
Shall not be permitted to make any 24 hour mutuals until such total is within 45 hours of the Battalion Average UNLESS they make themselves available for overtime during their off tours. They must make themselves available AT LEAST 24 hours before the tour when overtime is projected within the Battalion. If you volunteer and do not fulfill your obligation then you loose your 24’s
DSCO will provide an advance staffing report to all Battalions
48 hours prior to the start of the tour. Corrected staffing reports shall be returned to DSCO by the Battalion no later than 24 hours prior to the start of the tour. Any changes to the staffing shall be reported directly on the advance sheet
DSCO will provide the FINAL staffing report to the battalions by
*1800 hours the day prior to the tour
At the 9x6 and 6x9 Roll Calls the OOD
Shall conduct a poll of eligible FF’s to determine if they will accept or decline an MSOT assignment for the following 2 tours. This info will be relayed to the Battalion. The Battalion shall consult the printout to determine eligibility.
After all units have been brought up to minimum staffing level, the Battalion shall notify the
Next 3 members in the priority column that they are designated as standbys for MSOT. The standby members will be used to cover last minute vacancies. Early relief is not to be granted to members on standby.
MSOT printouts are available from the
MIRS application
Aides to chief officers shall be included in the MSOT eligibility list of the
*Battalion in which the Chief’s quarters are located
If a vacancy occurs in the Chief’s Aide group,
The Chief may detail a trained Aide from a company or unit. If the detail of the relief Aide results in less than Minimum Staffing within the Battalion, an eligible FF shall be provided to meet Minimum Staffing requirements. An eligible off duty Aide may be assigned overtime to fill the vacancy in the Chief’s Aide group if a relief Aide is not available and the vacancy will reduce staffing within the battalion below Minimum Staffing requirements.
The Overtime Control Unit (OTCU) will monitor the
*Computer printout sheets of all units to assure proper control and distribution of overtime
FF’s 6th grade after completion of Probationary FF Training shall be assigned the
*Battalion average number of MSOT hours in their assigned Battalion
Upon transfer, FF’s will
Maintain their currents MSOT hours in their new assignment and their eligibility position will be determined thereby. This also applies to any member when detailed or when returning from such detail.
Vacancies occurring after the start of the tour due to emergencies or conditions beyond the Departments control shall be
*Exempt from the foregoing Minimum Staffing requirement
Firefighters between consecutive day or night tours may be permitted to work a maximum of
6 hours
A member will not normally be granted MSOT to maintain Minimum Staffing when the reason for the shortage is a
*Funeral detail. All available light duty and staffing above “C” shall be used to staff the detail before MSOT is authorized
Any member performing any type of overtime shall not be selected for
Acting out of title in the rank of LT
A member requesting ML is not entitled to OT after the end of the tour while awaiting determination by the Medical Officer. OT will be authorized only if the
*Medical Officer believes it is imperative that the member await examination by the Medical Officer
Medical leave shall commence when such designation is made by the
*Medical Officer in person or by telephone or at the end of the tour
In the event that no members are available to await relief, in his instance a unit may
*Start the tour with one member less than the minimum staffing levels as defined in AUC 287 while awaiting the arrival of the detail
All applications for excusal from MSOT shall be evaluated by the
Chief Of Operations prior to approval or disapproval. Only requests with EXCEPTIONAL circumstances will be considered for approval and shall specify the duration and basis for the request. Applications shall be for the duration of the approved request or the balance of the year, whichever is sooner. However the Dept reserves the right to place members back into the MSOT pool when the needs of the Dept warrant.
Members returning to the MSOT pool from excusals shall be assigned the
Current Battalion Average of MSOT hours worked
Ladder companies ride with ___ firefighters during delegate meetings
5 firefighters
New change
If no members are available to await relief you can start the tour with________than minimum staffing
One Less
New change
The hiring order for MSOT. Pick the firefighter with the lowest hours
- Working 2nd tour
- Working 1st tour off on a mutual 2nd tour
- Working a mutual
- Any other willing to work (home, msot, rsot, self mx bank)
- On vacation leave
- 6th grade if no one else available
Who is ineligible to work MSOT
Working more than 24 hours
Exceeds battalion average by 75 hours (redlined)
Granted time off (self mx, comp time)
6th grade with less than 9 months
Owes self mx > 90 days - MAY be restricted
Incomplete mx owed > 30 days
Partial tour coverage only these are eligible to work
1) Members completing a tour
2) Incoming members scheduled to start a tour
Category 1 then category 2
Lowest hours
Must not be redlined
Members in between tours can work up to ____ hours
6 hours