Page 6 Flashcards
携帯電話 (けいたいでんわ)
-mobile telephone, cellular telephone
(Keitaidenwa) o motte inainode, renraku ga toremasen.
I don’t have a cell phone, so I can’t contact you.
保留 (ほりゅう)
-reservation, putting on hold, deferment, withholding
Sono-ken wa mada hanashiai ga sunde inainode (horyū)desu.
The matter has not been discussed yet, so it is on hold.
お守り (おまもり)
-charm, amulet
Mōsugu juken’nanode, jinja de (omamori) o kaimashita.
I have an entrance exam coming up soon, so I bought an amulet at a shrine.
済む (すむ)
-to finish, to end, to be completed
Shokuji wa mō (sumimashita) ka.
Have you finished your meal yet?
事件 (じけん)
-event, affair, incident, case, plot, trouble, scandal
Saikin iroiro kowai (jiken) ga ōi.
There have been a lot of scary incidents lately.
歴史 (れきし)
Nihon’no(rekishi) ni kyōmigārimasu.
I’m interested in Japanese history.
選択 (せんたく)
-choice, selection, option
変換 (へんかん)
-change, conversion, transformation
Moji o (sentaku) shite (henkan) shimasu.
Select and convert characters.
決める (きめる)
-to decide, to choose, to determine, to make up one’s mind, to resolve, to set one’s heart on, to settle, to arrange, to appoint, to fix
Ryokō no ikisaki o (kimemashita).
I decided on a destination for my trip.
登録 (とうろく)
-registration, accession, register, entry, record
JLPT ni mōshikomu mae ni, namae ya jūsho nado o (tōroku) shite kudasai.
Before applying for JLPT, please register your name, address, etc.
修理 (しゅうり)
-repair, mending, fixing, servicing
Pasokon ga kowa retanode, (shūri) shite moraimashita.
My computer broke, so I had it repaired.
終了 (しゅうりょう)
-end, close, termination
Honjitsu no eigyō wa (shūryō) shimashita.
Today’s business has ended.
画像 (image, picture, portrait)
-image, picture, portrait
Mēru to issho ni (gazō) o okurimashita.
I sent the image along with the email.
書類 (しょるい)
-document, papers
保存 (ほぞん)
-(preservation, conservation, storage, maintenance)
-saving (e.g. to disk)
Kono (shorui) o fairu ni irete, (hozon) shite okimasu.
Put this document in a file and save it.
中央 (ちゅうおう)
-centre, center, middle, heart
Heya no (chūō) ni tēburu ga arimasu.
There is a table in the center of the room.
印 (しるし)
-mark, sign
-symbol, emblem
Kono (shirushi) wa, torikeshi o arawashite imasu.
This symbol represents a cancellation.
印刷 (いんさつ)
Kaigi no shiryō o 50-mai (insatsu) shite kudasai.
Please print out 50 sheets of meeting materials.