Page 2 Flashcards
営業 (えいぎょう)
-business, trade, operations
Konbini wa, 24-jikan (eigyō)desu.
Convenience stores are open 24 hours.
備える (そなえる)
-to prepare for, to make preparations for, to make provision for
Jishin ni (sonaete), mizu to tabemono ga oite okimashou.
Keep water and food in case of an earthquake.
放送 (ほうそう)
-broadcasting, broadcast, program, announcement
Jishin no nyūsu o rajio no (hōsō) de shirimashita.
I learned about the earthquake news from a radio broadcast.
定員 (ていいん)
-capacity (of a bus, boat, theatre, etc.), seating capacity
-fixed number (of people), prescribed number (of regular personnel, students, etc.), quota, numerical limit, complement
Kono erebētā no (teiin) wa, 10-ridesu.
The capacity of this elevator is 10 people.
流行 (りゅうこう)
-fashion, trend, vogue, craze, fad, popularity
Wakamono no ma de, Nihon no fasshon ga (ryūkō) shite iru.
Japanese fashion is becoming popular among young people.
閉店 (へいてん)
-closing up shop (for the day)
Kono mise wa nanji ni (heiten) shimasu ka.
What time does this store close?
点 (てん)
-mark (in an exam, etc.), grade, score, points
Senshū no tesuto de 100-(ten) o torimashita.
I got 100 points on last week’s test.
点検 (てんけん)
-inspection, examination, checking
Erebētā ni mondai ga nai ka dō ka (tenken) shite imasu.
We are checking the elevator for any problems.
私鉄 (してつ)
-private railway
Tōkyō no densha wa, JR no hoka ni, takusan no (shitetsu) ga aru.
In addition to JR, there are many private railways in Tokyo.
切符 (きっぷ)
SUICA o motte irunode,-eki de kippu o kawanakute mo ī.
Since I have SUICA, I don’t have to buy a ticket at the station.
精算 (せいさん)
-exact calculation, squaring of accounts, adjustment
Eki no (seisan)-sho de tarinai okane o haraimashita.
I paid the missing amount at the checkout counter at the station.
駅の(改札口)を出たところで、 待ち合わせましょう。
改札口 (かいさつぐち)
-ticket barrier, ticket gate, wicket
Eki no (kaisatsu guchi) o deta tokoro de, machiawasemashou.
Let’s meet when you exit the station ticket gate.
時刻表 (じこくひょう)
-timetable, schedule
Eki no (jigokuhyō) de, densha no jikan o shirabemashita.
I checked the train times on the station timetable.
テストで、 (下線)部の漢字の読み方を答える問題がある。
下線 (かせん)
-underline, underscore
Tesuto de, (kasen)hō no kanji no yomikata o kotaeru mondai ga aru.
In the test, there is a question in which you have to answer how to read the underlined Kanji characters.
番号 (ばんごう)
-number, series of digits
Watashi no heya no (bangō) wa 301desu.
My room number is 301.
事故があったので、 (道路)が混んでいます。
道路 (どうろ)
-road, highway
Jiko ga attanode, (dōro) ga konde imasu.
There was an accident, so the road is crowded.