Page 44 Flashcards
What are actual damages for defamation?
All injuries to the plaintiff’s reputation
What are special damages for defamation?
Quantifiable money losses due to injury to reputation, like loss of customers, job, etc.
What are general damages for defamation?
Nonpecuniary injury to reputation like humiliation, loss of friends, etc.
Why are general damages presumed in defamation?
Because of the nature of the statement
How does the jury estimate the amount of presumed general damages for defamation?
Based on the extent of injury to reputation
How has the constitution altered common-law defamation?
At common law defamation was a strict liability tort, but modernly the status of the individual is important
What is New York Times malice?
Deliberate falsity or reckless disregard for the truth of what was published
Is negligence enough for New York Times malice?
No, the defendant had to have actually entertained serious doubts about the truthfulness of the publication
What is the standard of proof for New York Times malice?
Actual malice with convincing clarity
What is the standard of convincing clarity for New York Times malice?
More than a preponderance of the evidence but less than beyond a reasonable doubt
Who has the burden of proof for modern defamation?
The plaintiff for all except private concert/private person
What are the different categories included in modern defamation?
- public OFFICIAL
- public FIGURE
Who are considered public officials for defamation?
People in positions that affect policy and have/appear to have substantial responsibility/control over government affairs
Why is the standard for defamation not as rigorous for public officials?
Because the public needs to be able to speak freely and criticize them without being liable
What was the New York Times v Sullivan case about?
An ad about police behavior and Martin Luther King that resulted in a Supreme Court ruling that a public official can only prevail in defamation if the defendant acted with malice which is shown by clear and convincing evidence
What status category for defamation are police in?
Public Officials
What are the different categories of public figure for modern defamation?
- all-purpose public figure
- limited public figure
- involuntary public figure
What is an all-purpose public figure?
Someone that has achieved fame and notoriety in all purposes and contexts
What is an example of an all-purpose public figure?
Bill Gates or Tiger Woods
What is a limited public figure?
Someone that voluntarily injects himself into or is drawn into a particular public controversy becomes a public figure for a small range of issues