Paeds Flashcards
Orla ulcers strawberry tongue
Bilat conjunctivitis
Cerv lymphs
Polymorphous rash
0-6 months
- atypical features + recurrent USS acutely + dmsa in 6 months
- typical that responds with abx- USS within 6 wks
6 months - 3 yrs old
- atypical acute USS
-recurrent 6wk USS
Both needs dmsa in 6 months
3 yrs+
-atypical USS acutely
- recurrent USS 6 wks + dmsa 6 months
Atypical ft : poor response to abx in 48hrs mass sepsis poor outflow non e coli organism
Diarrhoea 5-7 days stops within 2 wks
Vomiting 1-2 days stops within 3 days
Post meningiocococal b infection
Audiogram as sensoneural deafness is a complication
newborn with bilateral undescended testes
urgent review as associated with congenital adrenal hyperplasia and ambiguous genitalia
if unilateral undescended testes if not descended by 3 months to refer
koplik spots - small white spots on bucal mucosa
rash starts behind the ears then to the whole body 0 desquamation that typicalls spares palms and soles
most common complication is otitis media, where complication that causes death is pneumonia
subacute sclerosisng panencephalitis presents 5-10 yrs after disease
kids who come into contact with affected give immunisation w/n 72hrs if not immunised
Roselea infantum
Fever followed by rash on trunk
Febrile convulsions common
6 months- 2 yrs old
Cannot retract foreskin, ballooning on micturition and no discomfort - reassure and monitor if <2 yrs old
If more than 2 or recurrent uti to refer
Congenital hernias
Congenital hernias
inguinal: repair ASAP
umbilical: manage conservatively if not resolved by age 4-5
Scarlet fever
Rash usually starts on face then body ‘sandpaper’ pink rash and ‘strawberry’ tongue.
caused by Group A beta-haemolytic streptococcus
Immune thrombocytopenia purpura
ITP typically presents in young children with sudden onset of petechiae, bruising, and mucosal bleeding (e.g., nosebleeds). It often follows a viral infection and is characterised by isolated thrombocytopenia on blood tests, with normal white blood cell count and haemoglobin levels.
Several hours after birth, doesn’t cross suture lines, can take months to resolve
Caput succedaneum
Forms at birth
Crosses suture line
Resolves after a few days
Acute lymphoblastic anaemia
causes pancytopenia but is associated with hepatosplenomegaly, lymphadenopathy, and systemic symptoms such as fever and bone pain,
Factor vII or IX (haemophilia)
causes prolonged aPTT due to a coagulation factor deficiency. It is also more likely to present with haemarthrosis (joint bleeding) rather than mucosal bleeding.