health informatics Flashcards
fitness to fly
CABG 10-14 days
PCI 3 days
stroke wait 10 days after event or 3 days if stable
uncomplicated MI - 7 to10 days
complicated MI - 4 to 6 wks
open abdo surgery 10 days
laparoscopy + colonoscopy is 24 hrs
plaster if flight <2 then 24hrs if flight >2hrs then 48 hrs
insurance companies
if pt refused to disclose information then call insurance company to say you cannot give a report and give no reason
reports should be sent within 20 days of reciept
can show pt before sending report - has 21 days to exercise their right
controlled drugs
schedule 1 cannabis
2 - diamorphine pethadine ketamine
3 - pregabalin temazepam midazolam barbituates
4 part 1 zopiclone benzodiazepines (except mida and tema)
part 2 HcG
part 5 codeine oramorph
delphi process
questionnaire then make another one using answers on prev questionnaire
berne method
focuses on interpersonal feeling and communication skills used in psychotherapy
qualitative feedback
open surverys interviews, does not refine questionnaires based on prev questions
Calgary-Cambridge process
focus on communication skills in medical education
Medical exeption form
reciept for payment of a prescription
form to register in GP as a new patient
GMS3 for temporary registration
patient has terminal illness to apply for employment support allowance, PIP disability living allowance
maternity exeption certificate
fast track beenfits when life expectancy is <12 months
Personal independence payment (PIP)
can be for under 65 yrs old
for daily care and mobility
is replacing disability living allowance
is not means tested
patients should normally be likely to need help for atleast >9 months
lead time bias
early screening but does not affect survival