Paediatrics - Genetics Flashcards
What is Turner’s syndrome and some key characteristics?
Females having only one X chromosome
short stature, webbed neck, congential heart defects, delayed puberty, ovarian dysgensis
What is Turner’s syndrome and some key characteristics?
Females having only one X chromosome
short stature, webbed neck, congential heart defects, delayed puberty, ovarian dysgensis
What is Kleinfelter syndrome and some key characteristics?
XXY in males
infertility, hypogonadism, gynaecomastia, tall, long limbs, small chest
What is Kleinfelter syndrome and some key characteristics?
XXY in males
infertility, hypogonadism, gynaecomastia, tall, long limbs, small chest
Name 6 abnormalities in 21 trisomy
Downs syndrome
round face, protruding tongue, short stature, hypotonia, short neck, single palmar crease, congenital heart defect, learning difficulties, delayed motor milestones, T1DM, cataracts, Alzheimer’s, AVSD, leukemia, brushfield spots, epicanthal folds, Hirschprung’s, Tetrology of fallot
What is Pradar-Wili syndrome?
deletion in paternally inherited chromsome 15 or maternal uniparental disomy
neonatal hypertonia, poor feeding, mental retardation, obesity, small genitalia
What is Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy?
X-linked deletion of gene for dystrophin
Becker’s is milder form with mutations on same gene
What is Angelmans syndrome?
deletion in maternally inherited chromsome 15 or paternal uniparental disomy
unprovoked laughing and clapping, mental retardation, seizures and ataxia
What are some symptoms of Duchennes muscular dystophy?
waddling gait, Gower’s sign, slow and clumsy, stairs one by one
What is Edwards syndrome?
trisomy 18
Name 3 symptoms of Edwards syndrome
low birthweight, small mouth and chin, short sternum, flexed overlapping fingers
What are the findings in Fragile X syndrome?
female - sometimes learning difficulties
male - learning difficulties, characteristic face, mitral valve prolapse, autism, hyperactivity
How would you treat Duchenne’s?
What is Patau’s syndrome?
trisomy 13
Name 3 symptoms of Patau’s syndrome
structural defects of brain, eye problems, cleft palate, cardial and renal malformations