Paediatrics Flashcards
What is intussusception?
Telescoping of the terminal ileum into the proximal large bowel – leads to bowel obstruction – can lead to bowel necrosis of not treated
What are the classic symptoms of intussusception?
- Colicky abdo pain and distension
- Red current jelly stools (due to blood + mucous)
- RUQ “sausage shaped” mass
- Flexing of knees to chest to relieve pain
In what age child does Intusssception most commonly occur?
In infants (<12 months) - peak age is 9 month d
What is the treatment for intussusception?
Barium enema
What is the treatment for pinworm infection?
Mebenazole single oral dose
All family/close contacts need to be treated together
What is the transmission of pinworm infection?
faecal oral - someone scratches their butt - eggs in the fingernails get transferred to other surfaces including toys, bedding etc.
Can last on surfaces for a few weeks.
What is the treatment for erythema toxicum neonatorum?
No treatment required. It is benign and self limiting
What microorganism causes bronchiolitis?
RSV virus
What is the most common cause of croup?
Parainfluenza virus
What medication do you use for bronchiolitis prophylaxis in at risk infants/children?
Palivizumab (monoclonal antibody)
What are the main symptoms of Diphtheria?
- fever
- runny nose
- sore throat
- pseudomembranous pharyngitis - thick grey membrane at the pharynx
- severe cervical lymphadenopathy - - - bull neck appearance
What is the most common cause of Epiglottitis?
Haemophilus influenzae type B
How is Diphtheria transmitted?
- most commonly through respiratory droplets (coughs and sneezes)
- can be cutaneous - contact with the particles through open wounds
What is the cause of Roseola infantum?
Human herpes virus 6
What are the classic symptoms of Roseola infantum/6th disease?
Very high fever for 3 days - fever settles THEN you get a rash - usually spares the face
Rose pink macular, non itchy rash - sometimes surrounded by a fine halo
Fever is usually 39-40 and can present as febrile seizure
What is the cause of hand foot and mouth disease?
coxsackievirus type A
What are the key symptoms of hand foot and mouth disease?
- fever
- sore throat
- Rash all over the body including hands and feet that becomes vesicular
- mouth ulcers
Caused by Coxsackie virus
What is erythema infectiosum?
also known as 5th disease
It is infection by human parvovirus B19
What are the symptoms of 5th disease? (Parvovirus)
- mild illness
- fever, sore throat, runny nose for a couple days. symptoms settle THEN the rash appears
- red rash on the cheek
- “Lacey” red rash on arms, legs, trunk
What are classical features of measles?
measles is also known as RUBEOLA
- fever
- 3 Cs - cough, coryza, conjuctivitis
- Koplick’s spots - white spots on buccal mucosa (inside of cheek)
- On the 3rd day, the koplick’s spots disappear and the rash appears - starting behind the ears/head
What illness does Rotavirus cause
It causes diarrhoea illness in infants and children. Babies are vaccinated against it at 8 weeks and 12 weeks. It is a live attenuated vaccine.
What is the cause of glandular fever
a.k.a infectious mononucleosis
Epstein Barr Virus (EBV)
Developmental milestones: Can transfer objects from hand to hand
3-6 months