Paediatrics 👧🏾 Flashcards
Speech sound disorder
Dysfunctional speech articulation presenting as difficulty articulating specific sounds
Child hood onset fluency disorder
Dysfunction in speech fluency (stuttering
Social communication disorder
Dysfunctional verbal and non-verbal communication. Unlike autism, these patients don’t have restricted interests or repetitive behaviours
When does the Babinski reflex naturally disappear
One year old
Constitutional growth delay
 Growth curve remains consistent, but is low. In essence it’s lagging behind the other children. NBME case. Has delayed bone age . Children will eventually reach a good height
Familial short stature
 Short stature, with at least one of the parents also being short. Burnage corresponds with chronological age, puberty is not delayed. Adult height will remain low
Main differences between constitutional gross delay and familall short stature
Constitutional growth delay patients have a delayed bone age, and will eventually achieve target height. FSS will have normal bone age and won’t reach target height
On growth chart, if a patient is falling off the growth chart (crossing two major percentile lines) what does that indicate
Failure to thrive. Not familial short stature of constitutional growth delay
Infants with failure to thrive will fall off the curves in which order
Wait, height, heads Circumference 
Newborns lose what percent of the body weight at birth, they should regain it by how long
10%, then by two weeks
Order this for female development:
Thelarche, menarche, growth spurt, pubarche
Thelarche, pubarche, growth spurt, menarche
Order this for male development:
Gonadarche, growth spurt, pubarche, Adrenarche
Gonadarche, pubarche, adrenarche, growth spurt
Androgen insensitivity patience. What procedure must be done
Removal of the gonads to prevent cancer
Horseshoe kidney seen in which trisomy
Meckel diverticulum scene in which trisomy
Which trisomy does holoprosencephaly belong to
Which trisomy does omphalocele belong to
Polydactyl is seen in which trisomy
Lymphedema in neonate can be seen in which chromosome issue
If untreated Fabry. Increase risk of what
Tay Sachs vs Neimann pick
HSmeg in Pick
Main symptoms of meta chromatic leukod
Ataxia and dementia
Exaggerated startle response
Tay sach
Hereditary fructose intol
Aldolase def.
Hypoglycaemia, Jaundice, cirrhosis, vomiting. After eating fruit juice or honey. Lactic acidosis. Urine dipstick is negative
Main cause of failure to thrive in cystic fibrosis
Pancreatic insufficiency
Activity (active 2, only flex 1, absent 0), pulse (>100 2, <100 1, absent 0), grimace (active 2, some flexion 1, flaccid 0), appearance (pink 2, blue extrem 1, blue all over 0), respiratory (vigorous 2, slow irreg 1, absent 0).
8-10 good
4-7 observe
0-4 resus
Coloboma, heart disease, atresia of the choanae, retarded, genital hyperplasia, ear abnormality
VACTERL syndrome
Vertebral, Anal, cardiac, TE, Renal, limb
Gastroschisis is associated with what amniotic fluid issue
Oligohydramnios. Also elevated AFP
Omphalocele versus gastroschisisl. Which is associated with trisomies and Beckwith Witteman. Which is associated with oligo and which is associated with polyhydramnios
Gastroschisis is not associated with other syndromes. And is associated with oligohydramnios. Vice versa for omphalocele
Alagille syndrome
Too few bile ducts for adequate drainage. Causes CHOLESTASIS
Jaundiced neonate, who is febrile, hypertensive and tachypnoeic needs what
Sepsis work up an ICU monitoring
Lecithin : sphingoM ???
> 2, good to go. Mature fetal lungs.
Diagnose this neonatal rash:
Onset within three days. Red pustules on the trunk and proximal extremities. Resolves in a week
Erythema toxicum neonatorum
Diagnose this neonatal rash:
Present at birth. White, firm papules on the face. Resolves in a month
Diagnose this neonatal rash:
Not present at birth. History of overheating. Erythematous papules in areas of occluded eccrine sweat gland
Milia rubra. Can you give topical corticosteroids it’s
Diagnose this neonatal rash:
Present at birth. Diffuse non-read pustules. Eventually becoming hyperpigmented macules with a scale
Neonatal pustular melanosis
Diagnose this neonatal rash:
Onset around three weeks. Red papules and pustules only on the face and scalp
Neonatal Cephalic pustulosis (neonatal acne)
When does neonatal abstinence syndrome kick in
Over 24 hours after birth, when the mothers circulatory drug load decreases in the baby
ALL symptoms gradual or abrupt
AML vs ALL. Which in blocks and which in whites
AML in blocks
ALL in whites more
Second most common place to get neuroblastoma
Paraspinal symp chain
Neuroblastoma: does it doesn’t have opportunity to cross midline
Can cross
Some more random signs of Neuroblastoma
Abdominal distension. Horners if cervicle Symp chain. Opsiclonus myoclonus. Cord compression if paraspinal. FTT, anemia and fever are rare
WAGR syndrome
Wilms , aniridia , genital issues, retardation
Horshoe kidney is associated with m which renal CA
Wilms vs Neuroblastoma
Wilms is smooth, stays on one side. 3-5 years old usually.
NeuroB usually 2 or less years old. Can cross midline. Irregular and crosses midline more
Ewing’s translocation
Ewing’s vs osteosarcoma. Which has systemic symptoms more
Ewing’s found where in long bones
Single lesion of langerhan cell histeocytosis… Tx?
Sx resection