PA04 - Emergent Leadership Issues Flashcards
Ask, Care, Escort
4-Dimensions of Wellness
Being physically healthy, emotionally sound, spiritually reinforced, and socially supported
Physical Health
Being fit physically requires you to focus on five specific components: Cardio Respiratory Endurance, Muscular Endurance, Muscular Strength, Body Composition, and Flexibility.
Emotional Health
elationship and financial problems, family crisis, grief and loss, experiencing failure, illness or injury, difficulty adjusting to a new life changes, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), career problems, and low self-esteem are some of the many issues we face every day
Spiritual Health
Spiritual health equips us with a particular strength during troubled times. Spiritual pain occurs when one has difficulty finding meaning and purpose to life, experiences loss or guilt, or when suffering with a serious illness.
Social Health
Developing a social support network is as easy as volunteering to assist or participate in community events, joining a local gym or club, taking college classes, or even using social media.
Suicide Awareness
Heightened individual and community awareness of suicide, suicide risk factors, and the fact that suicide is only the ―tip of the iceberg‖ of psychosocial problems.
Risk Factors
includes, but is not exclusively limited to, relationship difficulties, substance abuse, legal, financial, medical, mental health, and occupational problems, along with depression, social isolation, and previous suicide threats/gestures, which may increase the probability of self-harm.
Suicide Prevention
A community-based approach that includes family, friends, and many different professional and social service providers that are committed to reducing suicide by creating a safety net that provides protection.
Any controlled substance included in schedules I, II, III, IV, and V in Title 21, United States Code, Section 812, including anabolic or androgenic steroids, or any intoxicating substance, other than alcohol, that is inhaled, injected, consumed, or introduced into the body in any manner to alter mood or function
What Is Substance Abuse
any pattern of unconventional misuse of any substance for nonmedical purposes that produces a known health risk or constitutes a danger to self or others.
Leaders must promote an environment that encourages members to come forward and seek help. Whether it is a personal problem or a concern about a coworker, the right environment can go a long way to ensuring that timely intervention occurs.
prevent substance abuse by educating (and mentoring) Airmen on the negative consequences and dangers of excessive alcohol use, on the zero tolerance policy for drug abuse and role modeling responsible use of alcohol.
Leaders can deglamorize alcohol by not exceeding alcohol consumption limits at unit functions and/or during off-duty celebrations with co-workers, bragging about weekend binges, not serving alcohol to minors, playing games that promote high alcohol consumption.
Lead By Example
Supervisors must realize that the example they set will go a long way toward younger Airmen’s compliance with policy.
Members who are not currently under investigation or pending action because of an alcohol-related incident are eligible to self-identify
Commander Referrals
Commanders refer all members for an assessment when substance use could be a contributing factor in an incident.. Enlisted can only advise…not refer
Medical Identification
Healthcare providers who suspect substance problems must refer the member to the ADAPT program for evaluation.
Substance-Related Incident
the majority of members who enter ADAPT are identified because of an alcohol-related incident. The commander will refer the member to ADAPT after notification in such instances that law enforcement or other disciplinary authority becomes involved.
Drug Testing
This is the overarching umbrella for the substance abuse program. Testing occurs for a variety of reasons: probable cause, random selection, voluntary consent, command directed, self-identification, and rehabilitation.
describes positive stress. Eustress results from exhilarating experiences. Eustress is the stress of winning and achieving—for instance, inheriting a large amount of money or receiving an unexpected promotion.
Distress is the stress of losing, failing, overworking, and not coping. Distress affects people in a negative and often harmful manner.
Organizational Stress
Pressure to avoid errors or complete tasks in a limited time period, work overload, a demanding and insensitive boss, and unpleasant coworkers are a few examples.
Individual Stress
encompasses factors that comprise the individual’s personal life. Primarily, this focuses on family and personal economic problems.
Combat Stress
when there is a change in mental function or behavior during combat as a result of actual battle conditions or the potential for battle conditions.
Operational Stress
Operational stress occurs when there are changes in mental functioning or behavior during military operations other than war (e.g., humanitarian missions, rescue missions, natural disasters).
A stressor is any mental or physical challenge or challenges.
Human Relations
the relations between two or more people. In the Air Force, the goal of every supervisor is for human relations to have a positive connotation.
Unlawful discrimination
discrimination based on color, national origin, race, religion, or sex that is not otherwise authorized by law or regulation.
Personal Discrimination
Individual actions taken to deprive a person or group of a right because of color, national origin, race, religion, or sex.
Systemic Discrimination
The action by an institution (or system) that, through its policies or procedures, deprives a person or group of a right because of color, national origin, race, religion, or sex.
Sexual Harassment
a form of sex discrimination that involves unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature
An allegation of unlawful discrimination based on race, color, national origin, religion, or sex.
Formal Complaint
Allegation of unlawful discrimination or sexual harassment that is submitted in writing on AF Form 1587-1 to the authority designated for receipt of such complaints.
Informal Complaint
Allegation of unlawful discrimination or sexual harassment, made either orally or in writing on an AF Form 1587-1, that is not submitted as a formal complaint.
Equal Opportunity
The right of all persons to participate in, and benefit from, programs and activities for which they are qualified.
A judgment against or an opinion contrary to anything without just grounds or sufficient knowledge.
Exaggerated belief about a category of people. It rationalizes our conduct toward that category.
Any attitude or action of a person or institutional structure that subordinates a person or group because of race.
Attitudes and beliefs that one sex is superior to another.
What is Sexual Assault
intentional sexual contact, characterized by use of force, threats, intimidation, abuse of authority, or when the victim does not or cannot consent.
Consent shall not be deemed or construed to mean the failure by the victim to offer physical resistance. Consent is not given when a person uses force, threat of force, coercion, or when the victim is asleep, incapacitated, or unconscious.
the criminal who assaults the victim. Often perpetrators calculate carefully and their intentions are camouflaged by what seems like common social behavior.
a person who enables, encourages, or creates a situation or environment that allows a perpetrator to act.
a person who sees the potential for a sexual assault. The bystander may want to act, but may not know what to do.
the person assaulted by the perpetrator. A victim of sexual assault doesn’t expect this kind of criminal act to take place.