PA/IDs, safety bulletins Flashcards
Who does the officer submit the confidential EEO incident report to?
Directly to EEO officer, in a sealed envelope marked “confidential”
No copies shall be retained by officer
If an officer is notified of an EEO complaint being made, is he required to fill out a confidential EEO incident report?
Only if the member elects voluntarily to provide any information regarding the alleged incident. (Other than just the fact a complaint is being made)
When does the officer make company journal entries with regard to EEO complaints?
How many tours are granted for bereavement leave?
Two 15 hr tours
Two 9 hr tours, one 15 hr tour
How far in advance should a request to take or repay a self-mx be?
At least 72 hrs in advance
What is the max self-mx’s a member can have owed to them at one time?
T or F, a member can work the 6x9 after education day, just not the 6x9 before education day.
False, neither tour can be worked
A member other than 6th grade FFs who attended education day in the past______ months doesn’t have to attend when scheduled with their unit.
When an officer becomes aware of hazing, what should he do?
Report the incident in writing up the chain of command to the chief of department
Who investigates reports of hazing?
Any member who owes more than ___ mutuals, as reflected on ____ BI weekly printouts, will be prohibited from making any more mutuals
They will get a double asterisk** on the compliance report
What type of injury must the officer on duty notify the medical officer about?
For all types of injuries
When must the officer on duty notify the medical officer of a non-biological exposure to one of the members?
Only when showing symptoms
When must the officer notify the medical officer of a biological exposure?
Every time, with or without symptoms.
Blood borne, airborne, other bodily fluids
With what type of exposure must an officer fill out an injury report along with an exposure report.
If member exhibits symptoms from an exposure
Biological and non-biological
When filling out an injury/ exposure report, the FDID number must be included, where can that be found..?
16 digit #
Lower left side of response ticket
If an injury/exposure occurred at a non response, what is recorded as the FDID number on the exposure report?
Officer fills in all 9’s in 16 digit space.
Provide cross streets where injury occurred
When must all injury/exposure reports be submitted ( reports to battalion)
7 days from date of injury/exposure.
With or without members signature
What things are not to be listed as minor injuries?
Burns (other than first degree) Chest pains Sprains or strains Fainting/blackout/loss of memory Shortness of breath
A multiple member injury report is required when?
3 or more members are granted medical leave
Remainder of the tour doesn’t count
When must a apparatus accident report be prepared?
For all accidents AND incidents CD-19
Inform civilians they can file a notice of claim by calling the comptrollers office
An officer would have to categorize an accident as “serious” if…?
Significant damage ( dept OR private prop) Serious injury ( or death to member or civilian)
For an illness not related to an exposure that prevent a member from continuing on duty, (food poisoning, flu) does it need to be recorded in CIRS.?
Does the medical officer need to be notified?
When should biological exposures be entered into CIRS?
Will an injury/ exposure report still be categorized as original if it was modified in CIRS?
Only if it was modified within 7 days of original.
After 7 days modifications will be saved as amendments
When is a multiple member injury report submitted to the chief of operations?
Three or more members suffer injuries requiring medical leave from the same incident
Bereavement leave may not be less than __ calendar days
What color pages of the NOV are served to the respondent?
Gold and green
What color pages on the NOV are sent to the enforcement unit?
Blue and white
What color page of the NOV is saved int he building folder?
When are apparatus seat belts inspected?
Every tour
What is done when you are on BI and the rig is in motion and you receive a run that requires PPE?
The apparatus shall be stopped immediately at the nearest safe location to allow members to don PPE