P3 - Working Scientifically Flashcards
What is a continuous variable
A variable with continous data/results
What is a categoric variable
Single infomation that can be categorised, e.g. eye colour
What is a repeatable result
When the SAME PERSON does an experiment again using the same equipment and method and get similar results
What is a reproducible result
When ANOTHER PERSON does the experiment again and they get similar result
What is reliabke data
Data which is repeatable and reproducible
What is valid data
Results whoch are repeatable and reproducible and answer the original question
What is accurate data
Results which are really close to the true value
What is precise data
When results are close to the mean
When is uncertainty
Different values in measurements due to random error or limits in the resolution in equippment used
What is resolution
The smallest non zero reading that can be measured
What is range
The difference between the highest and lowest values
How to find the uncertainty
Range divided by 2
What is a paralex error
the error that occurs due to incorrect positioning of the eyes while taking a reading on a measuring scale
What is a random error
An error made because of the person
What is a systematic error
An error due to the system or apparatus used
What is a mean
The average of a set of numbers calculated by dividing the sum of the values by the number of values.
What is a median
The middle value in a set of data
What is a mode
The most common number in a set of data
Why does doing an experiment more than once increase the accuracy of the results
Because we can calculate the mean, reducing the effect of random errors and anomolies can be identified and removed
What is the uncertainty?
The uncertwinty refers to how it is impossible to measure physical properties with leffect persiion