P2- Required Practicals Flashcards
1) Reaction time
- Sit down, place forearm of weaker hand on table with hand hanging over the edge of table
- Have partner hold ruler with bottom end in between your fingers so you can practice holding the ruler with 2 fingers
- Have partner hold ruler and remove your fingers
- Have partner hold ruler in line so the 0 mark is level with top of your thumb
- Partner drops ruler not saying, catch ruler as quick as you can
- Record number level with top of your thumb after you catch ruler in a table
- Repeat 5 times and then swap with partner
- Find reaction times using conversion table
2) Plant responses
- Pour fixed volume of water in 3 petri dishes, add cotton wool
- Place 10 seeds in each petri dish
- Place dishes in warm location (incubator) not to be disturbed
- Allow time for seeds to germinate
- If not all seeds have germinated into seedlings remove excess ones so all dishes have the same number of seedlings
- Place 1 dish in full sunlight by a window, place 2nd in partial sunlight and 3rd in darkness in a cupboard
- Use ruler,measure height of each seedling every day for 1 week
- Record in table, find mean height each day, plot a graph
3a) Field Investigation/Quadrats (A)
- Use random generator to get 2 numbers to be used as coordinates to find a location on 2 tape measures set up
- Set down the quadrat at the coordinates
- Count and record number of required plant species in quadrat
- Repeat 1-3 to take 9 more samples
- Estimate population size using equation: area sample/ total area x number of plant species counted
3b) Field Investigation/Quadrats (B)
- Write down a hypothesis of the effect of a change in an abiotic factor (eg light intensity) on the distribution of the plant species
- Lay down tape measure from base of a tree to open area of ground
- Place quadrat along ‘0’ end of tape measure, with one corner touching ‘0’ mark
- Count number of plants and record in a table
- Place quadrat 5m up tape measure and repeat s3
- Repeat s4 at 5m intervals until you reach end of transect line
- Gather data, find mean number of plants at each point along transect
- Plot a graph and compare results to hypothesis
4) Decay
- Write down hypothesis for the effect of temperature on rate of decay of milk
- Fill 1/2 of beaker with hot water from kettle or water bath
- Transfer 5cm3 lipase solution into boiling tube using syringe
- Add 5 drops of phenolphthalein into another tube, label ‘milk’
- Use pipette to transfer 5cm3 of milk into ‘milk’ tube
- use another pipette to transfer 7cm3 sodium carbonate solution to ‘milk’ tube to make purple/pink solution
- Place thermometer into ‘milk’ tube
- Place both boiling tubes into water bath
- Give time for solutions in tubes to reach same temp as bath
- Use new pipette, transfer 1cm3 lipase from ‘lipase’ tube into ‘milk’ tube and start timer immediately
- Record time required for colour change to white in a table
- Repeat at same temp twice to record a mean
- Repeat at different temps and plot a graph of time against temperature